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This is a letter from the heart, in an effort to reach every individual, to be consciously aware of their actions and decisions.
When one encounters those that conceal their true intentions, and those that build on the misfortunes of others, with little regard for moral integrity or abiding by pure honourable moral principles, one must ask, “Why do we accept this intolerant behaviour?.”
Endings are often constituted as a failure, due to misjudgement or error in processing or assessing the threat infront of them. A termination of a long standing contract, oath, promise, or blind loyalty to another that has acted with savage ill intent to destroy the union that was coveted and honoured for a long term period of time, signifies dissent at its core. Conclusions should be viewed as blessings, divine protection, a process of elevation where we have obtained and abstracted all of the fundamental wisdoms and lessons from a karmic counterpart. At the period of completion, one may experience the feeling of a metaphysical void, forever bruised with scars. Was the goal obtained? Meaning, subconsciously, we must have subconsciously been aware that the cycle had completed, or acknowledge that one had to move out of a set state of patterns, beliefs, or predicament that was detrimental to their growth . Did the ending enable a rite of passage out of a long standing generational cycle? Not all endings are blessings however, not all conclusions should be perceived as failure, errors, or misfortunes, for without endings how do we recognize true pain, suffering, and misfortune from blessings, abundance, and rejection leading to redirection. All seasons have to endure their figurative and rhetorical spiritual cycles in order to usher in metamorphosis and rebirth. A trees roots are stronger than the wind that it encounters, so to, we must recognize that the roots we make will withstand opposition even when we endure turbulence. Endings enable us to process objectively the sequences of events that we have been failing to understand or comprehend therefore, we must then recognize that once we begin again, we reset, and restart from experience rather than from ignorance. When we experience closures, completions, a denouncement of what is no longer sustainable to maintain in a healthy environment, we derive at resolutions that either denote peace or destruction. It is essential to end repetitious lessons or cycles that hold no value to our lives. We will encounter numerous sequences and phenomenons within our lifetime, for our enlightenment and self realization. It is essential that we follow through on our spiritual process, without a counterforce or resistance. Our moral constructions consistently require us to observe what we have been accepting blindly, and we must recognize and learn the lesson, meaning, root cause, and ultimately accept what no longer can be changed, to achieve personal resolutions for our evolutionary growth.
Give yourself the permission to submit your resignation voluntarily from a situation which causes destruction of the self and others or begins the first phases of manifesting a hostile or intolerable environment within your realm. Within our human existence, we must abstain from situations or experiences which cause great violations on our life. When one encounters negative constructive criticism, diminishing their self worth or value, or enables degradation, dilapidation of their legacy, and silencing their inner truth or inner voice, you must take action. It is ones responsibility to refrain from these toxic environments, and to recognize the signs of abuse. When your presence is no longer valued, if you are kept as an option, if you allow others to subdue you in your illusionary rightful place of their own constructs to control you, you are ultimately giving away your power and curtailing your right to sovereign expression and emancipation for the right to choose what is best for your life. When one becomes entangled in calculated maneuvers of destabilization, you have to recognize that it is an imbalance of power and you are intentionally at the helm of a power dynamic. When one enables another to orchestrate their life, it results in long term damaging effects that seldomly can be resolved in a peaceful manner. A situation where there is an active breakdown in communication, trust, honourability, and loyalty, signifies that you are placed into a cyclical lesson that needs to be healed. If you experience exclusion or isolation from discussions, projects, or events that you used to take pleasure in, or experience minimal interactions while being expectant to give more than expected, it is a sign that a cycle has reached an interval of no return as there is no respect within the relationship. Healthy relationships encompass trust, respect, love, and support, if this is not present, acknowledge the situation is not encouraging growth, poses a challenge for growth, and realize that it sets into motion scrutiny or pushback to enable less advocacy or protection for the party that is being victimized. Fluctuations or extreme pendulum shifts within a relationship are a result of control, whereas, a healthy relationship which is anchored in tolerance and cooperation will be open, honest, transparent, and praise constructive communication and resolutions. Within a power dynamic, if one experiences alienation, isolation, deprivation, silencing, destruction, humiliation, or the overall morale plummets to a point of one disengaging due to wanting to reclaim their inner peace or protection, this indicates that there is an awareness that one is unwilling to partake in abuse, and all resources to peace have been effectively blocked. Do not permit or allow a culture of fear or uncertainty within your realm of reality, diffuse a situation before it escalates. Within life, seek equilibrium, cohesion, transparency, accountability, and empowered environments, that enable openness, transparency, discussions, and cease to accept situations that instill fear of retaliation or punishment. We are all born with intrinsic unique gifts, and we are not here to be derailed or punished for someone’s gain or pleasure. Growth can only be fostered within environments that enable fairness and not dishonest or unpleasant means.
