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What does it mean to be a community? How do you change yourself within?
As a united community whether it be globally or nationally we all come together to stand united. No matter what our race, colour, gender, we are all important and full of unlimited potential.
As we grow as a society we will experience many different setbacks that will make us feel like we have lost our path when really it leads us to new destinations.
Enhanced empowerment for yourself and loved ones is vital during these times.
Always listen to your inner instinct for what is for the highest and best for yourself and those you care about.
As we get bombarded with the noise of our daily lives, you must take the time to reset.
We as a society deserve peace, happiness, and above all the right to freely express who we are and to be accepted for who we are.
Embrace who you are and what makes you different and unique.
During this period of time allow your creative faculties to flow with ideas and new methods that might seem abstract to you.
Center yourself, align yourself, be one with nature and explore different parts of your communities to see other aspects from a new perspective.
We only learn through experience.
Allow yourself the time to be who you truly are and to experience life.
You have one life, one body, and unlimited opportunities to turn any situation around.
Believe in yourself and the power of change.
Ask yourself, what is it at your core that you want to change?
Remove any element that makes you feel like you can not freely express who you truly are. As I mentioned in many of my posts, any relationship that is healthy will allow you to be the best version of yourself and will allow you to be free and creative to reach your goals.
You are a pioneer of change and an essence of creative expression.
Do not allow limiting beliefs make you feel otherwise. Remember, those that impose these limiting beliefs do not believe in themselves and deserve our compassion and forgiveness as they are learning as well.
Your potential is unlimited and your ability to be the change that is needed.
Transmute the fear, guilt, sadness and grief, and any limiting belief that is preventing you from being the best version of who you can be. End the patterns that are causing you to doubt yourself.
Do not seek change externally for what you can change internally within yourself. Only you can change your habits, beliefs, and know what is not for your highest good.
Empower yourself everyday to get healthier , stronger, and to see life in many multifaceted ways. Never narrow your perspective. See things for yourself. Never give your power away, always stand strong and believe in yourself and your abilities to create, invent and contribute to society. You are a vital part to this earth. You were born for greatness.