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Live a life of truth and moral purpose.
You can not live through the shadows of others or to mimic their accomplishments. You need to set your sights, focus, and attention on your own dreams, accomplishments, and desires.
Do not waste a minute — always do what is right.
You are somebody to someone and the world is watching even when you feel you are alone. You are not alone, we are all learning from our experiences.
Stand up for your moral principles even when that means standing alone and do it without worry as those who are right for you in your life will love, support, and stand by your decisions whatever you may choose.
Be respectful for what is needed and do what is right. Always be kind, never forget that your heart knows the truth and what is best.
Never allow the actions of someone deter you or keep you from succeeding. They proved as a lesson even though they might have made you feel small.
Do not live with regrets as we must move forward in life. We are constantly evolving, changing, forging our new paths. Sometimes sadly, the people we want the most in life choose another path, one that we may not understand but we must respect, and we worry for them but must accept their decisions.
Timing is everything, sometimes it is too late to turn things around, or when we finally are open the door has closed.
Remember, your actions will impact those around you.
Always ask, are my actions helping or hurting. Humanity is evolving, never engage in behaviour that will harm another human being because that individual is someone’s Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Child, Parent, Cousin, Stranger no matter what the issue might be.
You do not need to always be right however, you need to keep in mind how your actions will impact others.
Stop living in the past, start fresh with the new beautiful blessing of today.
Learn to say “Beyond this , what else is there?”
Lift the stylus off the record if the record is constantly on repeat.
The lessons of yesterday, will be useful yes in your experience to grow and overcome to your next phase but every situation will be new. Do not judge your current experience on the past as everyone is different and you are fundamentally different as you advance to the next level of your journey.
Learn that it is ok to let go of what does not serve you. If it is causing havoc in your life, you need a limit. Only you understand what that limit is.
Remember — we might not get the chance to change things or we regret that situations hurt us profoundly but realize you might never receive an apology for an injustice, you might never get that validation or recognition, and you might not have the ending that you wanted however, it is leading you to new experiences.
Embrace change like the seasons. Open yourself and forgive yourself for the new that is the now, the present, the here and now, the moment of your freedom and emancipation from the strings that hold you to the past.
You are allowed to accept change, you are allowed to have your limits, you are allowed to accept your imperfections for they make you a masterpiece, you are allowed to change your mind, most importantly, do better.
Do not waste your life wondering what if you did this or that. Your choices that you decided to make were based on the situation from the knowledge of what you understood at that moment.
You are evolution. You can not stay stagnant. You need to accept things as they are. If they are meant to be — release to see what comes.
If something matters to you, let the person know.
Most importantly, forgive yourself. You do not need to hold onto negative emotions as they will only weigh you down.