Acceptance of unfair treatment or enabling the disapproval of another is a form of judgement, which may be the result of past traumas, learned experiences, or projected onto by another through generational acceptance or adoption. Judgement placed on another due to uncontrolled circumstances is stigmatization in the rawest form. If we adopt or project negative or unfair beliefs onto a marginalized group, or those that we perceive to be as the other, we construct an inhospitable environment where invisible obstacles or objectives are set into motion, where peaceful relations are set aside, and treatment or remedies are revoked. To live in tolerance, acceptance, and cooperation, one must act in honour of respect for all. We are all equal, with inherent gifts and abilities, that all contribute to make our environments function with cohesiveness. If we define the other as a maverick, outsider, a problem to be remedied, or set characteristics or attributes for what is undesirable such as cultural backgrounds, orientation, colour, disabilities, mental illnesses, or social status, we are then rescinding our evolutionary growth by giving into marginalization and segregation of what others want to be used as an example. No human being should be used as an example, or used for personal gain, mocked for their circumstances, or seen as less desirable or even worse, denied existence or seen as nothing. When an attribute orchestrates or enables another to discredit a segment of society, it evokes rejection and isolation which destabilizes an individual or group at their core. To state that there is a social hierarchy based on certain traits or expectations, is to give no room or opportunity, for any other that does not meet those expectations, which leads to exclusionary principles or norms. What makes another feel they have moral superiority over another? We all have been born with goals, wishes, visions, and gifts, however, it is not for another to decide another’s fate, worth, or value. Internalized stigmatization can often lead to projected programming, non objective beliefs, or stereotypes which ultimately cause fragmentation within society at its core. When a society has reached a level of becoming volatile, it is no longer sustainable, free and open, or safe. Dealing with these issues are complex and complicated, and unfortunately will ultimately take generations to peel the layers away. When we utilize discernment and diplomatically approach these issues with care and justice we then mitigate its long term effects of destruction and destabilization. Be mindful that the pain we cause others can be acute, as it can constrain their participation and involvement within the community at large out of fear of judgment or prejudice, diminish their quality of life, and reduce empathy and compassion. Discrimination at any form causes great impact on another’s ability to feel protected and safe. When one is disparaged, it causes cascading destruction and intolerance, heightening conflict and stress within their existence. When we formally educate ourselves about the learned experiences of others, only then do we place ourselves in their shoes. No one is a failure, we are entitled to make mistakes for our awakening and learning experiences. With self awareness, adopt a mindset to be aware of how societal judgement can cause marginalization, which results in grief, depression, despair and loss. Accusing, condemning, branding, shaming, or activating characteristics to diminish another, causes irretrievable, irreversible, and irreparable harm and sorrow to another. To build one’s environment on the destabilization of another, to gain greed or need for your particular self interest represents, an uncultivated and unaware mind, that seeks gain over moral respect and responsibility to protect. When one takes advantage of another, causes betrayal at the most intricate levels, it dilutes trust, which is the core foundation that sustains and builds a relationship. Do not tolerate dishonourable intent, for there is no remedy, and it is impossible to return to a previous condition of neutrality or peace. Defamation, reputational harm, injury, or assault inflicted in the form of emotional, mental, physical, or psychological forms, cause core wounds which culminates over time, and often leads those considered prey or vulnerable at the mercy of their oppressor or perpetrator. When one sets out the intention to cause permanent and intentional damage, it not only affects and affects the victim but escalates to their external environment meaning family, friends, acquaintances, and society which surrounds them. Injustice at its core, promotes non-equilibrium and a state of dysfunctionalism, which erodes trust and enables infractions and violations at the constitutional level, as it erodes fundamental human rights. Complications, negligence, collapse, division, or fragmentation, promotes disunity at its core, and as a collective society, we must protect the sacred integrity to ensure all are treated with respect, honour, and dignity. It is imperative that you recognize the signs of violations to ensure your inner peace and sovereignty are not eroded.
