Every human being is a beacon of transcendence. We embrace transformation, restoration, rebirth, to elevate and cement our metamorphosis. Although the human spirit can never be replicated for each has their own unique blueprint and signature, our initiative to move beyond conformity, through the integration process of returning to our higher state of consciousness. When we redefine our vision, goals, expectations, we then give hope to manifest a greater tomorrow. Through gratitude, appreciation, and the realization of the gift we have been given , that is, to live, we embrace our faculty of wonder, engage our innovative minds, allow our imagination to soar, curiosity to reign, as we return to innocence. Every individual within the collective is a keystone at the apex of an arch as each bears the weight of change as we all are one. Through the sequences of our lives we are interconnected not only through experience but through our collective vision. Each individual embraces the duality of the interchange of happiness to sadness, polarity and disunification to unity consciousness, to embrace destruction of the mind, body, and soul to recognize healing, to recognize that growth and experience are the only road to evolution. When we recognize that peace is the most precious commodity, only then, do we truly appreciate the gifts that we are presented with in the present moment. When we stand with a curious inquisitive mind, we question, observe, while remaining on the parameters without absorbing the direct situation. To learn that stillness can exist within movement, as we learn that metaphysical healing can only transpire when we heal through incremental stages and processes. When we release control of the unknown, the uncertain, the moments that temporarily shaped us, we then are able to recognize that healing is dependant not on the external factors but our own internal dialogue and sequences within ourselves. No one can walk the path, only you have been chosen to do so, for your internal examination can only occur by learning and mastering the self. When we embrace empathy, respect, reciprocity, only then do we truly learn unconditional love, empathy, and patience. Learning true balance means to embrace the fall, only through experience do we learn wisdom, lessons, and guidance how to navigate life, and eventually we learn that we are complete, whole, one, everything that we need to be.

“Someone else is dreaming of the job you hate, the home you complain about, the smile you forget to wear, and the health you take for granted. Do not allow difficult times make you forget your blessings.” — Unknown. This is such a powerful quote about appreciation and gratitude. It illuminates the importance of presence in our every day life and to recognize the blessings we have been bestowed in our existence.

Why do we forget about those that demonstrated unconditional love? Those that nurtured us, confided in us, supported us, educated us, mentored us? Where are our priorities? Our family, our soul tribe, our friendships, is what constitutes our being. Do not take this gift of love and connection for granted for it is within our grasp for a finite amount of time. We are not promised the gift of tomorrow, and our sacred soul connections stand as pillars for our strength and moral foundation.

Why engage in self sabotage when you can embrace belief? Healing your core roots liberates and emancipates the soul. Never give up on the one constant element in your life which is you.

When did our lives become more valuable than an animals? Every sentient life is sacred, equal and deserves the inherent right to live in peace with honour and respect. We are not above one another.

Why do we feel no compassion for those that have lost everything? Do we take the time to learn their names? Do we take the time to ask if they are hungry? Do we take the time to ask if they are warm?

Why do we fill our lives with meaningless objects when we do not appreciate our health, shelter, family, friends, or those who quietly make our lives better?

Where did we become a society that has become disposable? Past generations demonstrated commitment and consistency, they did not discard another due to an argument, or an object because it was outdated or had flaws. Why do we discard one another when we feel a situation or experience is not perfect? There is beauty in imperfections, and there is beauty in used objects, that long to be loved again such as an antique. Imagine a child that dreams of a bicycle, whose only wish is to experience childhood, however, due to economic circumstances can not afford one, only to learn that some cultures dispose of their bicycles because they are out of season or the wrong colour. We have become wasteful, decadent, and lost mindfulness to what truly matters. You can not place a price on what truly matters, which is human connection.

How we treat ourselves is how we then treat others or allow others to ultimately respond to us. We set a precedence and a tone for what we accept and allow. If we do not respect and honour ourselves or recognize our worth or value we become pliable to be molded and shaped by someone with motives. The beauty in finding oneself is the most beautiful gift of our time here on earth. To truly learn, heal, and to comprehend what makes us unique is what gives us life and existence.

Why do we accept despondence?

Where did we learn that we are not good enough? Is it a learned patterned behaviour or is it our internal dialogue of what we accept about ourselves from our illusionary perception of failures?

