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Give up the fear to be different.
Strive to be the change you want to see.
Do not allow anyone to define your divine purpose in life.
You are made to create change in the world.
Forget all of the comments from others that influenced you to believe in falsity that you can not achieve or succeed.
Whatever you put your mind to , you will achieve.
Never allow anyone to get you in a place where you do not feel that you can be who you truly are.
Create, love, stand up for what you believe, follow your own unique path and always influence others to achieve their best. Be the light!
As of now, release your heart and mind from what constrains you or what holds you to the past.
You are now in the here and now. Be present. Be strong.
You are who you decide to be.
Forge a new path and stand up for what you feel resonates with you.
Do not allow someone to hold the pen to write your life.
The time is now.