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Within the depths of our unexpressed emotions and complexities of feelings weaves an intricate journey that is captivating, unparalleled, and profound. One may want to reunite with the simplicity of life, however, what is revealed in essence is the subtle difference between innocence and experience. Learning to treasure precious moments, to remain insightful with a delicate blend of unique flow in approaches , and to encompass the ability of discernment with impartiality to examine the void within our intricate lives of what we perceive as lack when in actuality it represents abundance. When we give ourselves the permission to live our lives to the fullest, to balance the dichotomy of strength with gentleness, we diverge in what we once found solace in, which represented familiarity and known accuracy, to delve into a new unconquered adventurous mindset to set our gaze directly on the future of the unknown.
When we move out of complacency, shed all we have ever known, and seek ourselves out of conformity, it ushers and leads to emancipation as it shatters misconceptions, beliefs, and labels that we have worn as shameful badges of perceived dishonour, into a firm introspective analysis and understanding of what we have accepted to transpire. Only through the act of regaining our internal power do we acknowledge what enabled us to become deprived or weak within. You have to ask, “Why do we consent or grant the ability to another to take away our power, worth, or rightful place within human existence?,” and “Why can we not be unapologetically, our true self, without compromise?.” To observe, to defy the parameters of rhetoric or the norm, we must embrace the uncertainty, and the unexpected. When we dare to live our lives without the sense of security, we enter into a deeply meditative state, of where we confront the obstacle of the illusion of powerlessness to transmute it for a more reflective and contemplative approach where we see ourselves as complete, whole, and strong. How often do we encourage the loss of sense of self, the loss of the profound touch with reality or humanity, or enable others to break us into fragments, only to feel dissolved, dislocated, dissatisfied, or disassociated within life? Why do we give our power away?
We are an expression of life and are not chained to the misfortunes, mistakes, or missteps of the past. As exploration courses through our veins, we are captured by the wondrous powerful moments, that place our existence into perspective. All of our trajectories are intertwined, and through our mutual involvements with another, provides comfort, peace, and solace. What we seek is within us, and once we inevitably open ourselves to the possibility that our souls will merge with others that resonate with our frequency, we then dissipate the illusion of the anxiety of loneliness or the social conditioning of detachment, or the illusionary belief that we are destined to be alone within our existence. Communities and societies which foster openness and acceptance offers invaluable support for one’s mental health and well-being, and enables all individuals within, to feel a sense of worth, cohesion, and solidarity. When we dissolve the construct of emptiness, despair, to shift to an enlightened stance of wanting to achieve personal fulfillment, awakening, and discovery, we then start to live and not merely exist. Our life’s purpose is to not remain on the margins or periphery but to experience epic transformations, which enhance our understanding and comprehension of our role within life itself. When we remove our saturated lens, drop our need for a sense of comfort through our coping mechanisms, and yearn for a greater role or purpose, we then live through authenticity rather than complacency. When we validate and see our worth, and comprehend that our presence has merit beyond what we have adopted from others negative constant criticism, we then remove negative judgments or misconceptions of what we should be rather than what is best for our path, to then move out of the destructive mindset of powerlessness into one that faces adversity, danger, and uncertainty with resilience, courage, and bravery.
Life will create many instances when our stability and comfort will be challenged, however, those instances serve as a reminder to remain present, flexible, and adaptable amidst the chaos, havoc, and calamities that are born or emerge from disaster, to reach an optimal functioning state of where we learn our limits of endurance, face or challenge what we fear, to reach a perseverant stage of resilience within, to move beyond the turbulence. It is an intentional conscious decision to move beyond what is within your confines of comfort. We may operate within our life on the lessons of others, which then interferes with our own interactions of partaking in the process of engaging in acts to experience it for ourselves. Do not allow others to deter or rob you from the experience of learning a lesson for yourself. Interference leads to displacement, why? You are not able to observe with an impartial assessment of facts, your variables may be similar but can never be replicated, and you may be operating from an imposed jaded sense of life. Impartiality is the greatest gift for remaining objective, and is not derived on prejudice, bias, or giving preferential treatment based on illogical rationality. To remain observant is to be neutral, to allow the Universe to unfold in its infinite glory. Just for a moment, rationally ponder, “What if I was not being treated equal, fair, or if misguided judgment reigned within my life?.” If we enter into a relationship with a pre-conceived ideology about another, how will we then be inclusive, tolerant or remain without prejudice. Our experiences can never be replicated within the same form as they are to another, so it is imperative that we remain open, inquisitive, and question everything. To not question is to remain naive, unwilling to accept new evidence or facts, or to remain stagnant within ones own comfortable belief systems, ideological narratives, or to remain transfixed on certain methods, routes, or modes of thoughts, patterns, or fixed ways. It is honourable to give deference and respect to traditional methods however, to remain adaptable and innovative, one must always seek new modes of techniques and forms of analysis. To be ethical and just, is a virtue, which demonstrates high moral standards, and fosters the foundational principles of our being.
