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Failure is only a state of mind, it is not permanent, it is an experience.
Only you can define your limits of what you accept and what you do not.
What you might see as failure is in actuality an opportunity to learn. Analyze the issue from every facet. What elements are missing? Do you feel that the project you were investing time in is aligned with who you truly are?
Do not give up on what is important to you.
Overcome the fear from within. Ask yourself and meditate on it, what is preventing you from achieving your goals? Is it a comment? A belief? Society? Individual? or Fear?
Take a moment to do this thought experiment. If you were an adult speaking to a younger version of yourself and you heard “I can’t” “I will never” , how would you respond to that? We have been conditioned to spend countless hours allowing others to tell us what we can and can not do or what we can or can not achieve. Break that cycle. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. We were placed on this earth to live and experience. The challenging aspects of life make us stronger, wiser, so that we can grow with our knowledge.
Only invest your time and energy in projects and activities that bring out the best in you. Sometimes life creates blocks and obstacles when we engage in aspects that are misaligned with what we are truly meant for.
Most importantly , who’s life are you living? Are you living your dreams or are you living in the shadow of what someone expects and wants you to be?
Failures are just temporary. They are not permanent. We learn from those blocks and stumbles to become something stronger and better.
Think like an architect or an engineer or a fashion designer, they see multiple patterns, with their mind they see many different possibilities of the outcome. Be creative. Embrace failure and know that it leads to success. Without the bad, how will you recognize the good?
Above all, empower yourself. Let everything you do in life be a reflection of YOU. You can not live up to the expectations of others, you need to set your own standards and be your own person. There is only one you. Live by your unique design that makes you special.
Someone very wise in my life encouraged me to do this and I will share this with you. Take a moment to stand on a chair. Raise your hands above your head and say “Today is a new day, I choose to see things differently, I am worthy of the good.” Yes, it is dramatic, but no matter who you are, let your inner diva shine! You are meant to create and be the change the world needs, why limit yourself to what others think? Allow yourself to challenge yourself and say, “Yes, I will succeed.” And that is your empowerment from within. Allow your inner roar to come through!