Encompass the spirit of interconnectivity and versatility as divine sacred unions are inspirational as they foster and promote unity, intimacy, patience, trust, and adaptability. Two souls forming a union is a celebration of light and life.

How to strengthen a relationship? Assess your values, embrace closure of old stagnated patterned beliefs or ideologies of what a true relationship should entail. Do not evaluate your current partnership based on the circumstances of past dissolved learning experiences — each relationship is vibrant, unique and emblematic of new possibilities and awakenings. Reflect and gain insight on your moral judgments, ideologies, societal principles and norms, what was once accepted may no longer be valid in the current climate. Evoke discipline, tradition, and invest in long term incremental progress as responsibilities and obligations take time, and require patience, diligence and methodical natural approaches. What is done with a true authentic whole heart is done with compassion, integrity, honesty, and truth. Stand your moral ground, do not allow others to invade your boundaries or personal limits, maintain a healthy disconnect from disturbances that curtail your inner peace and harmony. Embrace your independence, freedom, liberty, and sovereignty, do not lose your true authentic nature to be eclipsed by another — maintain your independence through your personal hobbies, routines which provide sanctuary, and introduce these elements to your partner to encourage and foster a stronger bond. Coexistence does not constitute giving up your whole self to become fragmented — your bond will only sustain when both parties embrace divergent methods which collaboratively unite as one . Embracing and respecting one anothers personal freedoms, will enable stronger foundations which are more in alignment with natural transformations. Uncover and examine your unconscious habits, emotions, feelings, dismantle the ideals of sacrificing ones owns rights for the collective whole. You are vibrantly independent, and capable of accomplishing great change, this is where your sacred partnership will be an effective support system to lend wisdom and encouragement along your journey. Duality, it is the ability to balance the abstract, rational, with the practical — allow your imagination to reign — you define and embrace what is needed. Embrace transformations, manifest, affirm, embrace rebirth of ones soul as it elevates to a new conscious state of mind while focusing on adjustments and changes, that will support your transformative nature. Remember, we are never the same once we enter into a sacred union — we become the merging of two souls. Success is derived from looking within for inner sources of power — you need to be the champion of your own life before you can better assist another — the stronger your mindset, perception and world view the stronger your relationship, bond, union will be.

Be the embodiment of love and compassion. Seek acceptance internally without seeking validation externally. Within relationships it is paramount that a couple strives to become fortified by creating decisions within, without the disturbance and turbulence of external factor suggestions — what may work for one relationship may not be sustainable, suitable, or helpful to another. Partnerships are fortified through communication, participation, and experience which create insight as you gain wisdom and knowledge from the situations you encounter. Embrace traditional aspects while encompassing new modern techniques. To create a sacred harmonious union you need to enable trust, compassion, honesty, and integrity and that can only be accomplished by truth — speak your truth and standing in your truth are essential ingredients for longevity and harmony within a relationship. Embrace a humorous approach, take nothing seriously, allow change to flow with ease and grace. To sustain the mental capacity for life’s terrain you must always have the progressive mindset with a lighthearted approach — take every situation as it comes, you will flow and glow differently. Always keep in mind that patience is essential, matters of the heart take time to heal, resolve, and rectify to create a strong fortified barrier. This is accomplished through deep inner reflection, self awareness and the ability to be accountable for ones actions. Remember, the sacred union is more than two individuals, it is the acceptance and embracing of other souls within the union from family, friends, children, which create a unity conscious mindset of community, solidarity, and loyalty. Remain loyal to your loved ones and your roots, do not allow any situation to change your fundamental principles or integrity of who you are and what you represent as a union or cohesive whole as a community. Those that choose to divide and conquer create instability and disharmony within a union — be mindful of the external factors you allow within your life. Take your lessons and place them into practice, only through experience will you extract fundamental insight and wisdom on how to propel forward — one can not live a full life in solitude — being open minded enables us to see many different methods, perspectives which creates ingenuity and progress.

Coexistence promotes partnerships and friendships which are based on mutual trust and respect. As each partner evolves and grows support should be present as they both embark on new trajectories for their spiritual expansion. Love enhances, embodies, and enriches the overall experience between two consenting adults. Due to the diverse nature of relationships, family units will unite based on blended families, single families, guardianship, or a union of friendship.

The truest measure of feelings are the consistency of actions rather than words. It enables both parties to blossom, discover inner truths, overcome challenges, become stronger through experiences, and promotes inner peace while remaining patient and flexible.

Meaningful connections create harmony, compassion, understanding, kindness, care, safety, comfort, and support. Consideration is paramount to create longevity as it encompasses self care, self awareness, self respect, accountability, respect for others, valuing their partners aspirations, dreams, and goals.

The purest form of love is when one falls in love with the mind more than the body. The outer appearance shifts, morphs, and changes over time, and there must be more importance placed on the union of friendship above all else. A true companion will enable you to see the value within yourself, and introduce you to new methodologies, ideologies, and perspectives. It is the blending of two souls who in tandem create a strong foundation. To honour ones strengths and weakness and assist them to see their greatest potential to flourish within life. The ones that are loyal to their future, not their past.

The unspoken union between two souls is illustrated by the space they allow for one another to evolve, as distance fosters clarity, strength, and courage to face any situation within life.