To encompass true focus, one has to maintain governance and discipline over their actions, respond with logic, rationality, and fairness, with willful acts of integrity, prudence, compassion, self control, transparency and honesty. Without trust, we cannot form or build the solid foundations that enable our ethical moral standards and beliefs. If we do not remain true to ourselves or remain in authenticity, then we are living within a lie. Trust enables one to feel secure and safe, with the knowledge and reliance that we can depend on another where our confidence is placed, and where intention is backed with action. To trust is to open one’s heart, to remain vulnerable, where one can receive generosity, compassion, and acts of care. When the concept or embodiment of trust is severed, in such instances where ones rights have been transgressed, or there is evidence of betrayal, it can never be salvaged. Lack of integrity, honorability, or morality, results in the violation of sacred agreements and contracts between two parties, which then leads to destruction, and in the worst case scenario, revenge. Inconsistency, lack of transparency, and hidden motives, are fuelled often by greed, jealousy, or envy, if one encounters such a person, it is best to cut ties immediately. When one does not feel safe within a relationship, it causes fragmentation of the soul, and fosters a disbelief that true connection can exist, therefore, one has to ask, “How can you regain trust when intentional or willful acts of dishonourability or jealousy resides?.” When communication erodes, abuse is prevalent, trust is absent, and tensions arise, one must understand that it is a learning experience for their empowered sense of self and worth, as it is critical to maintain a balance between boundaries and discernment. One cannot blossom or flourish on scorched earth or remain within the line of fire. We choose what we allow, what we resist persists, and as a powerful quote stated “What we do not change, we choose.” We cannot retreat from life with a sense of pride, and we cannot permit the deliberate destruction of our self, soul, or spirit to be held in the hands of another. To accept a disadvantage, deficit, or remain in the fixed mindset that we are at a deficit or we lack to be whole without another is to saunter away from the fact that our true power lies within. Do not succumb to tactics that cause destabilization, enable the supremacy of another, or adopt the principle that you have committed a sin that needs to pay a price, as we are not derived or born from sin. Your body is a temple, it is the infrastructure that sustains and nurtures you, that gives you life, and that enables your consciousness to soar within the physical realm. You are meant to explore, wander, and discover all that life entails. Your weathered soul is not weak, and we must rise above our scars. Your despair is temporary, therefore, it is pertinent to resist moments where you want to lose the ability to want to live, move beyond the moments when you want to conform, and not allow your pleasures, desires, intentions, manifestations, dreams, or visions for the future to wither away. You have the power to regain your sense of self, you just have to be ready to rise again. You are more than your circumstances, you have the inherent right to move forward and not just merely endure the storm, learn to navigate as you cannot remain at the harbour all your life. You must return to your true roots and align with your truth and purpose. It is easy to remain on higher ground but to experience life amongst all that encompass it, is the true essence of humanity, which is to be one with all.
An act of retaliation is futile and is deprived from a peaceful resolution. The act once committed can never be taken back. It is a foolish gesture of an unfocused mind, with the intent of destruction. Do not be led by your misguided interpretations, as many will lack the comprehension or scope to take the time to impartially analyze a situation at hand. When one is led by the deliberate sense of only mentioning a panegyrist depiction of events, we do not receive the counterbalance of opposing arguments. The truth always resides between two tales, the philosophical mind seeks to find the truth whereas, the compliant and complacent one will always refer to what is known or comfortable. You cannot merely remain pacified with the past, you must seek to understand, learn, and extract from it. True wisdom is derived from our comprehension not our conciliate response to make the world more palatable. What is agreed, tolerated, or suitable may result in spiritual pollution for another within their soul. If the soul is denied to speak their mind, or express their internal struggles within, or teach their sacred lessons that they have obtained from years of observation, learning or experience within life, then what is the point of our purpose of existence? Our experiences acknowledge our strengths amidst challenges, our bravery is when we stand strong despite opposition or illusionary fears, to an acknowledgement of our internal acceptance. When we value our placement, seek validation through our self respect and self worth rather than from others, we then can overcome any obstacle. You do not have to obtain the approval of another to persist within your life, there is no risk in your attempts to determine your limits or boundaries, as it is the act of doing where we obtain unprecedented knowledge about the self.
