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Be an emblem of transcendence, spiritual rejuvenation, and enlightenment. This fosters new paths, missions, visions, purpose, and adventure.
As you navigate the complexities of life, you will begin profound awakenings, transcendence, evolution, change, and it will catapult you in multifaceted ways into the depths of your soul to confront aspects of your life that you need to profoundly change or evolve from.
Embrace reflection and change as you embark on your journey of self discovery which will enable you to evaluate, observe, experience, and evolve to gain valuable insights and wisdom for other individuals to learn from.
As we embark on new transitional journeys through Gaia’s magnificent landscape, we open ourselves to uncover the meaning and ancient wisdoms of life. We are all multidimensional in nature, aligned with celestial movements, and Gaia is the guiding force of clarity, as she is one with us as we are all interconnected within her.
We must open ourselves to change, what we embodied at one period of time has evolved, and we have been ushered into new transformational and renewal processes. You will begin to uncover your own unique blueprint and rhythm within life’s cycles. The more you embrace your healing journey, the more you will regain your purpose, mission, energy, nourish your soul and heal core root wounds that need to be addressed.
Focusing on your intuition and intention is essential during the transformative stages. You will begin to intentionally set goals (which aligns with your highest good), and learn to have faith and trust in Universal direction, which offers new paths, possibilities, and adventures.
Embracing change is paramount. Change is the fundamental catalyst to progress. Without change there is no evolution, and with evolution creates metaphysical space to flow with Universal intention and direction. Change does not appear mysteriously, it starts with a thought that within our lives we seek inner and external truths. The moment a lesson evokes change, our lives will propel in new directions fostering strength and courage. During your evolutionary period, always embrace new habits that aligns and nourish yourself with affirmations which encourages creativity and self expression. Visualize achievable steps, affirm, manifest, and meditate. The Universe will always allow limitless possibilities and potential for what lies ahead. Always allow refinement, preparation, and adjustment periods as our intentions will shift focus, or will require us to initiate action to bring our goals into the tangible form. Through this process, we learn to accept change with ease, grace, patience, and mindfulness.
As we embrace new beginnings, transformation, renewal, and rebirth, it allows us to balance duality and mindsets. It then allows illumination, acceptance, guidance, and insight. Duality allows us to heal aspects of ourselves that are in contrast, such as our perception of what is moral and immoral, emancipating from darkness to light, balancing our divine masculine and feminine aspects of self, to enable us to recognize our core wounds, beliefs, patterns, to align us for further expansion.
Giving yourself permission to embrace the sacred phases of growth, as you will heal your subconscious aspects of the mind, enhance your intuitive nature, and allow your inquisitiveness to flourish as you begin to see through a new perspective.
Cycles represent a rite of passage, as we awaken that phases teach us sacred lessons for us to release and let go. Life is in a flux and constant change, which leads to new modes of innovative thinking, clarity, unveiling, and cycles enable us to be present within these changes to learn fundamental significant lessons for our souls expansion.
With gratitude, reflection, and introspection, new beginnings also represent release. This is the period of where we let go of old patterns, reflect, and extract wisdom from our learning process of a certain experience, and a guide to living in alignment with our true purpose and direction. Although an emotional sequence, it will enable profound redirection into new categorical phases which enhances our mind, body, and soul for renewal. We cannot change by holding onto old habits, patterns, beliefs, cycles — just like the seasons we must let go without control. Reflect, forgive yourself and others, and release. Always ask, what did you learn from the cycle? How to embrace forgiveness to move forward? It is surrender to the unknown and where we emancipate from the ego and pride, and rest. Not all situations are meant to be in our life forever, deep reflection enables us to see with clarity and to learn that release is a part of renewal. It is surrender to the natural flow of the Universe, to respect and honour time, and to gain clarity on situations to give us wisdom for life going forward.
Nurture yourself, rejuvenate, restore, and rebuild. Surrendering to change is a delicate and intricate process however, it opens our soul to recognize that intention, self discovery, evolution, is essential for our agility, adaptability, and resilience. How can we embrace and adopt new perspectives while holding onto old patterns? Move from one state of being to another, as you seek new truths and trajectories. Life is meant to be experienced in the present — presence enables us to be fully in the moment — it is a return to the self. The purest form of love is the love for yourself when you honour your time, care, and respect yourself enough to foster the change that is needed. You are meant to experience enlightenment, evolve, discover, seek new adventures, and break free from stagnation — this is true liberty.
When you encounter resistance, propel forward. Discomfort enables us to examine core wounds, it is a teacher of patience for the unknown. We learn within life that we must heal in incremental stages. Challenging our negative beliefs and integrating new modes of thought and processes enables us to foster positive shifts to dismantle what holds us back. Facing our shadow selves, and our conflicting beliefs, enables us to recognize duality within the nature of cause and effect.
To return to our true nature of peace, we must confront elements that caused us to veer off from our trajectory. This enables self awareness to understand our responses, emotions, traits, behaviours and most importantly to take accountability and reflect on how they impact others. With compassion and empathy, confronting what makes us uncomfortable allows us an inner perspective into consciousness. When we liberate, begin to be open to experiences, that is where true natural transformation begins.
Trust and honour your judgments, decisions, and path. Embrace failure as it is a part of life that enables us to balance the ego and pride. Invest in your future, empower others, motivate and inspire, communicate effectively, listen, and lead by example. Foster positive environments that will enable you to nurture and flourish as positive climates enable us to heal and reawaken. Be mindfully conscious of the framework that makes you unique and promote longitudinal developments and incremental change to learn, educate, and reflect. Evoke determination and discernment to see through difficult phases, for it teaches us adaptability, empathy, and how to navigate difficult terrain through problem solving. Embrace your metamorphosis for you are returning back to your true nature which is that of peace.