You deserve to exist, you are not born of misfortune, and you are not a burden. You are beauty within, with diverse views, and are a colourful expression of life. Embrace trust, faith, and confidence within yourself. You represent presence, you are the now, as you are living life-force that represents poetry in motion.

You are a contrapuntal enigma, paradoxical in nature, a metaphor within life, a comma but not a mere period, and are allowed to have an open opinion with an ambivalent divergent nature. To be unparalleled one must be different in all aspects within life with variance. Define your intentions, narrative, guiding moral foundations, and principles. Set your own standards, and define your moral existence. To accept that you are not common, ordinary, or usual is a gift. It indicates that your spirited nature stands the test of time to define new standards, movements, methodologies, and experiences. What is the fun in being predictable? Remaining inquisitive, rare, unique, different makes you extraordinary and remarkable in nature. We might all share the same origin but our social conditions, education, communities, cultures, and enriched historical trajectories curate and force us to all have different lived experiences. To embrace uniqueness is to be less restricted by what is comfortable, you then seek adventure, exploration and are not defined by a constrained view about the world and are not constricted by fear or conditions. To respect and embrace equality is to appreciate, accept and unconditionally love another’s values, beliefs, and culture. Embrace your artistic creative nature and conceptualize ideas and moments and express yourself by embracing your true self. Self expression enables us as human beings to convey our ideologies, thoughts, feelings and creative endeavours which creates another dimension in existence and is an aspiration to liberty and enactment of enlightened ideals. When we accept who we are we then permit and allow new beginnings, leadership, igniting deeper self reflection of our core intuition, and the awakening of our spiritual nature and essence. Always embrace opportunities and set clear intentions. Always remain optimistic and realign your priorities within life.

You are not a mistake. You are not irrelevant. You are not nothing. You are not a burden. You are not an inconvenience. You are not compromised. You are not the sins of generations past. You are not defined by your experiences, circumstances, or situations to which you have no control over. Your insurmountable struggles define your endurance, which illustrates your character. Your character is then defined by your choices of following your moral judgement or allowing your ego to cause destruction and havoc in all that you possess. Do not allow your experiences metastasize or belittle your existence. You are transcendent and sacred and serve a powerful divine purpose to live, exist, and experience.

Periods of change and transformation awaken our insight of what constitutes life, which then evolves to an open heart and positive mindset as we seek change rather than stagnation. Do not seek confirmation of your worth and value from others, it must be awakened and recognized within. Change is a choice, and it stands as a prime example that we should not remain stagnant where our presence is not valued or supported. We cannot be a facsimile of what was before, we must evolve with ease and grace through our experiences. No one has ultimate power over your existence without your permission. Once you ignite hope, ambition, and action within yourself to accomplish your goals, visions, and dreams, you become unconstrained by the narrative of the past. The negative perceptions and conceptions of others are their internal dialogue which does not stand as truth, if you allow your mind to give it power it destroys the spirit and gives others the emotional power and bandwidth to cause destruction within your life.

Maintain a strong core foundation of being transparent, open, accountable, harbouring a loving, nurturing and respectable environment within your internal sanctuary. Value your inner peace and time, refocus, consciously monitor your behaviour, character, remain productive and proactive, and mitigate those that seek to cause internal turmoil within your existence. Your presence is precious, valuable, and focus on momentum and progress rather than regression, fear, and stagnation. Remaining grateful and appreciative enables you to maintain perspective on what matters rather than succumbing to negative peer pressure. When we evoke playfulness, adaptability, change, foresight, and resourcefulness, it enables us to break free from self imposed limitations and customs to forge and propel us into renewal and rebirth. Do not just exist, live in the moment, shift perspectives, and do not be a creature of the mundane and routine, evoke spontaneity as it fosters pure creativity rather than redundancy. You have been blessed with intuitive gifts to manifest positive outcomes for yourself and others. Be courageous to be the difference and do not be chained to the past. Relying on others for points of reference or to maintain our existence does not create self sufficiency, it fosters dependency, and leaves a narrow margin for growth. To stand in your power you must be the change needed, and must learn through action as you will discover meaning and purpose. No one can walk this path other than yourself.

