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What is emancipation from destruction ? How is this achieved? Why is this significant for our path?
The true question that resides within all of us is how to transmute deep pain.
As we search deep within ourselves, we have experienced profound loss.
Loss has then caused us to fear a force beyond ourselves.
Individuals feel that to overcome the loss within we then must become what we fear or have to overcome.
There is a saying “Be careful that you do not become what you fight, for if you stare deep within the abyss of darkness, it shall look back on you.”
How to regain our emancipation? Our sovereignty? Our inner peace? How to seek refuge when all around us destruction might be evident.
We must first ask, is it true destruction or did we have a false sense of illusion that the foundation was strong and secure. You cannot build upon fragmented foundation.
One might ask , why are fragments important? The reason : when we loose a sense of self due to loss or grief or sadness , we then allow darkness in.
We have been trained by society or ingrained misguided direction that fragmentation of the soul means that we are broken beyond repair. However, what if we see it as an opportunity to view our scars , our battle scars if we will , that our scars are not flaws but an opportunity to allow light in? For a fundamental chance to heal , to overcome , to see that our scars are not tears but tiger stripes?
If we continuously chose war , we deteriorate , we loose life-force and sacred peace within.
If we see every individual or every opportunity as an obstacle , how then will we ever acknowledge the good, the pure, the light?
Are we fighting on the basis of an ideology or a war within ourselves?
If we have outgrown an ideology that means that we are finally transmuting the ego and becoming one with our higher conscious self.
If we seek to create turbulence within ourselves , we then create further disharmony within our bodies , our reality , until it metastasizes beyond repair.
I want you to always remember that you can transmute any situation for the better , no matter what obstacles you may face.
We are all given the gift of life with boundless opportunities to change our directions , to see new frontiers , to see a new alternative of choice.
To be a pillar of light , you must release what hurts your soul to the core. You must be brave to let go of what weights heavy on your heart, what causes to doubt yourself, what causes you to question safety or peace.
Fragments are an opportunity to examine what is causing us to become reactive — as it is a wound that needs to be healed.
No matter what mistakes or rough choices you have made , you always have the opportunity to return to the light within and use your story of overcoming destruction to help other souls along their journey.
To repair your soul you must come to terms with your past , you have to forgive yourself , and always ask not why are you experiencing the situation but what is it profoundly teaching you.
If you chose to build on a shaky foundation of past experiences it will dismantle your present as you will always be stuck in the past.
Choosing to end a battle or a war with yourself or externally does not constitute weakness , it exemplifies great strength and honour, for you have mastered the lesson, extracted the wisdom, and have decided to choose peace over destruction. Your struggles develop your core strength and experience no one can take away from you because when you decide to move forward you are building not from nothing but from experience.
Always remember — safety is felt within not fulfilled by a greater force external to us. Remember through suffering or hardships emerge the brightest strongest souls, for they have risen despite the odds. “If it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change you.”
Disconnect from destruction to reconnect with the self.
In healing , we experience first discomfort , then acceptance , then growth. Embrace change and challenges as it will clarify your path — obstacles help us to see the true situation.
In life , when all might seem uncertain , the two constant elements are divine timing and choices. Always navigate the complexities of existence without judgment — each experience speaks directly to the soul with a underlying reassurance that in life we must let go of control and past experiences and allow life to unfold in its natural state.
When we drop negative emotions we lift the cataracts and obstacles that are blocking an open mind and heart.
Be brave with every decision in your life. Please know that the Universe always presents us with an opportunity to choose peace, as peace is our natural state.