One that is willing to overcome, recover, invests in education and self awareness, and demonstrates innovative approaches for future initiatives demonstrates true leadership and a warrior spirit. One that impartially and constructively analyzes, observes, and does not engage in competition with others, enables a healthy sustainable pace for transformation, and exhibits focused direction for incremental change. When one is in touch with their inner peace, subdues the ego, acts in accordance with true love, and is in full alignment of the self which embraces and acts from a place of abundance and joy, commits to the expansiveness within their heart, in all that they pursue. When one is able to stand alone despite the odds, commands respect from their efforts and decision to stand with all levels of society, pushes aside aggression or any form of negative emotional states, they then become the archetype of a true warrior, that leads with the heart, has a firm commitment and dedication to their tasks at hand, with immense focus, and comprehension of what is needed for the common good of all.

Many individuals will experience phases within their developmental stages from dependence, co-dependence, the external public persona, and the true self within. To lead one must act from the self, with no convictions, no ulterior motives, no false pretenses to uphold, and one that acts with the intention to make all better than they were found. Through our transformational stages we transmute the illusions, and begin to illuminate and define what we truly cherish. Our education proves to be a cornerstone for our understanding of past approaches, innovative new mindsets, to our compelling arguments to make a change or be the change needed. We can not hope to change by remaining fixed in what is familiar, known, or comfortable, for it causes stagnation and a cyclical loop of exchanges of outdated lessons that do not enhance our advancement in our ascension process. To be truly progressive one must see with great clarity, unfiltered and unbothered by what is routinely done, and remain fixated on what approaches can spur positive outcomes, that can benefit all, and foster growth and evolution within their environments.

Through destruction, we learn the importance of rebuilding, rehabilitation, renewal, and most importantly serves as a restructuring phase by reevaluation and reflection. We cannot hope to grow within a situation that has caused us to question our contribution, vision, or loyalty. It is often said that many will shrink to fit into environments they have outgrown mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, and politically. Destruction enables us to recognize that we were sauntering off into chaos by losing sight of what matters. When you remain at a deficit of being distracted, non-logical, irrational, or lack focus, foundation, or self awareness, you will bend to any circumstance, blindly follow without question, and our distractions result in rumination, consequences, missed opportunities, hinders our conceptualization of a better state of being, or deteriorates our mindset. When we enable or undergo situational stressors on a regular basis, we will constantly be placed in warfare mindset, scarcity mindset, and primal fear mindset. When you are led by your problems, you no longer live to seek peaceful resolutions, solutions, or outcomes. When one is led by compulsive thoughts it leads to irrational actions that cannot be undone. Traumatic responses are a symptom of a much larger root which surfaces during the destruction phase. Unwillingness to acknowledge your errors in action, will cause you to make future mistakes and blunders in the future. When one takes the initiative to take accountability for their actions, life decisions, metamorphosis, we then recognize destruction as an instrument of change rather than a higher force that renders us paralyzed. Move through the pain, acknowledge what inner core roots create or foster blockages within all aspects of your relationships or environments. Destruction has no room for perfectionism, as we must experience all spectrums of the recovery process to face what is causing us internal pain. If we do not address our internal pain within, it festers, eclipses, and stagnates our ability to overcome our challenges. Allow yourself to feel again, give yourself the permission to confront what has destabilized your essence of being, and most importantly engage in mindfulness and grounding techniques which enables a shift in our perspectives, techniques, and opens the path to support. You are not broken, you are given the universal gift of recognition, awareness, and patience to challenge your negative thoughts, to practice problem solving methods, and most importantly learn the importance of being open to coexistence with others to offer love through communication and community efforts. When we replay in an infinite loop our negative constructs that we have defined for ourselves, it sets a limited parameter and narrow margin to accept the positive. Be mindful of how you engage and approach your problems, truly be self aware of how you speak to yourself and others, and most importantly recognize that rest is not a sign of weakness but recuperation of the soul. The human body, the soul, and the mind, have ancient knowledge within of the importance and power of love to transcend and transmute our core wounds to lead to recovery and the regaining of our internal power. You are not your experiences, you are not the body, you are a multidimensional spiritual being with infinite opportunities to confront, realign, reprioritize, restructure, and rebuild the self during your spiritual convalescent period.

How to revive the soul after we have to face or confront what we have either become, remained ignorant about, or failed to look deep within through contemplation and observation? We must first ignite our faculty of wonder, enable ourselves to undergo a reformation of all that we have ever known, and to seek a purpose beyond ourselves to live for. Our purpose is derived from what we are drawn to do with unconditional love, it cannot be mirrored, it has to propel, challenge, and engage your mind, body, and soul. Your calling, mission, purpose, and path emerges when you are situated in your comfort zone however, you are ready to engage in alternative directions. Accepting opportunities, options, or an alternative form of path enhances our optimism, curiosity, and enhances the spirit within by pledging to take a leap of faith. Change fosters growth, evolution, beginnings, as it forces us to recognize that we can accomplish anything we set our mind to, without a safety net, and quite frankly, the best way to learn to fly is to have the courage to fall. Dare to dream, manifest, set intentions, create, mentor and above all give back to the community that has endless faith in your abilities, vision, and direction. Place high importance on your private and public relationships, physical and mental well-being, emotional health, support systems, education, and altruism. Throughout our lifetime, we have been guided, assisted, mentored, educated, and nurtured, which has built our core foundation on life. You owe it to yourself to fulfill your mission, you set your own tone, pace, and algorithm within life, no one can define your core pillar principles of importance more than you can when you are guided from within. Our internal compass enables us to lead from the heart, establish our moral judgment, and define our boundaries, standards, and protocols.