One must implement acts of virtue, rather than being expectant or awaiting the promise of reward. To release resistance, to act without judgment, to remain humble when you have been afforded great abundance in all aspects of your life, and to not lose the sacred touch with humanity, fosters a sense of cohesiveness within the self and enables the soul to improve and advance. To acknowledge and face all spectrums of your emotions, is to be calm amidst unpleasant turbulence, to be aware and in awe of the unfolding uncertain impact of the nature of life’s sequences, which then enables us to the power to recognize the importance of observation and presence. We cannot project ourselves into the future, while remaining stagnated in a cyclical loop which is derived from our inability to push beyond our norms. Reformat how you experience life, how you see yourself, and give yourself the precious gift of acceptance and nurturance. Through analysis and remaining consciously aware of your morality, how you base your decisions, and reconfigure what you deem as truth, will enable self mastery. Accept situations as they are and not what you wish them to be as you cannot effect the final outcome in your perceived favour.
Unconditional love is a form of true acceptance of the self. It is not perceived on the basis that you must fulfill requirements, quotas, or meet certain criterias. Compassion is the pure acknowledgement and action of loving from the heart beyond the physical or mental constructs, which does not have expectations, wants, or needs. Love transcends the negative emotions of criticism, fear, abandonment, resentment, rejection, or pain, as it is the process of overcoming and embracing with a sense of trust that love prevails despite what we may have experienced within our lifetime. It is moving beyond trauma into a form of embracing tolerance, acceptance, and pardoning your limited beliefs while allowing the heart to rule over the mind. When one shifts their mindset into awareness of focusing what you can control, you limit the interference of negative thoughts, beliefs, or patterns to prevail beyond illusionary narratives. It is the willingness to love another beyond our expectations. A selfless form of love unites and does not divide, and instills solidarity without the need to control or sequester another into a narrow margin. To remain in perfect trust is to be on the periphery which allows the other the emancipation to be who they are without judgment, criticism, control or bias. When we move beyond perfectionism, denial of affection through numb or detached responses, and place aside shame or discomfort for the act of being vulnerable and open to another, it enables us to open our minds, hearts, and soul, to the possibility of living rather than just merely existing. Our discomfort may distribute empathic pain, fear, nostalgia, physical pain or anxiety however, it opens us to the possibility of appreciation, gratefulness, joy and relief for once our core roots are healed, we are able to transmute the past into a place of forgiveness. When we move out of the illusion that we are just adequate, tolerable, sufficient, or merely nothing, and move into a healthy state or place which enables our behaviour and emotions to encompass strength, courage, bravery, and resilience, we then regain our purpose and sense of being without giving into the impulsive reactions of trying to prove ourselves to others, to understand what and who we truly are. No one can define you, and your power cannot be taken away without your permission.
View life with an unfiltered lens, marvel in the enjoyment of pursing a new task or adventure with a fresh perspective, remain grateful and appreciative, and place the needs of others beyond your own. Beyond our obligations and duties, remove resent, shame, regret, anger, sadness, sacrifice, or disillusionment, into a mode of stability, honourability, empathy, compassion, with the vision to make the world a better place. Shift your focus away from being forgotten, and remain pure in intentional kind actions, where you enable others their chance to regain their strength, confidence, and feel visible within society. When we move beyond rejection, neglect, divisiveness, destruction, or revenge, we enter into a place of peace and harmony where our souls inner emptiness is filled with hope, as we dissolve the feeling of being overwhelmed and anxious into a place of acceptance, which energizes and motivates our vision to see the good rather than what we lack. Focus on raising your self esteem, reduce your interactions with those that do not acknowledge or value your presence, and most importantly, learn that isolation is a temporary cure for depression and illness however, should not remain a permanent state of mind. When we incorporate more self care, remove the feeling of emptiness within, promote our physical and mental health, and maintain a routine that is flexible, sustainable, and ensures and fosters a safe environment, we then flourish and become our true best self.
