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Enclosed I have created a series of affirmations which will lead to great natural transformations of the soul. May you always return to your light in every circumstance of your life. You are always supported, loved, seen, and heard.
Live your truth as you are a sovereign multifaceted being.
I embrace ascension.
I embrace Universal truth.
I embrace Universal love.
I embrace Universal acceptance.
I embrace transformative change as I awaken through my healing process.
I honour the wisdom and traditions of those before me which lead to a vibrant existence.
I embrace that forgiveness liberates the soul from past confinements that create blocks for progress.
With patience, wisdom, and an open heart, I embrace the infinite nature of the Universe honouring destruction and creation which leads to new developments.
I triumph over adversity.
I embrace uncertainty and unconventional methods.
I am unique, divine, patient, and empathetic.
I integrate and assimilate new ideologies with divine ease.
I am mindful and intentional as I embrace new innovative processes and possibilities.
I honour the Universe, which is the life-force that sustains all existence.
I am connected to nature for its elemental properties instructs and demonstrates the cycles of hope, renewal, and rebirth.
I discover, explore, and experience the opportunities that the Universe unfolds.
I am fluid and adaptable as that is the nature of my essence.
I embrace the evolutionary journey of life.
I believe in endless possibilities.
I encompass leadership as I have the ability to remain flexible, adaptable, and resilient as I thrive through adaptability.
I embrace change as it is constant.
I respect and honour the interconnectedness of all lifeforms.
Through peace and forgiveness, it renewes the soul to accept the beauty and grace of profound change.
I am open to love, intimacy, affection, and compassion.
I respect the renewal process of life.
I am open to rebirth and new beginnings. New beginnings constitute new opportunities to move forward with new perspectives, beliefs, goals, patterns, and to set stronger foundations for future projects.
I conceive and envision a bright future.
I explore and travel through unfamiliar terrain to seek new perspectives and discover new trajectories.
To refrain from destruction enables me safety, inner peace, and solitude.
Rest grants me the ability to become grounded, centred, balanced, rejuvenated in my recovery.
Focus, direction, and vision create impact and influence to shape the future.
We are all eternally interconnected and persevere in every pursuit.
I am fearless, adaptable, and resilient.
I am adaptable and able to adjust to new conditions, situations, and methods.
I am open minded and able to navigate change and challenges with courage, strength, and resilience.
Through inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and unity consciousness we become one.
I trust myself, I accept myself, and I am doing the best job that I can.
I am empowered, motivated, inspired, and strong.
Peace, tranquility, and harmony are within me.
I have complete faith and trust that every situation will result in peaceful resolutions.
May I be awakened to the truth.
Within nature I am balanced, centred, and grounded to my divine self.
I reflect on the natural rhythm of growth and expansion.
I coexist in perfect harmony as serenity surrounds me.
Being a survivor fosters within me a phoenix mindset.
I evoke discernment to see beyond perception, veils, as I understand all circumstances without judgment.
My souls journey leads me to new elevated states of unprecedented healing, awareness and awakening.
I am mindful of my actions, thoughts, words, and presence.
I embrace growth and rejuvenation.
I have the knowledge and opportunity to create the change that is required.
I create safe and loving environments.
I evoke the voice of reason, logic, fairness, and good judgment in all elements of my life.
My ascensions allows spiritual growth, transformation, development, insight, and evolution.
I am grateful, appreciative, and thankful for all of my life experiences as I extract the wisdom which makes me strong.
I build strong foundations.
Family, friendship, community, foster stability and fellowship as our differences and shared experiences create purpose and a sense of cohesion.
I recognize my true authentic and genuine nature.
I am healed, complete, and whole.
I recognize the strength inherent within myself.
I honour creation, transformation, and rebirth.
I am more than my my experiences dictate as they do not define who I am.
I am consciously aware of how my actions impact the lives and trajectory of others.
I am pure conscious state of existence.
My worth, value, and existence are not defined by others.
I deserve to evolve in a safe, loving, peaceful, creative environment where I feel liberated and not constrained.
I am pure divine light.
As I heal I release past limitations.
I am pure essence of light.
I elevate my conscious awareness to focus on perseverance, strength, prosperity as I am in the here and now.
The actions of others do not impact or impede on my progress of what I set my mind to.
I am in an elevated state of awareness as I awaken to new experiences and conscious evolution.
I flow with divine ease and grace.
I am one with the Universe as the Universe is within me.
I am strong, courageous, resilient and I can overcome any challenge within my existence.
I am consciousness rising, as I forge new paths I am open to new beginnings and experiences.
I recognize that intuition is the cornerstone of enlightenment.
I gain inner peace when I seek knowledge within myself. Only I know what is true and right for my highest good.
My natural state is peace.
I am unrestrained, wild, and enthusiastic as I allow my imagination to soar.
My value is not determined by the opinion of others.
I honour the wisdom from all of my experiences as I embark on new visions and direction.
I am courageous and have a fearless wild spirit.
I maintain purity, innocence and imagination with all that I create.
I have the freedom and liberty to choose what I partake in. I am free from constraint, restraint, domination, or hinderance. I am free to speak, act, and think.
Artistic and creative visions reign over my imagination process.
My soul is consistently healing all core roots and fragments every day.
I respect traditional values as I create new innovative processes along my journey and path.
I allow my soul to awaken.
I am independent without restriction.
I am freedom within.
I am divinely blessed and protected in all aspects of my existence.
My thoughts and intentions create my existence.
I am divine creative process overflowing with miracles.
I believe that humanity is all interconnected as we are all one.
I promote diversity, inclusion, and inclusion for we are all born with unique attributes, gifts, and abilities.
Unity consciousness is within all as we as a community are interwoven in the intricate matrix of life.
I trust the process of life.
I am transcendent.
I am guardian of all that is sacred to me. I protect all that is dear to my heart.
I am determined and resolute to see my intentions through.
I set my mind to focus on my divine purpose and I achieve my desired result.
I attract Abundance as abundance surrounds me.
I persevere, rise, begin again, as I seek new solutions and methods.
My life is unfolding within its own time as it is divinely guided to.
I honour myself and my accomplishments.
Within nature, there are no rules and regulations for how to flourish. Nature has no constraints. I grow divinely in my own time and pace without judgment or criticism.
Every sequence of my life evokes patience, for when I am calm I observe and learn.
The wisdom I seek is within me.
I am consciousness state of evolution.
Understanding and patience guide me as I navigate the complexities of life.