Be the silence that is required. Adopt unconventional approaches where you explore what it means to be your true self. Only through experience do we begin to express our individualism. Exist outside of the cultural paradigm or norm — what might be normative to one might curtail the freedom of expression for another. Originality, innovation, and unconventional methods emerge from eccentricity and it is essential in our evolutionary process. To deviate from convention one must be adventurous, ambitious, imaginative, and have a keen sense for seeing what is not seen. It is essentially an expression of the senses. It solidifies and codifies your nature of being adaptable, resilient and strong as you maintain consistency, dedication, and focus to your project, construct, or art without deferring to “What has always been done.” Redefine the definition and see beyond the periphery or boundaries of the minds eye as innovative solutions and approaches create opportunities and diverse or divergent methods. It fosters true leadership and demonstrates great resilience, restraint, focus, and fortitude. Silence constitutes our inner being, our sacred internal unprecedented wisdom for clarity, peace, and reflection. To be one with your environment while maintaining your inner being harmonizes the mind, body, soul, and spirit. Operating from the higher self creates synergy between the physical and divine realm. When you nurture and nourish your inner spirit you develop patience, love, trust, understanding, respect and alignment within. Unconditional love emerges from the love of self.

Embrace unconditional love and acceptance from others. Enable another to offer you the potential and opportunity to receive love in its purest form without restraint. It is safe to love, and to be loved again. Be unburdened by your past trajectories that closed you off from being vulnerable. Do not allow life experiences to shrivel and crumble you. Dare to take a leap of faith and overlook the internal pain, as it enabled you to open yourself to the point that you had to recognize that you deserve to be nurtured by others — pain only emerges out of situations where there are countless cases of various experiences of mistreatment, neglect, harm, and avoidance. Grant yourself the gift of a comprehensive internal evaluation of not what defined you to the breaking point within the past but what you require for the future. Do not allow your experiences to bring you to the state of metastasis to the point of where you become numb, secular, or a recluse. Paralysis and stagnation occurs when we give up the fight within ourselves to live another day, we experience a moment of discomfort but it does not have to be the end of our existence. Listen and take note of your internal concerns, but most importantly ask, “Will you allow this to define you?” and “Do want another chance at life?.” Employ empathy, love, consideration for your well-being, improve yourself incrementally, and adhere and seek guidance from your internal compass. You learn through how an experience feels rather than actions and words.

Learn to be an advocate for raising awareness of how deterioration of the soul due to trauma can impact ones ability to trust or progress forward. See challenges as opportunities for achievement. We rise and exist by lifting others and through courage, perseverance, and strength we learn that vulnerability leads to emancipation, the more we open ourselves, the more we return to our divine self which is based on love. There is strength in stillness and reflection. What you seek is found within, you are not lost. Only through quiet refuge and time do we discover, recognize, and accept the inner realization of our internal construct — love is the most powerful force in existence, without it we become burdened by fear which stagnates our evolution.

Your interactions, presence, compassion, kindness, and light are catalysts of change which enrich the lives of others. Our conscious level decisions enable us to remove our regressive nature and move towards our inner power of choice which then enables us to overcome our internal pain by forgiveness. Only through forgiveness, are we afforded the knowledge that our lessons serve as instrumental teachers. We must take full accountability and control over our emotional existence by not giving power to the lessons of abandonment, injustices, betrayals, distress, displeasure, disappointments, misfortunes, or catastrophic experiences. Our pain represents our obstacles or turbulence within the soul that needs to be reconciled, recognized, and recovered from — our pain is a powerful source that enables us to recognize our suffering within the metaphysical and physical realms. What we do not heal within our physical existence will manifest within the metaphysical. Acknowledge your pain, however, do not permit stagnation within your learning for our circumstances affords us opportunities for growth, expansion, realization, recognition, awakening, and internal and Universal expansion. Do not just merely exist, live. Be propelled by change, as change is the master of transformation, and enables us to awaken to our true self.

Elisabeth Babarci is a Canadian Empowerment Coach. Elisabeth’s humanitarian efforts throughout her entire life, ongoing training and education by certified professionals, and life experiences has enhanced her comprehension and understanding of how to help others become strong, resilient, and empowered. Elisabeth’s main focus is helping clients with empowerment and recovery from trauma. In advising and guiding her clients on how to cope with constant change in unstable environments to safe environments, allows the establishment of balance, inner peace, forgiveness, and equilibrium. Elisabeth’s goal is to help individuals acknowledge their inner strength, rehabilitate, restructure, rebuild, and reclaim their power to move forward in life. Elisabeth has direct experience with overcoming challenges and is dedicated and determined to seeing individuals become adaptive and resilient. WWW.BABARCI.COM

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