Embracing ones emotions is an expression of life. Recognize, feel, respect your contrapuntal nature. To express oneself is to allow divinity and peace within. It is the key to spiritual evolution, expansion, awareness, self compassion, self respect, and self care. Embrace life’s dual nature of challenges and peace while navigating the recovery process. Ask yourself, “What does this represent?.” Observe patiently, without expectation or judgement, feel and process what external or internal sensations or physical manifestations occur. When you give yourself the permission to process and examine yourself in a moment of vulnerability, it does not constitute weakness, it is an internal strength. To achieve higher elevation of the souls awareness is to experience and feel each spectrum of your emotions which elevates and leads to higher awareness of conscious state. The journey of self discovery is a sacred and spiritual gift which enables us to open our heart and mind, exhibit compassion and acceptance, while embracing love, intimacy, patience, and understanding. Awareness and intentional living enhances our existence and extends vitality and life-force. Self reflection, introspection, mindfulness, to unearth your core values, beliefs, patterns, and wounds allows the soul to engage in recovery. When one expresses emotions, it brings awareness to certain issues that cause us internal pain to enable us to heal, prosper, persevere, progress, and become resilient. Never feel you need to adapt to others expectations to conceal your pain — your pain is real, it exists, it is trauma and needs an outlet to express release. When we embrace self examination it allows us to observe who we are, what we want to become, what elements and aspects we are embracing. Internal emotions are a symptom of large core wounds and roots, once you extract the element that causes you distress, it leads to emancipation of the soul. Within silence, we discover and recognize what our emotions represent to us, to emerge out of our comfort zone, challenge our perceptions and relationships we have with others and ourselves, to embrace who we are and to filter negative thought patterns. Forgive yourself, you are strong, capable, and deserving to feel and experience life in its entirety. Self exploration awakens our true nature, to stop repetitive cycles, to embrace self compassion as we return to peace. Evolution and growth are enhanced when we grant the opportunity to explore our innermost thoughts and feelings. When a situation has caused natural change, it leads to a transformative process that grants us the permission to explore our purpose, mission, and question our innermost desires and goals. To attain enlightenment, you need to heal your inner child, to be gentle with yourself, to recognize that you are loved, supported, and that your environment is safe to coexist and live in. Drop experiences and expectations of others for their construct of life might not be in alignment with your trajectory. Self discovery allows one to define their parameters, to enhance comprehension of our boundaries, to build self worth. To feel your emotions enables you to fully express yourself in a natural way. Examine during this magnificent process your core values, what does not serve your highest good, how compassionate you are to yourself and others, discover how your strengths balance your weaknesses, to establish assertiveness and confidence. Embrace your senses, be attuned to the energy and emotions of yourself and your environment. Every individual deserves to feel, to be nurtured, to be seen, heard, validated, and to be honoured. To be secure, is to be home within yourself, which entails being respectful, supportive, and empathetic to your needs. Allow universal guidance and assistance to help you as you navigate the terrain of life’s sensations and experiences as you express who you are. You are a multifaceted and multidimensional being that is sacred, whole, and complete.