Lack of love does not constitute inner emptiness. When we confront our trauma, stare deep within our fear, heal our inner pain, and refuse to be paralyzed by our past, we begin to recognize the most meaningful connection, which is that with ourself. How selfish it is to feel that another can fill the void within the self? It places a lot of responsibility and burden on another to resuscitate our self worth or moral sense of being. Only when we recognize that our life is not dependent on the opinions of others, is when we emancipate, and give ourselves the right to exist. It is time you stand tall, seek enjoyment in what brings you pleasure, to move beyond the fear of life, and to remain hopeful for the future. You are more than the feeling of ostracization, abandonment, isolation, deprivation, sadness, anger, and sacrifice. Within life, we may encounter periods of time where we do not receive the physical, spiritual, mental, or basic necessities to sustain a healthy environment or existence. To deprive yourself of happiness due to an inner belief that you are unworthy or unloved is to sequester and segment yourself outside the realms of human affection and connection. You are not a mistake, you do not deserve to be punished, you are not born to be a cautionary tale, and you are not your circumstances that you have experienced or encountered. You are more than this. To be deprived from enjoyment reduces your inner worth and dignity.
Within my early existence, I experienced parental negligence, deprivation, and abandonment from my biological parents, which I have outlined in a few articles, to demonstrate how to overcome abandonment, abuse, engage in discernment, or overcome the feeling unworthiness. I do not often speak about my Father however, I need this cathartic release to serve as an example of when love turns to abuse.
My Father lacked the inner awareness of his actions towards others, neglected to face responsibilities or the acknowledgement of the harsh reality of the situations he had caused for himself and others. Often he consistently blamed various individuals for his decisions, actions, mistakes, and misfortunes, or demonstrated outbursts of physical aggression by smashing the protective glass on tables to abusing his family, friends, and child, when he did not receive financial assistance to sustain his lifestyle, or when demands were placed on him to step up. One may assume that his mental, physical, or emotional aggression was to make a point, or assert as perceived dominance. My Aunt (Who I call Mom) and Grandmother (Who adopted and were given legal guardianship over me) always maintained a neutral stance and consistently forgave him on behalf of my welfare however, with raising me, paying for legal fees, while keeping their heads afloat, my Mother confided in one of her male Italian friends who owned a prominent renovation supply business within town, who advised her to stop paying for his existence, to be consciously aware of what she was permitting and allowing, to sever the cord, and to come to grips with his actions as they did not match his words. As my Father failed to maintain a stable relationship with our family, refused to pay his mortgage on his inherited home that my Grandfather gave him in hopes that he would raise his family in it, cost of legal fees, or debts, my Aunt recognized that it was fostering an environment of turmoil, and she could no longer bear the weight of having to care for him. There were no apologies, no recognition for what transpired, and even within my Grandmother’s final days, she could not comprehend why he did not love us. When one runs away from their responsibilities, it creates havoc and chaos, and one can not sustain their well-being in such a dysfunctional environment. It broke my heart that a man I trusted betrayed me at such a young age, however, he proved to be one of the greatest lessons within my life.
Unfortunately, one of the final straws beyond the physical, mental, and emotional abuse involved my beloved piano. My piano afforded me one of the purest moments of joy that I could have ever experienced as a child, as it served as an escape from the cruel realities of custody battles, arguments, torment, neglect, abuse, and inner turmoil. My refuge was music. Music was my form of expression, and a channel for me to express my emotions, to learn focus and the art of consistency and dedication. Other than my Grandmother and Aunt who adopted me, it was my third love in life. On one occasion, which was one of the very last moments I had ever encountered with my Father was within the living room, where I was practicing my piano for a recital. Annoyed by my very existence, and unable to withstand the joy and relief I had while playing, he decided to slam the piano cover on my fingers, to force me to stop playing. It was an act of savage abuse, a form of irrational violence, which placed me into a state of shock, anger, pain, and further deprived me of a stable environment or male role model. That moment represented an abusive form of love, which inherently made me feel withdrawn and unresponsive to the love I received from others. It was an awakening period into my awareness that with pleasure there was pain, and that others sought to destroy the peace of others, when they did not have it within themselves. It led me to a state of not allowing myself to engage in what I found comfort in, as I did not tell my adopted Mother or Grandmother what transpired immediately, but insisted that the piano be sold, as I refused to attend another lesson. It was one of the bitterest moments of my life, however, it was a moment I could not comprehend or process, I just associated the piano with pain, and the man that claimed to be a Father as a bully. Within my childhood, I distrusted authority temporarily due to the immature nature of my biological parents however, within time, with the persistant nurturing and love of my Mother, Grandmother, friends, neighbours, teachers, and future partners, I recognized that the abuse I experienced was pivotal in my learning experience of what love was not. For children, learning and development is imperative, as they emulate and learn through the actions of their elders, and seldomly understands when rationality is not present. What did I learn? You can move beyond the pain, and just like bones, we may experience fractures, however, we must learn to rest, reset, and to nurture our unwavering belief that we can overcome, and heal. Children are not a bargaining chip, they deserve to retain their innocence, to become immersed in music, to engage in their faculty of wonder, to resonate with the lyrics, to dance, sing, and play. Life does not have to be one of sacrifice, and one of the gifts that my fiancé gave me before he passed was a piano, as he wanted be to reunite with my inner child and move beyond my experience into a place of forgiveness. We cannot control the climate of our life, however, we can consciously make the choice of what we can no longer tolerate or accept. Although, my Father is no longer in my life for over 20+ years, denies my existence to many to skirt his past, I have recognized that his only role was to bring me into this life. I still hold hope that he has become a better human being with each passing day, and that within time has become more consciously aware of his actions. Most importantly, may he be at peace within life, and receive the love he was not able to give prior, as I am a firm believer that love transmutes all.
