To establish equilibrium one must emancipate the soul from giving your power away to an illusionary force of fear. Fear is a construct, it is a mindset, a belief system, patterned behaviour in response to a perceived threat that does not exist. When one gives away their sovereignty, liberty, fundamental freedoms to others, you make them your master, captain, and ultimate commander. To live in the present, one must remain mindful and consciously aware of what is within their control, not to be stagnated in paralysis to past events or leaping forward into an unknown future. What you give power to, controls you, in every facet of your life. Being mindful of your daily intake of thoughts, words, actions, environmental factors that are within your periphery will be in an indicator of the frequency and vibration of what is within the realm of your influence. When you give away your power, you sign away your rights to emancipation — to live freely is to remain sovereign. To act, think, live to your own purpose, is the definition of true liberty. Do not allow imaginary curtailment to deter you from reaching or accomplishing your potential — no one can define, label, take away your power without your consent — do not allow it and do not sustain misaligned treatment. In all aspects of your life, seek justice not revenge, to be liberated means to focus with passion, patience, perseverance, and determination on your achievements and to fulfill your manifest destiny. You can not give away parts of yourself to remain whole, you must be solid and secure within yourself to face any challenge or obstacles that may be presented as a viable learning experience to observe, experience, and extract wisdom to impart on others. Your body, mind, and soul are your inner sanctuary with ancient sacred knowledge from your past. To live with moral purpose, to stand in your truth, to see beyond illusions enables you to become your own force of light which lives in internal peace.

Evoke introspection, nurturing, reflection, and empathy in all aspects of your life, including yourself. Our natural state is that of peace, if it is not peace, it is not the truth. Misalignment occurs when individuals, situations, experiences, and phases do not align with your frequency, vibration, or energetic imprint. If we are experiencing barriers, blockages, or fragmentation, it is not for our highest and greatest good and universally we are not facing rejection rather redirection to align along our universal path, mission, or journey. When you stand firm in your ground, call back all of your energy, and begin again. You are not possessed or paralyzed by your wounds, you will emancipate from the situation with integrity to observe that you are not the body, you are just experiencing a state of emotion, universal lesson, universal truth, or it is an opportunity for fundamental change within your own construct or state of mind. Change propels us to confront the unseen, to magnify what traits, elements, or aspects we are not comfortable with, to align with our true nature which is that of equilibrium, harmony, love, and peace.

If you give your power away to that of what you perceive is a higher force, you enable a chain reaction of fear to set in to cause destabilization of the mind, body, and soul, and within that state you will be eclipse with misguided thoughts, actions, words, which will create resistance rather than open to the possibility to take your power back. No one has control over you, you determine your own state of peaceful coexistence with starts with healing within, to have it mirror externally in your environment. You can not expect harmony when you do not feel harmony within, you can not expect peace when you do not heal within, you can not experience love when you do not have love for yourself, you can not expect respect if you do not evoke discernment, boundaries, and a mindset of healthy relationships. Change begins with you, within, in the here and now, the present, the now. Express your willingness to confront aspects of yourself, to take the steps to correct behaviour that is not in alignment with your goals. You can not make excuses or justifications for non ethical actions, take accountability, responsibility, rather than empty explanations that only serve as distractions, focus on internally healing what hurts you to the core, sit with it, breathe, confront, and evoke patience. Be selective with what you engage in, where you shift your focus, or you will enhance its impact. Our words, actions, thoughts, create miracles or disaster in our experiences, you can either be the solution or remain the problem. Giving yourself the permission to reclaim your power, sovereignty, and peace enables you to reach and achieve unification of the soul which leads to a prosperous harmonious coexistence with others. Never disassociate from your reality — to live fully, embrace all elements of life. Disconnection from the present fragments the soul as it is living in a timeline of what has either passed, or a future that is uncertain, with endless possibilities. To live with patience, to face reality, to live with hope, faith, passion, and ambition rather than ambiguity or control will enable you to have a liberated mindset to embrace experiences that will awaken your soul. Your strength is how you process your healing not what caused you to feel fragmented, broken, disconnected, fearful or powerless. Command your power back. You deserve to know what not giving up on yourself appears like — when you invest in yourself, your future, your loved ones, you rebuild.

As we evolve to new enlightened states of consciousness and interconnectivity, celebrate our milestones of our achievements and the wisdom it imparted, we begin to recognize our inner truths and inner wounds. It is imperative that during the onset of your spiritual expansion that you dissolve patterns and repetitive stories that were constructed based on others perceptions of reality or an individuals narrative that was constructed to dismantle, stagnate, or label who you are as a human being. All human beings are complete, whole, and one, with endless potential, possibilities, achievements, intelligence to comprehend all situations and circumstances with a rational and ethical mind — to give another the power to define you, paralyzes your growth for further expansion if you allow the words, statements, phrases or narrative curtail your sovereignty. No one can define your worth other than yourself as you are your own temple of truth, that is consciously aware of what has occurred, the truth, and what you are capable of. Always remain on higher ground, and not allow the actions of others that did not appreciate you change your giving nature.