Tolerance of deceit, belittling someone’s worth ethic or goals, or placing judgement on work ethic which one can not perform or is incapable of doing the task for themselves, projection based on judgement or patterned behaviour, are a result of programming and further enabling conflicts or turbulence, distortions, and disturbances to exist and persist beyond what is tolerable. Blind ignorance is compliance and should not be underestimated. One powerful quote I heard within this lifetime was from a movie where the lead protagonist stated to the villain “I cannot snuff out my candle’s light to make yours brighter.” When we enable another to orchestrate, control, or cause damage within our lifetime, we enable and allow those within our inner circle to have no loyalty, honourability, or solidarity, or as many say “What we accept, is what we think we deserve.” Propagating long term wars to continue destruction and chaos, only leads to internal destruction of self and your environment at large. One cannot build or grow with a destructive deceptive mindset. The two greatest vices that we encounter are greed and jealousy, for greed cannot be satiated and jealousy leads to envy, which covets another’s blessings or what one has earned over years of dedication or hard work, that another seeks to gain for their own selfish needs or wants. When we do not invest in the future, which is an integral component for our survival, we begin to see the erosion of hope or constructive planning. Barriers based on circumstances enable an unbalanced system, and we must be mindful that to have an enriched society it starts with charity at home, helping others in their time of need at the basic levels, to encourage cooperation, support, and help for those in need. Pay careful attention to what or who you compare your life to, as there is a silent danger in comparison, as many withhold the truth out of the need of obtaining bella figura where everything seems wonderful at its core, however, in essence it is in disarray or a projection of a distorted lie. Those that create distorted façades, and are not present in your time of need, demonstrates their declaration of disloyalty, lack of integrity, and internal judgment. Many often live within the realm of these projected façades, to conceal their inner truth, or under the disguise of veiling or false humbleness. To give back to the society, you must be one with society, not just appearing when it is convenient for your social image. Those who lack concern for others or who have a lack of awareness of social conditions are remaining willfuly ignorant to the truth, as it does not serve their needs, because their needs are being met therefore, it leads to a lack of consideration for others. Active awareness to sensitive local and global conditions and concerns means, being actively engaged in social issues, upholding the law, protecting and respecting the rights of others, and acknowledging and not remaining oblivious or ignorant for what is needed in terms of change. When one honours, respects, recognizes and acknowledging the inherent strengths in others, they then see others as equal rather than subject to their demands. Our lives are interwoven, and when we meet individuals that contribute beyond the shallow needs of want and greed, we then errode the cycle of false humbleness. If one maintains an attitude of being above all, and adopting a low estimation of worth and value for others that can provide nothing for them, then we enter into the realm of the root of imposed powerlessness and sacrifice. Human beings are not meant to be controlled, manipulated, used, put in their place, or put down by those who engage in pridefulness in disguise of being for the people. To be one with the people, you have to be with the people, understanding their tribulations, concerns, struggles, sorrows, and contributions.