A courageous inner spirit overcomes, perseveres, and remains resilient during turbulent or difficult periods. When one operates by the ego that seeks their worth through acknowledgement or affirmation of the self, accolades, constant validation of their achievements, they will base their self worth on giving their power to another to measure their importance, status, artificial standing, or hierarchy within an environment, community, or global sphere. When we separate the self from the ego, the self acts without the want or need of instant gratification, it is the ability to do rather than the measured outcome that defines their existence. To give with your heart, to encompass integrity by remaining loyal, to see every situation as a gift or opportunity to enhance or elevate others along their journey is true leadership, mentorship, and a form of guardianship. There will be many circumstances within life where our achievements, goals, or silent acts of kindness will not gain acknowledgement, merit, or recognition. The key is to progress and persist without acknowledgement as our acts are in tandem with our mission and purpose, and enhances the greater community, with the intention to foster collaboration, acceptance, understanding, and unconditional love to those in their time of need. To stand for a greater purpose does not have to be defined by another, it should be an inherent act of will. To stand with others during their most turbulent times without judgment is the ultimate form of selflessness. Within this lifetime, disengage from criticism, as our judgment, disapproval, or perceived faults in another or what goes against our moral judgement might cause an individuals spirit within to fade. Individuals deserve our support, patience, love, and assistance during their periods of destabilization, trauma, or mistakes. We can never fully comprehend or imagine the internal pain of another therefore, it is essential to look past the external facade and recognize that our time is essential to their recovery. When we collectively set the intention of improving the welfare of another, we act without expectation, foster social connections, strengthen relationships, instill hope and prosperity, and return to our ancient wisdom that connection is the true purpose of community. Beyond our contributions, never restrict your ability to learn diverse methods to help another. Fostering a sense of belonging, security, safety, and peace enables another to open their heart and operate from a place of forgiveness, hope, and trust. Altruistic acts create profound impact, advancements in social services, and most importantly collective awareness that we must see beyond our narrow paradigm or reality.

True fulfilment is creating family, through social connections, blood ties, collaboration, and community. To celebrate our coexistence, we must recognize that we are all one, equal, with diverse gifts and talents that enhance our human existence and ecosystem. Segregation destabilizes whereas, unity strengthens. When the collective are in tandem with another, we can achieve any objective we set our mind to. To encompass bravery is to have an unyielding manner, focus, vision, and the ability to confront difficulties or misfortunes with a persistent mindset to overcome and rise above. Adversity can appear in many forms such as physical, mental, emotional, social, political, financial or spiritual, which might present unfavourable results however, when one remains positive, empowered, and strong, it lifts the weight of disturbances or obstacles, and shifts to seek solutions rather than confrontations. Our weaknesses within time become our strengths, our stories inspire and educate, and our actions to move beyond our difficulties demonstrate our fortified character. Nurture your soul, partake in adventures and exploration, learn that you are not the labels imposed on you such as ill, disabled, weak, deficient, deprived, or inherently bad. See beyond misconceptions and misinterpretations. When one encourages their personal growth, prioritizes their well-being, and takes a leap of faith or seek other options or new directions, it enables us to become resilient and progressive. Do not allow your past, challenges, obstacles, or roadblocks saturate your essence of being or cloud your perception. Your mental health, bereavement, traumatic events, shifts in perspective, life altering challenges, relationships, and negative emotions can be systemically transmuted the moment that you reclaim your power back. Our challenges are essential for our growth, development, and evolution for they enable us to confront our fears, what we have accepted as truth, and enable us to reconfigure and reassess our life decisions. Embrace failure and turbulence because it enables us to reconnect with our self, observe what emotions we have been compartmentalizing, move beyond deception or disillusionment to a place of forgiveness within. Please ask yourself, “What do you not want to confront?,” and “What places you in a state of despair, fear, defensiveness, or shame?.” Our inner truths are revealed when we are able to express ourselves in a raw form as we confront and accept the lessons that were for our fundamental good. Change is not an anchor it is the stylus on a record player where you can casually change the melody that does not resonate or harmonize with your core. You cannot act out of fear, you must persevere despite of it. Conflicts, setbacks, and challenges does not mean that we as a collective are not living up to our potential, it is a signal that we must approach situations in multifaceted ways, seek alternative approaches, and recognize that our life is not defined by our mistakes or failures. If we do not fall, how will we ever learn to get back up again? Accept what you can not control or change, embrace the natural rhythms of life, and understand comfort does reside in the unknown, we just have to engage our faculty of wonder, embrace adventure, and let go of expectation for our spiritual expansion. Give yourself the permission to feel your feelings, to not compromise your integrity, to foster healthy habits, accept temporary pain as it enables growth, accept your emotions, set sustainable and manageable goals, set boundaries, and most importantly face your challenges with confidence and determination to see it through. Move beyond degradation, environmental struggles, interspecific struggles, and intraspecific struggles with peace of mind, as your external reality shifts when you place high importance on your recovery and well-being internally. Within life, acknowledge with an open heart and mind that we do not have to bear the weight of the world on our shoulders; only through collective support and efforts will positive change occur for the common good through advocacy, compassion, empathy, encouragement, and unconditional love. Consciously change how you think, see, and act, towards individuals on a daily basis, place for a moment your life in their shoes and see through their perspective. The collective is a conduit of change, for each generation represents and is a beacon for transformation. Throughout life, encompass solidarity, promote security and safety, fellowship, gratitude, guidance, appreciation, and be a pillar of continuity, change, and unity.