Freedom represents perseverance, strength, focus, determination, boundaries, discernment, ambition, resilience, achievement, sovereignty, and is the epitome of manifest destiny. It allows us to scale to new elevated heights to flourish in the complexities of life. It is a state of moving beyond limitations. It is patience, understanding, compassion, understanding and never encompasses recklessness.

Within this life, what must be concentrated on is an individuals lack of humility. Arrogance, domination, sequestering, curtailing, and controlling others freedoms and liberty is the root of control.

Disregard for others and sense of entitlement are represented in a young soul, whose evolutionary journey has stagnated to recognize the importance and value of others and most importantly the collective conscious community. Derived from selfish mindset — If the root is untreated, it manifests itself as greed, jealousy, overly comparing oneself to others, and to the farthest extent, envy. False humbleness is a lack of awareness, for the the action does not to bring peace instead, seeks to create a facade of compassion.

Discernment is fundamental when deciphering an individual’s true nature. We must always listen to our intuition when we recognize when the actions do not align with the spoken word.

Each individual within this lifetime is worthy, valuable, humble, sincere, authentic, unique, and genuine, with a tapestry of history that motivates and inspires others to become stronger from their lived experience. Their strengths are not imperfections, as they embrace and accept who they are. No labels, societal pressures, norms, words, statements can create barriers on the human spirit, without their consent. When we walk and live our truth , we maintain inner peace as we are secure in who we truly are.

When we evoke discernment, we analyze and observe the action rather than the spoken contract. Building this characteristic enables self awareness, self respect, self compassion, self understanding, self patience, and self empathy. To see beyond the veil is not a cause for concern, it is a strength. Maintaining boundaries, evoking limitations on what goes against our fundamental moral judgment, and to stand up on principle are attributes of true leadership.

To assist and serve others during their spiritual awakening, growths, evolution, and journeys enables us to heal aspects of ourself that might be fragmented.

Discernment also means recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, exhibiting empathy, questioning your experiences, and most importantly listening and observing without expectation of a desired result.

Within this lifetime, to follow instruction blindly without question is irresponsible, reckless, and demonstrates a quick cure for long term systematic foundational issues.

To be methodical, patient, strategic, systematic in your practices and approaches creates wisdom, as you are present and aware, which is a virtue. To be orderly, planned, structured, will enable you to evaluate situations with a calm and rational mind.

Discernment is a form of self love, self respect, self acceptance, and self awareness as you are listening within of what is true and aligned with your principles. When we compromise our principles we go against our integrity.

The framework of structured routines creates a strong foundation as you honour and respect traditional approaches while incorporating new innovative ideas.

Boundaries enable us to analyze our triggered responses. It is due diligence and essential. Boundaries set a tone to demonstrate what you are comfortable with, and what you are no longer able to accept. It enables us to see beyond disillusionment and uncertainty.

Discernment is knowledge with confidence. It is respect for oneself, trust, peace, faith, and most importantly compassion for yourself and others. Discernment enables us to see patterns, belief systems, societal movements, roots, then we extract the information and discern if it is safe, humane, and honourable. It is emancipation from destruction for you have the choice to not partake in what devalues or degrades your existence. You always have the choice to chose better actions, decisions, thoughts, and words. Inner peace is sacred, and must be preserved at all times as you embrace the essence of existence.

Never diminish your principles for the here and now, always forecast into the future to predict how your actions will impact others. It is not just a personal decision, it is a conscious collective decision, for being a good human being.

Boundaries and principles are not selfish, they are protection for what is sacred to you and your heart. If it does not feel right, do not get encapsulated within it. Just because everyone is following a certain direction, does not constitute that you have to adhere blindly. Always ask, is this the best decision best for humanity? Is it in alignment with my core principles? Have I examined all the information before proceeding? Am I acting on impulse or self reflection? Is this a peaceful resolution?

Allow your light to guide others, and be a guardian for future generations. Navigate new beginnings with compassion, kindness, patience, acceptance, and understanding.

There is a powerful quote “You can not achieve happiness by bringing other people misery.” If we cause harm to others, or allow individuals to inflict their projections and negative attributes onto us, what karmic cycle do you feel will be the response? The universe always responds to our frequency.

Mindfulness and a positive mindset to seek the best responses, solutions, and resolutions, enables us to mitigate the complexities of life. If it will not cause a good outcome, do not do it. If it will cause harm to yourself internally or externally, do not allow it.

Reclaim your life, rise from obstacles, and do not allow obscurities to create cataracts on your eyes within life. See beyond the veil, and propel forward. Make considered decisions, and hope for sensible peaceful outcomes and results.

Situational judgment of assessing ones own environment will enable us to make evaluations to avoid calamity. Do not succumb to the principle that there is only one resolute answer for a situation, always enable Socratic method of analysis in your daily life. Question everything. To be mindful and present enables us to question, experience, and extract wisdom. Boundaries enable us to love and respect ourselves. If someone is projecting their expectations and views onto you, gently remind yourself that you do not have to be who they want you to be. You are unique, sovereign, abstract, and independent. You hold the pen to your life.

Observe how others treat individuals that can do nothing for them. Do they discard their support system easily? Are they obsessed with triangulation? Is warfare mindset their solution? Are they present? Are they peaceful? Their actions, are they supportive and nurturing? Do they seek to make manful connections or to use? Do they take accountability? Are they mindful and aware of their actions? Are they compassionate, kind, open, respectful, understanding? Are they loyal or only loyal to what serves their highest interest? How is their relationships with those closest to them — their emotional connections? Do you feel gaslighted? Do you feel silenced, abandoned, rejected, breadcrumbed?

“The hardest battle is who you are now and who you want to be.” — Unknown

Self exploration, internal healing, and positive mindset to seek resolutions, will enhance your structural foundation for healing, life, and relationships. Allow your soul to be at peace. Speak less and impact more. Listen — universal guidance and assistance is always directing you for your highest good. Evoke personal boundaries to enhance your freedom, safety, and protection.

Always be mindful that our environment is also the words, thoughts, actions, that we intake on a daily basis. Is it in alignment with your internal compass? Seek individuals that will honour and respect your chapters. Be strong enough to stand alone at times.

“Unconditional love does not mean unconditional tolerance.” — Unknown

Do not allow those that are conflicted with their direction make you question your existence, worth, or value. Beyond what you feel, remember what you deserve, and what is in alignment for you. Do not go to war with your internal compass for others — if you have to — it is not your path. Never devalue yourself on the basis of individual constructs of you, you define yourself in this lifetime. Seek natural transformation through peaceful measures.