Be the light.

Explore, allow your soul to awaken, discover, evolve, and ascend.

We are all essential, we are all one, we are the change we wish to see.

Follow your path, do not allow anyone to define you, and be the source of your own strength.

In times of great chaos, it leads to great transformation and reflection on how to achieve global collective peace. What must be addressed is the root.

In times of great challenge, stand for what you believe in, identify what matters to you, and follow your purpose. No one can do this other than you.

You are the root of change. If you get tired, rest, do not quit.

If you encounter situations or experiences where there is great force or opposition, it is the Universe indicating that it not aligned with your divine path. You must go within, and listen inherently to what you truly want to achieve in this lifetime. You are your own force and you must lead from within.

In this life, we must always remember, someone is learning through our actions, always be aware of this. Your actions are a direct reflection of your character, and your words must be consistent with your actions, thus, remaining present and mindful is imperative.

Never hold onto a situation that does not serve your highest good as it is more difficult to hold on than to release. Take a breath, let go, and most importantly, observe where you are resistant in your body when you do this process. Ask yourself, why are you holding on? It takes great strength to walk your path than to follow what others desire.

If an individual does not make you a priority, see your worth, or does not make room for you, learn from this lesson and release.

Remember, never ask why the situation is occurring, ask, what is this experience is teaching you for inner wisdom.

Global peace can only bee achieved by healing internally.

Embrace change, adapt, and empower as you are the change that is needed.