Leadership encompasses strong moral character, resilience, fortitude, and a vision to see beyond what is. It is effortless appreciation, gratitude, and respect for all that entrust them with governance, with deference to prosperity, peace, and unity. To build and enable progress, one must practice patience with incremental steps, strong ethics, and morality based on moderation.

One that embraces patience, self control, integrity, humility, and the ability to not permit emotions to override rational critical observation or thought, is able to remain impartial in all aspects of leadership. To remain modest admits praise and wealth, to maintain a common touch, and to balance humility and gratitude, for the ability to serve and protect. To view every individual with importance and salience, is to acknowledge that every human being is worthy of respect, dignity, appreciation, and recognition of the value for their gifts they bring, within the realm of society, whether it is political, social, economic, or spiritual. All which encompass society must at all times be taken with serious intent and mindfulness, to enhance coexistence and acceptance. To remain connected with matters while always seeking solutions to better enhance the lives of those that they represent, is paramount in good judgment, manners, and ethical moral behaviour. Those that remain neutral, impartial, and independent with their vision, are the change needed, while refraining from controversies that are ideological or detrimental in nature. Impartiality is mastering the art of conflict, as they seek peace in every aspect of their lives, while remaining humanitarian, rational, charitable, and altruistic in every pursuit. “Happiness given, is happiness received.” — Unknown. To view life beyond oneself, is true compassion, to move forward regardless of past experiences, to extract lessons and wisdom is ascension. To promote healthy environments, while reducing suffering, is to respect and honour all with integrity and a steady moral compass.

The ability to negotiate and mediate, to intervene on the behalf of the common good, to resolve, reconcile, or come to an agreement over disputes to mitigate tension and disruption, is a prime example of good ethical leadership, with the intention to enhance peaceful relations. When one intercedes or intervenes to actively listen to both opposing sides, demonstrates impartiality, good judgment, to seek common ground, to resolve concerns or habitual patterns that require urgent attention. When one is with the people, and not just merely posing as an illusionary stance of false humbleness, the society becomes stronger, coexists in peace, and there is an active mindset of high ethical values to promote inclusivity, tolerance, and respect. Intermediaries attentively focus on the needs, rather than the wants, and push aside greed or unlawful intentions to promote harmony, justice, and peace. When one leads with the heart, placing high value on love, support, and stability, the moral fabric of society enhances as it views itself as a family unit or one. To promote unconditional love is to view every human being as equal, united, seeing kindness and respect to one another as virtuous, and to honour all no matter of social position, to preserve and respect everyone’s legacy as everyone is integral, whole, and one. When society functions as a cohesive unit, it promotes mutual appreciation for one another as every level within society contributes to a peaceful environment, which encompasses open communication, deliberation, support, function, security, and a sense of belonging, When individuals are seen, valued, respected, and held in esteem for their accomplishments, they feel they are a part of a society that is one of openness, tolerance, belonging, and of mutual respect. A leader that enables others to prosper, has a long term vision of unity, balance, and universal interconnectivity.

To maintain self control, self awareness, and self reflection is the ability to regulate one’s impulses, emotions, thoughts, and actions, in spite of greed, distractions, or negative temptations that may tamper the integrity of the situation or the individual. When one always consciously decides to enact good moral rational judgment, while balancing personal feelings with impartiality, it enables one to see beyond what they are presented with, with the common goal of serving for all and doing what is for the highest and greatest good for those that they govern. When one masters the self, they master the mind. To not give in, and to stay true to your values or principles is of high esteem, and high regard for ones inner judgment, intuition, and wisdom within. When one evokes reason over passion, decisions will be made with clarity whereas, when one is ruled by passion or impulse, it leads to dysfunction, disharmony, and short term vision for the here and now. Building and fostering a future requires long term goals, patience, the ability to envision a future greater than what is presented at the current state or moment. To remain an active humanitarian, engaging in efforts to promote or protect human welfare, creates a strong foundation of respect, as every individual is honoured, valued, and seen as valuable, and that their ultimate happiness and prosperity is held in high regard. The ability to act and promote decisions to alleviates suffering universally, socially, economically, financially, represents an awareness of change needed to enhance the lives of others. To see another as equal or one, is to honour their traditions, stories, gifts, trajectories, and wisdom which leads to open transparency, as all are contributors and supporters of the common good. To protect and serve those in need, is to help those that have been affected by disasters, conflicts, tensions by enabling fundamental freedoms and rights, while being mindful to promote that basic protections are met such as shelter, food, and safety. To be conscious of others needs beyond oneself, is representative of an enlightened mind, with deference and respect to the collective good. Pursuing a greater purpose is an inspirational and motivational act, which promotes reflection, mindfulness and commitment to seek solutions for the improvement of the lives of others and the vulnerable, while encompassing great compassion and empathy for all, which enhances society by ensuring the moral wellbeing of the unit. To help those that have been displaced, ignored, and affected by trauma, promotes mental wellbeing, ethical practices, and the mindset to promote safe environments that encompass trust, reliability, love, support, and dependability.

It is imperative within a world of constant change to seek resilient methods to maintain adaptability, incremental evolution of thoughts, methodologies, and practices, and flexibility amidst obstacles and challenges. To be the change that one wants to see, is to make a difference. To engage in voluntary service locally, nationally, or universally is to create progress, and promote interconnectivity. To accept criticism without disregard, is to balance the mind with open reflective thought, for not all solutions have one remedy. With a caring empathetic nature, observe, actively listen to the needs of the collective whole, and act with moral integrity and vision. To maintain impartiality of non-judgment while remaining objective to reflect, deliberate, and seek peaceful resolutions, is one of virtuous intent, which implements actions without discrimination. When one evokes patience, it enables deeper understanding and knowledge, to balance just and rational responses. To evoke determination and willpower, enables one to allow their inner will to persist, as they navigate obstacles and challenges that push their physical and mental endurance to the limit. To encompass faith in oneself when the odds are stacked against you, to be resilient in mindset and persevere, which enables a tenacious human spirit and embraces self confidence, courage, and to be the light when all is dark. To act with balance, composure, wit, and an undisturbed mind, is what an inner spirit must keep in mind, when they travel the road less travelled. Embodying moral and ethical qualities, will enable one to become strong, courageous, and lead by example in all matters of the heart and mind. To be emblematic of perseverance, one must always evoke patience to overcome any setback that they encounter, for your inner guidance, methodologies, and legacy will set an example and imprint for the times to come. Achieve your true potential with integrity and unconditional love, while embodying patience and resilience, as your decisions will create a legacy and imprint of greatness. Be the change you wish to see, allow your inner light to guide you.