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May you always live a life of peace, for your internal peace is the most precious gift that we have been given by the Universe.
May you always be aligned on your path.
May you always know what it feels like to be loved and loved again.
May you always return to your true nature even if you have lost your way in the heat of anger.
May you always have an internal compass to know what is right from wrong.
May you be filled with peace, when life feels heavy and burdensome.
May you believe in your abilities, when there are obstacles and challenges ahead.
May you always know deep within your heart, that you have the ability to choose the right decisions amidst pressures from others.
May you release your fears to the void, for our fears are illusions.
May you take the time to place your feet on the grass on a warm summer day and just enjoy the simplest moments of being in the here and now.
May you take the time to lie down in the snow and have the graceful snowflakes gently touch your face, for in that moment, it is a return to innocence.
May you always believe that you can love what you do and do what you love — there is no time limit for your passions or what you are destined to be.
May you learn from your experiences, and only extract the lessons from it, for it will make you stronger and wiser.
May you always know that in life there are no winners and losers because a loss represents a valued lesson and wisdom. Each experience is a special gift for our evolution.
May you always achieve and elevate in life. Face each day with passion, integrity, and enthusiasm, even if you feel defeated and tired.
May you never doubt that you are not worthy or valued, for you are special and make tremendous positive impact on the daily lives of others.
May you always be good natured. Inner kindness is not a weakness but proof that we lead from the heart.
May you give yourself permission to recover and rest. To abstain from situations that you are not for your highest good, or to recognize it is not your time, is a strength of character, as it demonstrates that you are listening within for Universal direction.
May you evoke patience with those around you, for they are healing and navigating life on their own terms. Always encompass the ancient principle of Oubaitori where each flower blooms at its own divine pace.
May you evoke no judgment, for the decisions of others are no concern to us, for we will never truly comprehend the complexities of their lives, as they are on their own sacred paths.
May your presence always bring light and healing to others, always leave others better than you found them.
May you always find the time to be with those you love, it is those moments that are precious and it restores the fragments of the soul.
May you never become so hard that you do not recognize love again, for each of us meets our other half when we are open.
May you always believe in a better tomorrow, and for new possibilities to awaken.
May you always ignore the negative comments of others, for the spoken word can not be recoiled, and is only said in the heat of an argument.
May you always know that when you face a crisis, you need to pause and not be reactionary, for our actions define our character and create our legacy.
May you always evoke your internal wisdom to see beyond the trees.
May you choose love over greed, for greed is the ego, and love is enlightenment. What is done in the name of love, awakens the soul and purifies it.
May you always know that home is not a destination or a place, it is the life you build with those you love.
May you not live in a bell jar, where you are in an environment that is cut off from the outside world. Seclusion may be a temporary retreat but it becomes a life sentence when one becomes numb and refuses to feel again.
May you give yourself the permission to be vulnerable, for the first cut may be the deepest, however, our scars become our tiger stripes. Love again, love fully, embrace that someone will love you back. You owe it to yourself to feel again.
May you always know that blood does not constitute family, for our lives will bring us incredible individuals that will be there with us through our toughest times, open our souls, and allow us to feel safe.
May you always feel and experience life — it is a precious gift to live.
May you always be healthy for our health is worth more than all the money combined — once you have your health, you are able to accomplish insurmountable tasks.
May you always be true to yourself , just because others may partake in misguided decisions does not mean that you have to be forced to crumble or succumb to their negative force or temptation.
May you always build strong foundations — build with patience and visualize the future. Your foundation is your fortress, it must be strong to withstand opposition.
May you never break up a union of love or friendship, what is not yours should not be coveted, and it is the greatest karmic sin.
May you always be surrounded by those that genuinely want positive outcomes for you.
May you give yourself permission at times, to weed out your social garden if you detect unwanted snakes.
May you always love yourself in this lifetime because you are the one constant element in your life — take care of yourself.
May you always give opportunities instead of taking them away, for your mentorship and leadership will be remembered by your guidance and actions, and not what you took away in greed.
May you always go to bed in peace for the lessons you learn will guide your future decisions of tomorrow.Not all arguments are negative, for they always clear the air of what needs to be said.
May you never see yourself as a failure — we choose who we become — our decisions were made in the time with the knowledge we had at the present moment.Regrets are a waste of our life force, energy, and time, we can only hope to make better decisions in the future.
May you always forgive, forgiveness restores peace in the soul.
May you never doubt yourself, age is not a barrier for what you can achieve, as you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
May you always be the light because you never know who you are hero to.
May you always respect your elders for their life is filled with insurmountable knowledge that will help you navigate the complexities of life.
May you always take the time to listen to children, for they bring us the gift of presence, honesty, and innocence. Always be aware that they are seeing the world at times through your eyes, your decisions make an impact on their projection of life. Allow children to flourish, as their imagination will spark ingenuity.
May you always give the precious gift of time. Your presence is important and valuable to someone right now.
May you always adopt the oldest animal from the shelter, for they long to be loved once again.
May you plant flowers and be surrounded by nature, for nature demonstrates how to be centered, grounded, and that we do not have to grow perfectly to be beautiful.
May you always kiss slowly. A kiss is your signature, your love language, and can stop time.
May you always know that even if your loved ones have passed that remembering the precious moments, helps keep you connected, as they will always live within your heart.
May you always donate and volunteer, for your gift of time, can heal and help someone out of a difficult circumstance.
May you observe those around you, for the five closest people to you, represent who you are, or who you are turning into.
May you always handle all situations with time, for with time, we reflect on the circumstance and adjust our outlook to seek peaceful resolutions.
May you love with your heart and not the mind. The mind will always give excuses as to why a situation will not be successful whereas, the heart feels with true authenticity and is genuine in nature. The heart knows what the mind does not comprehend.
May you live with moments instead of objects for objects are temporary but the moments you create build a lifetime.
May you always be at peace, please know that the worlds troubles do not rest on your shoulders, and within times of uncertainty, solutions always presents themselves for a better tomorrow.