Should we have to endure a life of penance, suffering, and sorrow? Or do we choose to confront the distorted archetypes of what surrounded us, that enabled us to recognize the situation, for what it was?. Our endurance is not permission to merely live, we must come to a place of awakening and begin to exist. When we dismantle the illusions, paradox’s, paradigms, distortions, patterns, beliefs, stories, and cycles, we then enable ourselves to be open to a state of vulnerability to examine our core roots and what we have enabled, allowed, permitted or accepted within our realm of comfort. You have the power and choice to regain control of your life, realign to new standards, constructively and objectively observe your environments and sacred surroundings, and reignite the light within. The light you carry can not be separated, removed, or detached, as it is a part of you, and it enables us to remove ourselves from our shadow selves that have castrated, eclipsed, and destabilized us at a period of time or caused distortions to our perspectives or divine lens. What you enable, permit, or allow, ultimately persists however, it marginalizes your efforts, to become autonomous, empowered, or sovereign. One has to weigh the risk. Never enable another to cause destruction to your good nature. Persist in blessing others, remaining mindful, and lead from the highest moral principles of character. What has irrevocably scarred your essence of being cannot extinguish the desire to persevere or rob you of your future blessings, your internal grace, or your endless hope. The cruel intentions of another’s intentional will to cause you harm is a projection of their willful intention to evoke their internal pain on another to bring them down to their level. When one makes the conscious decision to not be chained to the past, to distance yourself from the entanglement of cyclical karmic cycles that is not yours to endure, you regain control within your life by not giving your power and attention to situations, places, and events that do not serve your highest and greatest good. With love and grace, protect your inner peace, focus on rebuilding your stability, remain true to your good kind hearted nature, and recognize that rejection is divine intervention. A key principle to obtain is this, where failure is imminent, our defence mechanism is activated, to enable our lens to be unaltered and unfiltered to see and reveal the truth. You have to accept the truth for what it is, and not what you wish it to be. Within life, when we place high importance on our education and awareness, we discern, decipher, and discipline ourselves to learn from the extracted lessons we obtained from our lived experience. Every decision we partake in has a consequence therefore, be mindful and evoke clarity to what you give your power, focus, and energy to, for our decisions cannot be reversed and our imparted judgements and imprints create and foster our karma for generations to come.
Trauma enables one to heal generational wounds, deep cosmic core roots, recognize the internal pain and destruction within, grants space and time for extensive healing and recovery, and it inevitably masterfully educates and teaches one to express their deepest sorrows through an creative outlet such as writing or speaking to help the greater community overcome and help others along their sacred journey of ascension. Once we set into motion survivor mindset, become the true pillars and archetype of being a warrior of the light, we no longer allow our pain to take away our voice or enable others to speak for us, as we allow our raw emotions, feelings, and thoughts to collide to begin our metamorphosis. When we arrive at our catharsis, we emancipate and elevate ourselves from the burdens of what has weighed heavy on our hearts, by removing ourselves from outdated karmic cycles to reimagine and metaphysically speaking release the shadows of what we buried deep within, or worn like a badge of honour. To return to our light, to illuminate and create room for what inevitably needs to change, we need to engage in deep reflection and remove all illusions. Within our time of need and despair, there is always divine assistance and support to usher in new streams of thoughts, which shifts us out of our trauma mindset that may have confined us like prisoners. What desecrates you, is a powerful teacher of what you have to gain mastery in within this lifetime. With ease and grace, enable yourself to resolve and analyze what you have endured. Those that have experienced great suffering and transformations that stem through acute pain of lessons truly are the strongest souls with the greatest hearts, for they recognize true internal pain, fully appreciate life in its purest unaltered form, and strive to achieve equilibrium and balance to regain stability.
