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To release the mind, and to be in the presence of the heart, is true strength. To be whole is to stand alone with unconditional love for yourself and others. To navigate through your existence, one must learn the art of pivoting, to regain your focus. Within every individual, there is a fundamental element that enables us to dare and strive to achieve unprecedented accomplishments. To be recognized, to stand for a purpose far greater than ourselves, is to be, in essence, inspiration in motion. The accumulated sequences of our life, are woven tapestries of strength and perseverance. To act from love not war, to represent and seek justice not revenge, to be unbothered and maintain our inner peace through the wreckage and chaos, is what defines creation, ingenuity, and an innovative mind. To encompass peace balanced with focus, enables the mind to act through rationality rather than reactivity. Once you set your mind, body, and soul free from the negative emotional constraints, which foster challenges and obstacles to your being, you then enable your energy to have the space for forgiveness, and forgiveness liberates the heart, soul, and mind. Balance complexity with beauty and grace in every movement of your life, while incorporating integrity with wisdom. To enable sacred wisdom, one must be in harmony in all aspects of their life, thus, the balance of peace and war with yourself must be remedied and healed.
The core principles of strength, is to have harmony between two trajectories, which are balance and coordination. To remain within the moment, with precision, focus, attention, and allowing yourself the breath of space for fluid movement, is to be in configuration with concentration. When one devotes their life to positive impactful acts, it creates a union of the mind and the heart. Beyond physical attributes, the key is consistency, commitment, and passion, to the point of an art form, mental endurance and fortitude, and above all the commitment to see your vision through.
To acquire unwavering discipline requires focus, patience, understanding, a keen understanding of time, and the art of incremental change while perfecting your practice. To move within the rhythm of your being while healing, enables you to surpass obstacles, barriers, and boundaries that once may have defined your entire existence of being.
To remain agile and flexible, consistently learning from your experiences, enables persistence to solve methodical problems, while improving attention to detail. To foster patience while listening, to become more attentive and less reactionary, enables direction without allowing emotions to cloud judgement in critical situations.
To foster commitment and consistency, to understand the internal dialogue within yourself, enables you to understand your weaknesses amongst your strengths. To be aware of your focus enables you to examine elements that build strong foundations from those that distort your process of becoming who you are meant to be. Through systematic mental discipline, planning, learning, and enabling feedback for your performance, allows one the capacity to improve with tremendous amount of determination in the most difficult times.
To balance the art of grace and elegance, enables an openness to a curious imaginative nature, while introducing a measure of conscientiousness. Maintaining variety is essential when fostering new development as it teaches one that multiple routes although different can all systematically align for a greater lesson. No matter what approach you choose in life, always understand that through experience builds character, and resilience is what fosters a creative outlet for self expression.
Being consciously aware of your intentions, visions, goals, and ideas while remaining abstract in your approach allows one to be fluid, which is essential to allow change as it comes without opposition or force to avoid it. Change fosters ingenuity, innovative thoughts, ideas, and new methodologies, which helps foster our core values, evolution, and growth. Without change, we remain stagnant in our approach.
When one is in tune with life, you become one with the energetic imprint of the time, without overlapping what has passed. Being present, in the here and now, within the moment, allows one to connect with the internal rhythm of our being, and to honour our true path. The more you immerse yourself in your passions, values, visions, the more your movements will be synchronized with what is aligned for you without force. Concentration, fortitude, remaining positive, links the mind with intention, and from that our creative expression reigns. To be focused is to create impact, and impact leads to new modes of being. To challenge yourself, to define your legacy, to anchor your imprint, and to set your sights on your dreams, is to live fully without compromise. Unconditional love can only be achieved when one honours and respects their core of being and to remain true to their internal guidance and wisdom.
Through consistency, we then develop stamina, which develops our core principles and values within life. To remain positive admits destruction, is to foster hope, patience, and belief for a better tomorrow. Within life, we will be challenged by demands physically, mentally, and emotionally, however, to be proficient is to be resilient in all aspects of your life. When one harnesses the inner strength of perseverance, it represents consistency even when you experience difficulties, for our difficulties define our character and enable us to become adaptable, to evolve, flourish, and grow. To master the self is to enable self control, and our lessons will represent our strength in how we govern our behaviour in accordance to the situation, while learning to be accountable, responsible, and dependable beyond ourselves. To practice self care, to follow through on our promises, and vision enables us to foster a warrior spirit, while incorporating core discipline, commitment, and personal responsibility. To improve ourselves is to progress, grow, evolve, and to feel. To feel enables empathy, which leads to new discoveries of perspectives to understand that once we heal within, our external environment will flourish. We are the change needed. To lead from the heart, with compassion, empathy, and kindness, we then can overcome any obstacle or situation, as there is no force more powerful than love.