Evoking interconnectivity in all aspects of your existence entails processing and accepting feelings, experiences, thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, and unity. Remaining open minded to new possibilities, changes, environmental shifts, and adopting new perspectives and perceptions will align the conscious mind to be in the mindset of love, integration and collaboration, peace, versatility to enhance adaptability and strength. Living your true authentic genuine self will foster journeys of self discovery, inner wisdom, to embrace the self, and to live with purpose. It is to set yourself free from traumatic experiences which fostered a belief that you should be in seclusion, to coil up, hidden, retract to infancy or to cause the illusion of deterioration.

Establishing a stronger foundation to enhance your energy, frequency, vibration, self care, self worth, emotions, reactions, responses will allow you to vocalize from a place of peace rather than destruction and disturbance. When we embrace divine guidance, divine direction, divine peace, divine love, and equilibrium we restore our sacred home which is within. Lead by the heart, with true integrity and generosity — to give is to connect, to establish a bond creates union, coexistence then enables us to recognize that we are all part of our creator. Seeking refuge in our own wings, to rediscover our innate abilities, wisdom, and strength fosters cohesiveness within as we seek help from our internal compass and knowledge, rather than being reliant on others to guide us. Your souls identity is a tapestry of all of your culminated experiences, which transmutes negative experiences and promotes inner growth. Your fabric within is unique, divine, sacred, which is why you are here, to make a profound difference in your own unique signature. No force is beyond the divine, and when you listen intuitively, that is true alignment. Embrace transformation, expansion, challenges, obstacles, experiences, shifts, awakenings, and ascension for it will reveal what is meant for you. Once you rediscover divine truth, it enhances your gifts, which generates new possibilities, outcomes, and enhances our trust within. Seeking solace from within is the first step to build trust in one’s abilities — within silence we are more attuned to the universe and universal messages, and is a source of restoration. You are not broken, dismantled, or misaligned during healing, you are returning to your true higher self. Embrace it. Stand in your truth, evoke higher purpose, begin your evolutionary journey.

Anchor your energy, ground yourself in the earth, embrace all seasons and their natural states, as it will foster awareness of time, release, focus, inner power, and will enable us to hold higher standards which lead to healthy boundaries. Your metamorphosis will enable great transformations. Choose words, actions, and thoughts carefully as hindsight is not an excuse for lack of ethical behaviour. To be cautious on all of our approaches, to maintain integrity, discretion, mindfulness, secures a future of leading with conviction rather than blindness. As human beings, we must always hold ourselves within an ethical manner. Understanding and comprehension of our emotional responses and behaviour will enhance the human experience as we will learn adverse effects of situations have on the functioning of our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and psychological wellbeing. Seek self improvement, and progress rather than validation.

Enhancing empathy enables us to analyze experiences from other perspectives, to understand, to attune to the emotional, spiritual, social, cognitive processes that a community or close relationships may face. It is emotional intelligence, leadership, to have the ability to unselfishly comprehend the needs of others before our own. It is the definition and the prime example of unconditional love, acceptance, and inclusiveness. It is seeing beyond conditions, distractions, narratives and having the integrity to do what is right and just. Unconditional love is never conditional. Teaching others how to encompass self love, self care, self compassion and self empathy enables them to live harmoniously within their internal environment. Being conscientious and conscious in all of your pursuits translates to living with true aligned moral judgment and moral principles. You have great potential of establishing anything you set your mind to, envision a better future for future generations, allow that to be your legacy.

Intentionally express yourself through love, peace, and unity. Place into practice the wisdom you have learned to instruct and help others. Your experiences serve as valuable tools to enable and foster powerful change for the future. With confidence, decisively decide that no one defines your worth, value and that you can liberate from the negative constructs of the past to emancipate for a brighter future. You are the embodiment of love, compassion, self reflection, self discovery, inspiration and valuable insight. You are more than your sacrifices, pain, trauma, you are a soul that has liberated to new depths of imagination, creativity, independence and personal freedom, who by nature, will always reclaim your life, power, time, and inner peace. You are a precious gift from the divine, do not allow others to masquerade what your true potential is. Assess what is truly important and valuable within your life, and begin your journey. With an authentic, adaptable, and empathetic spirit, you will prevail and make significant impacts within life. With focus, perseverance, resilience, and vision, set your life into motion.

Fundamental lessons: dismantle the illusion, for if you give a situation power in the mind, it becomes your reality and your master. If you believe, will, or manifest it, you will make it true and your constructed existence. When one gives away their fundamental freedoms, power, it enables others to construct, contort, label, provide a false narrative or control your experiences or situations. Nothing is true, unless thinking makes it so. Your reality is what you construct. If you allow distractions, disturbances, turmoil within your existence you then welcome chaos, which then becomes your environment and changes your fundamental structure and character. Your power is the decisions you make in the tough, neutral, and peaceful states. Your karmic imprint is embedded within every decision of your experiences and circumstances. We heal from not what broke us but the power within to prevail despite the odds. You have the power of choice to do what is right, moral, and just, always seek justice and peaceful resolutions for your leadership will echo onto those you mentor, love, and future generations. The decisions of today will become the imprints of tomorrow. Be the change that is needed, and that you wish to see with moral conviction, solid foundation, and peaceful nature. Allow your soul to awaken. With forgiveness, please know that Your wounds do not possess you, they are indicators that you survived a challenge and have moved on with good moral judgment and character, to retain your inner peace within. Transmute negativity to enhance emancipation, and to achieve an elevated state of consciousness.