One has to confront their deepest wounds which has metastasized and caused internal destruction within. Our reactions are a symptoms and not the cause. Our catharsis can only emerge when we enable ourselves to become vulnerable, confront our weaknesses, and operate from a state of self acceptance with no judgment in sight. Our deepest reflections, recognitions, and awakenings occur when we cease to allow another to project their version of reality, as we detangle ourselves from their self imposed imparted karma which we have intertwined with ours unconsciously. Give yourself the permission to feel the process through. Feeling through the healing is difficult, as it is uncomfortable and painful. When we confront our fears and turn them into strengths, they no longer hold power over us, and it enables us to become a stronger version of ourself. Place into perspective in slow motion our anguish, regret, resentment, and guilt descending and dissipating. As we confront our old structures and archetypes of what we have adopted as truth, we break free from the shell of confinement of what we once were. Enabling the soul to engage in deep reflection, retribution, confront the reality of situation we face, we gain great clarity. Our trauma can encircle us into a narrow mindset spiritually speaking, and it is a brutal process, as we comprehend, accept, and recognize our internal truths, while recognizing what cannot be inevitably changed. With great clarity, give yourself the permission to love yourself again.
With strength, clarity, determination, and passion, enable yourself the ability to emancipate yourself. Remind yourself that you are not disposable, and through regulation and self reflection and introspective you will learn that you do not need to succumb or disintegration, or accept the inability of another to see your worth, value, or contributions to the world. Those that build their empires, foundations, and structures, on the sorrows, misery, and sacrifices of others, inevitably in time, recognize that the cost of stepping on those for self gratification, gain, or greed. Those that seek pleasure in others injustice often suffer the fate of true loss within this lifetime and karmically generations that unfold after their legacy. It is an inappropriate sinful measure to reach success in an unnatural state. Most importantly, do not relapse into old stagnated programs, patterns, stories, modes of being, or act from a place of despondence. Beyond the veils, assumptions, and distortions, focus on clarity, objective interpretations, and from a place of non judgement rise again. If one enables a situation or experience to dilapidate, desecrate your legacy, you become the victim of carnage of another’s projection, and it places you into a state of powerlessness. Betrayal, misuse of power, absence, and abuse are the strongest indicators of a misaligned mind, and one should be mindful to not change their good nature and essence of being for the acts of betrayal by another, and always remain truthful, kind, and act with integrity in all aspects of your existence. You have the power to control how you respond to a situation. Our suffering, agony, and despair may temporarily displace us, however, within time, we recognize that we have the ability to heal, reclaim our inner power, and are no longer paralyzed by our burdens, regrets, resentments, shame, or past. With gratitude and appreciation, always remember, you are not hopeless, empty, our trauma and past does not define our future, and we are meant to transform. When we live within the present, we are able to fully embrace the raw emotions as a rite of passage for our transcendence. You are meant to evolve, and not remain stagnated within a cycle that has restricted your right to live. When we give power to what illuminates our healing process to catharsis, we then overcome our challenges, dysfunctional systems we have adopted, and are able to fully heal from a destructive state of being into a metamorphic state of being. At times, when the weight of the world becomes too burdensome to the point of where we reach our limit, it forces us to question internally what we have allowed, accepted, or permitted to come within our lives. As they say, we must always examine our environments as well, as we cannot heal within a place that has caused us to become ill. Do not just merely exist or endure, overcome, reclaim your power, value your sovereign state of being, and strive to reach a state of peace.
Do not give power to your past, and cease the ritual of self flagellation, for what has occurred cannot be changed, it can only be acknowledged, forgiven, or changed. When we blame ourselves for events past, and deny ourselves the ability to feel happiness, we become submerged in the depths of our despair and are at the mercy of the past, rather than remaining in presence which is where our true power lies. However, within time, we stop the hurt by acknowledging that the pain caused by others was a projection of their outdated beliefs, cycles, and patterns. The treatment of others is a mirror of their internal pain within. The actions of another do not determine our self worth, value, or our divine mission. Beyond our internal scars, place no judgment by removing yourself from an environment that caused you extensive pain, misery, or caused you to experience states of fragmentation. Our broken pieces are a reminder that the past is real, and when we confront the root of our discontent we then usher in a new level of personal growth, and we no longer accept ourselves to relapse or fall into the old confines of outdated strategies, as we enable more self recognition, mindfulness, and ascend from the educational lessons of extracted wisdom.
