Embrace today, forget tomorrow and cherish the moment that is now.

In life, we will experience many actors that will come into our lives that will serve as lessons for our greater awareness. Observe the situation, ask yourself, “In this current situation that I am experiencing, what is being brought to my attention?”, “What must I change about myself?”, “What must I become more aware of?” , “Am I embracing the present moment?” and “What no longer is for my highest good?.” Negative situations and emotions keep us stuck in the past, RELEASE!

When we encounter someone that is negative, wanting us to be in constant state of fear and panic or wants us to embrace negative emotions, we must ask ourselves “why are we giving our power away?” and most importantly when someone is in a negative frame of mind why are we listening? If your encounter someone that is embracing the negative, do everything in your power to get them healthy again. It is not our natural state to be in fear or negativity. Fear and negativity are a response… they are not who we are.

A healthy, stable, loving environment will always make you feel valid and empowered. Repeat as many times as needed …

When you feel diminished, deflated, frustrated, restricted, you are not free.

Embrace the freedom and the journey to express who you truly are. Motivate others to do the same. Walk the path that no one has dared to. Be the individual that you are proud of. It is YOU VS. YOU. No one made you do anything, we allowed it… Forgive yourself and move past your current experience.

Speak to your inner child. Are you feeling fear? panic? anxiety? ask yourself, why is this?

Never give away your power to anyone. You were born for greatness. We are all leaders with our unique views and perspectives and most importantly our voice.

If you experience setbacks and blocks, invent a solution. We are born to think, invent, and to shape our world into greatness. Allow your creativity to soar. Invention comes out of necessity, how will you make your mark in life? What will be your legacy?

Move beyond what has been done before. What can be made now?

Empower yourself and others everyday to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

Ask yourself, are you only remaining or participating in a situation out of false obligation? Do you even want to participate anymore? No one can force you to remain in a situation that is not good for you.

The future generations depends on you always being a positive role model. Inspire the next generations that their future looks bright. They look to you. Just think, if a child sees you scared and panicked, what do you think they will act like? Be the calm in the storm. Generations look to you as being a role model, watch your words and actions. You mean the world to someone remember that.

Beyond what you have allowed in your life, what is your next step?

Embrace your moment that is the now to be the change you want. It is your life!

Go back to when you were a child, did you not have endless dreams of what you wanted to achieve? Go beyond and create! Do not allow negative thoughts or emotions block you from your potential that is this moment.

Become the best version of yourself. The time is now! Be in the present! Learn what it means to be in the present. Remove all distractions and focus on your goals. You are the captain of your own domain.