Do not limit your experiences based on the actions of another, and do not isolate yourself or deny yourself from the experience of a warmth embrace, compassion, or pure love. You can move beyond the absence, neglect, or loss, of a trusted parent, guardian, friend, or partner, and regain strength to function in life. Within life we may not be what one desires, and may become the target of their direct abuse or troubling behaviours, however, it is not for us to mend what is broken within another, we can only control our actions going forward. Our exposure to trauma, abuse, or pain, may increase the likelihood that we may withdraw from affection, kindness, generosity, or inclusion, however, if we remain within that state, we become abrasive, jaded, and fragmented. Dissatisfaction or resentment are a result of our internal belief that life is cruel or unfair. You have the power to shift your perspective and thinking, and will be granted and given other opportunities to be loved again. Abandonment may lead one to experience shame, deprivation or scarcity mindset, or make us feel insecure within life or distrust or close relationships, however, remaining in the marginalized mindset causes us to not be grateful and appreciative for what gifts we have been given within life. Once we recognize that rejection is redirection, we move past blaming into acceptance, and are able to impartially view the situation in another manner, meaning, it was the Universe’s way of presenting a distortion of safety to enable us to recognize what healthy relationships entail. If we do not experience the bad, how will we recognize the good? Understand and learn from your past, and move beyond what has transpired instead of remaining mired. Move beyond fragmentation of social relationships, into compassion, love, empathy, and trust.
When one moves beyond fear of judgment, and does not conform to what is the norm, you then establish your sense of self and identity within. You have to become what you lacked. If you experienced inconsistency, become dependable. If you lacked a nurturing embrace, respond with true genuine authenticity and care. If you experienced emotional neglect, remind yourself about how the emotion of fear or destabilization felt and work towards establishing new modes of promoting inclusiveness, safety, love, and acceptance for all. We are beyond our past. We must move beyond the inclination to hold in what tears our soul apart from the seams, and acknowledge that isolation is avoidance from the expression and experience of life. If we engage in an overabundance of attachment issues, one must understand that at some point, one must have experienced abandonment, deprivation, or destruction of what was important to them at one period of time. To be placed in a situation where you have experienced great loss, enables one to remain humble and grateful for what they have. Those that can rise beyond what was thrown at them have the strongest character of will and determination. Unresolved issues may force us to retreat within life, where we do not feel a sense of safety or security however, uncertainty forces us to acknowledge that change is constant, that we can not control the tide, and that we may at one period or another get immersed into a sense of overwhelming emotions from life’s pressures. Always remember, a diamond is derived from pressure placed on it, and so too, will you shine brightly again. Emotional damage causes one to experience a loss of self, personality changes, or remain closed to close intimate connections. It is those brave souls who serve as trusted parents, guardians, or friends that enable one to come out of their shell to resuscitate and breathe new life within. There are not preemptive measures to avoid emotional connection or intimacy, for our connections enable us to feel and be one with all there is. Beyond comparison, expectation, and emotion, make the conscious choice and decision to liberate your soul, focus on mechanisms to care for yourself, practice mindfulness, and overcome your internal fear and persevere. You are capable and worthy of being accepted. Always remain respectful for yourself and others, and never allow another to deter you from your unwavering compassion for yourself or humanity. Love is the most powerful force in existence, it is pure unity, and the most intimate act of compassion. With temperance, humility, diligence, charity, acceptance, and kindness, trust and love yourself again.