Questions To Reflect On:
What is a just and good life?
What is the importance of adaptation?
What is the importance of ingenuity?
What is the importance of forgiveness?
What is the importance of preparation?
What is the importance of commitment?
What is the importance of imagination, creativity, solutions, ingenuity, innovation?
What is the importance of non-judgment , and eradicating comparison?
What is the importance of focus?
What is the importance of peace?
What is the importance of survival?
What is the importance of safety?
What is the importance of friendship, family, unity, solidarity, loyalty, togetherness, love, support, cooperation, co-dependence?
What is the importance of being mutable like water?
Autonomy, sovereignty, freedom, love, and unity, are some of the most precious elements within our existence and they juxtapose powerlessness, sacrifice, scarcity and fear based mindset. Our true power is when we stand in love, unify collectively for the greater good, and have the freedom to choose, while remaining autonomous to self govern with the highest discernment of honouring and respecting what is just, moral, and good for all. Honour those that stand by you during your greatest tribulations and challenges. Evolutionary speaking, when we stand with a mindset that is fixed on education, learning, and becoming the best version of ourselves, we then separate ourselves from remaining in a state of infancy, where we take accountability and responsibility for our actions, and cease wanting support on the backs of others. To live fully is to stand in your own inherent divine strength. When we remain within the realm of being grateful, humble, appreciative, and aim for the betterment of society, then we remain in a state of unprecedented love. Never relish in the misery of others, and dismiss and disregard those that make you hyper, unfocused, and panicked for their self gain and control. Ultimately, we need to grow up, gain clarity, take initiative to foster a genuine greater community for generations to come. Intolerance, escalation of problems, never ending cycles of chaos and destruction project a mindset that we are constantly in war rather than appreciating what we have. Creating support systems, a trusted network of individuals that are open to collaboration enhances our democracy, and furthers honourability and integrity. To evoke a strong legacy, one must be patient, understanding, willing to continuously educate and learn, be a mentor to others, and lead with compassion and endless empathy for others. Never waiver in your ability to provide stability, a home, a refuge for others in need. Encouraging a strong sense of morality and justice, strong work ethics, openness, and responsibility promote solidarity and relationships that will not disintegrate at will. Being mindful on what you place your time, energy, and focus will enable you to objectively evaluate what is depleting your attention from that matters. Never fake a future, engage in reckless actions, overreact, or marginalize another because power imbalances lead to exclusion and injustice. Respect all sentient life, and recognize that power is not gatekeeping, it is enabling others to thrive not just merely survive. What we often believe as truth is what we have accepted as knowledge from longterm programming, patterned behaviour, societal norms or beliefs. Never give power to vindictive or petty energy for it destroys the essence of your kindness and purity. No situation will directly have the same result, so all must keep in mind to not be transfixed on a certain outcome and to ensure that you are acting impartially, objectively, and fair. No one is a lost cause, as we are all divinely strong in our own merit. We all deserve the right to exist and to remain in peace. When we sojourn out into the world, Gaia intrinsically teaches us inherent lessons for our evolutionary growth by giving us sequences or levels for advancement in knowledge, or to demonstrate what we must change internally. Suffering is a by-product of a cyclical system of predator vs. prey and once you stand in your truth, speak your truth, and act in your truth, you are no longer susceptible or subject to having to compromise or shield your light. Be the archetype of healthy relationships, impart your wisdom, give, stand for justice not intolerance, and be present and supportive in the lives of others that you cherish. Above all, stand in your power to foster positive change, for you are given this life to represent the love, light, and happiness that is needed to help another along their path.