When you engage in dynamism, you place energy and enthusiasm on your progress. Your strength is your force of power. To beam with new innovative ideas, imagination, curiosity and a mind that is unparalleled is to engage in the faculty of wonder. To see beyond, to go above expectations, and to experience life with an open mind and heart is to embrace the unknown, to place yourself out there, to engage in risks, to explore your creativity through independence as you set the tone to define your own life. Your life will be filled with educational experiences and you will encounter teachers, mentors and those that will illuminate your path to enable you to return to your spiritual truth. When you balance the oscillation of life by remaining centred, true to yourself, with a grateful appreciative heart, you will then feel true compassion. When we adapt and adjust to life we become stronger as we extract the paramount lessons. Only through our experiences, our failures, our hardships do we learn to sympathize with others by aiding them along their journey through assistance during their physical, emotional, mental or sensitive periods of time. The gift of time can not be measured for it represents the ability to understand that our empathy can alleviate pain and suffering in others time of need. To comprehend and understand through deep inner reflection that the world does not revolve around ourselves, to be one with all, you must practice compassion, which enables the heart to open to trust others and accept interconnectivity. Value the timeless moments, the serene moments, the chaotic moments, the revolutionary periods, which then leads to peaceful resolutions which foster change. When we become aware of others emotional experiences, we transcend our own existence, and are then offered another perspective and outlook on life, which then juxtaposes our own set beliefs, core values or traditions.

Cherishing innocence is paramount. This could come in the form of seeing your beloved pet experience the first snowfall, the moment of pure wonder and awe, the experience of happiness in its purest form is what we must return to. We often take moments for granted, by remaining present we then fully embrace what it means to feel. Just like snowflakes which form complicated designs which can not be replicated, a moment in time can not be mirrored at a later date in the same unique form or fashion. Allowing ourselves to value moments is pivotal in our transitional stages for those moments define our character, how we view the world, how others will perceive us, and the more you remain inquisitive and flow with ease and grace, you then accept universal timing and direction. Moments shape us, our discoveries allow us to see beyond the norm. There is purity in stillness. To remain silent and to reflect is to give yourself the precious gift of peace through silent reflection. Only through our inner awareness do we discover inner truths.

Cherish the moments of your youth, remember the feeling of the first time you fell in love with another. Think, act, and respond to situation with the intention to create peace rather than disharmony. Recognize that the world does not revolve around your existence and that only through human connection do we understand the value of unity and community. Value your health, for it is sacred, there is only one you. Be mindful of others that are suffering, for their internal composition could enhance with your encouragement and support. The gift of time you give to another sets a precedence of how they will treat others, always be mindful of your example through your actions, words, thoughts, and overall behaviour, you are hero to someone you might have overlooked. Cherish the moments with your family and friends, you never know how long you will be blessed with their presence. Fully embrace love, allow others to understand and comprehend how you truly feel, human connection unites souls and enables us to learn self compassion, patience, unconditional love, and the value of human embrace through touch, just like a plant we can only survive through kindness, as it enhances our growth mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and environmentally. Take time to dance, move, find your rhythm without compromise, music enables us to transcend time, to awaken to our souls internal need to express ourselves through sound as sound reduces anxiety, alleviates pain, improves memory, motivates and enhances our wellbeing. When you foster and accept collaboration, personal expression, creativity, and allow your soul to emancipate, you begin to find yourself in the intricate moments. Recognize that you have been granted the sacred gift of self expression, endless possibilities, and the ability to foster true purpose with meaningful connections. Dare to explore and travel, learn from other cultures and communities, experiment, begin to reflect and think globally rather than locally. Through the healing power of intention, synchronization, and manifestation, set your visions and goals too create a brighter future. Remove the self inflicted boundaries and confines on your life, take flight, and have faith in your wings that they will enable you to soar to unprecedented heights. When you learned through your restoration period that you can heal your core wounds that chained you to your past lifetimes you reduce the cyclical nature of generational learned behaviour and paradigms. You then set the definition on your own terms to live with determination and purpose for a greater cause, as you are a sacred multidimensional being. To learn that there is moment in the stillness is to flow with ease and grace. Be the difference. Your actions contribute great transformations when you embrace catharsis. When we release our repressed emotions, our core roots, that has caused despondence or indifference, we then fully embrace every spectrum of emotion that makes life worth living. To become a catalyst of change, engage in the purification process of your internal being, for only then does your environment reflect your new frequency. From your lived life experiences, you then help another emancipate through altruism at its highest form. Only through deep appreciation and gratitude for all that we have, do we then recognize the precious gift of our existence. Our life is sacred, value and honour the process. There is only one you.