Collaboration, compassion, empathy, authentic nature, genuine intentions enable both parties to feel peaceful, grounded, whole, safe, powerful, and strong. To create an atmosphere that promotes support, joy, freedom is what makes us fearless. Self awareness, self love, and self reflection create an abundant illuminating experience.

Versatility, empowerment, agility, and open mindedness allow brave courageous souls to expand and evolve while navigating the complexities of your personal journey and awakening. Processing ones innermost feelings — it is not done as a form of competition but self inner reflection — the more you accept yourself, trust yourself, and forgive yourself, the more space is available to promote growth, expansion, and liberation of the heart. Mastering your emotions, rising above turbulences, creates and fosters meaningful connections and is an expression of fluid poetry. To embrace change, transitions, understanding, patience, and care enables and cultivates spiritual growth, spiritual awakening, spiritual new beginnings to manifest and take root and form which leads to powerful self discoveries, self improvement, and self worth. Partnerships embody safety and comfort as the encounter blossoms in solitude as two souls merge.

Be mindful that energy goes where intention flows. When you invest in yourself internally, your external environment will improve and flourish. Our heart belongs to who we think about and look for, our heart comprehends what our eyes can not see. Always embrace forgiveness, it dissolves the negatives emotions, and enables the heart to liberate — to be set free — to love again within another sacred union. Forgivness does not dismiss the action, it liberates the soul from being controlled by past events. When our mind remains in the past, we do not encompass and embrace the future to achieve our highest potential. Change is a gravitational field that encourages us to trust the process, to believe in a possibility of a future that is more than what we could have ever conceived. Partnerships and relationships stand as the cornerstone to promote change and flexibility as it allows us to share our sacred lives with another and intertwine our karmic trajectories. Change is the manifesto to demonstrate that we have the capability to become, develop or transform into our authentic genuine self. When we become conscious of how our actions impact another we dissolve pride and ego and embrace fully what love represents.

Reconnect with your higher self. Live a life with purpose, imagination, authenticity, and spirit. Learning to love yourself leads to self acceptance, self respect, self love, and self empathy. When you give yourself the permission to heal and to embrace who you truly are you will then not allow misguided relations to penetrate your existence. Misguided relations are representative of disharmony, disrespect and misaligned paths. This can entail miscommunication, lack of structure, lack of fundamental boundaries, lack of respect of time and space, false or synthetic promises or otherwise known as “faking a future” by manipulating the definition and terms of the sacred agreement, non concrete or absolute commitment, or ambiguity of future plans. Love does not represent one to feel like a subordinate, slave, purse, or parental figure to your significant other. Love does not entail feeling ghosted, breadcrumbed or a placeholder to bide the time. Love is not represented when there is no respect for your immediate family. When a partnership lacks accountability, transparency, honesty, trust, and commitment it dissolves the fundamental framework to create a sustainable whole and cohesive environment. Abuse of any form (verbal, emotional, physical, psychological, financial, forms of manipulation, gaslighting) erodes sovereignty and boundaries and is a cause for concern as it is rule by the ego and pride. When one seeks power and domination, that is control, not love. A controlling demeanour or nature does not allow emancipation of the soul to have sovereignty over ones life i.e. personal decisions, actions, thoughts, and emotions. And thus, when a partnership struggle to regulation emotions (mood swings, anger, outbursts) it is an attempt to manipulate or use their partner or to alter their emotional state or behaviour. These examples serve as a framework to observe when love is not free and why boundaries are imperative for a sacred harmony. Always seek peaceful resolutions for conflicts, and if that means emancipation for your inner peace then give yourself the permission to be set free — your soul is awakening to strengthen your boundaries and mindset to enable and promote safe environments. How you love yourself is how others will treat you. Remember, all relations are real not perfect.

With gratitude, acceptance, and appreciation , love yourself unconditionally. Be mindful of your tolerance levels, do not accept conditional love, and be brave to be vulnerable. Being mindful of your environments is paramount in any union as it enhances or degrades who we will become — who we decide to share our energy with will become a part of us. Attuning into your needs and respectfully the needs of others will enable you to see beyond with compassion and an authentic approach. Never adapt to societal pressures of the norm, relations that are forced will dissolve as they are not within the natural rhythm or flow. Only you know what is in alignment for your highest and greatest good. Be empathetic to all situations with the ability and fortitude to seek another perspective, seek to understand, and to embrace mindfulness. Choose your battles, never seek validation, seek inner peace and self regulation to heal deeper, to be aligned with your path. Keep evolving while you stand in your truth. Remember, divine sacred unions help us along our spiritual expansion to enable us to be open, vulnerable, compassionate, to anchor our light for not just ourselves but others as a beacon of unconditional love. True sovereignty and unity consciousness emerge as we stay grounded and centred in who we are. To stand in our power, to embrace clarity in our sight, and to be aligned with our true moral purpose is living fully in the present. When you embody who you truly are, you will receive love in abundance as the love you have for yourself will be mirrored by others. Encompass spiritual integrity, inner liberation, transformations, as you rise and evolve to new forms of love for yourself and others. All circumstances and experiences lead to inner awakenings, ascension, and inner growth which promotes a diverse mindset, rooting in your higher purpose, and the acceptance of interconnectivity as we are all one.