Forgiveness — embrace forgiveness, not only for the individual who caused you harm but for yourself. This will enable both parties to be emancipated to progress forward.

When relationships end, it enables new beginnings and new purposes. Embrace the change and journey of self discovery.

Remember, when we entered the relationship we are never the same when we exit it.

Express appreciation and gratitude to the individual for all the experiences and lessons they taught you positive and negative.

When we close the cycle of a relationship remember, we usually listen to our innate wisdom or intuition that it was not the right timing or we subconsciously know the individual is not right for us.

What to do? Set them free. Embrace the art of release. This will reset the energetic cycle and allow the individual to be with another that is aligned with their path, without judgment, ill will, or negative emotions.

Throughout our existence, we confuse the state of mind of loneliness for being alone. We are never alone however, we do encounter loneliness. We must learn the difference. Just because you feel depleted or empty, the human mind when ruled by the ego will then seek another form of temporary connection with another. What we must recognize is the true lesson lies in patience. We must promote and advocate for our wellbeing which then leads to self healing, mindfulness, and awareness of how we do not feel comfortable within. You can not seek another to make you feel whole, that is an internal journey. Love for oneself will be mirrored when you feel self acceptance. You are your own home, and you have to be your own champion.

When we take time to reconstruct ourselves and learn who we truly are , then we are able to meet the one that truly makes our heart skip a beat.

When there is resistance, arguments, barriers, and the relationship struggles at every aspect, you need to be honest, both parties deserve better.

Open yourself to the new possibilities that if something does not work out the way you have imagined, another possibility will present itself that is more aligned with who you are and what resonates with your life.

We must learn to open our hearts and minds to the possibility of what is right for us.

Acknowledge and cherish the memories you had with the individual, release the negative emotions and extract only the lessons they brought into your life.

Above all, respect their boundaries, decisions and life path, allow them to make the decision of what is for their highest good — as you will do the same. Holding on is control, do not clip anothers wings — never restrict freedom.

How to learn to love yourself again? Ask yourself:

What does love represent to you?

What does self love mean to you?

Do you evoke self compassion, self empathy, self awareness, self respect, and self love?

Do you feel that love needs to be in a union with another?

Do you need to foster more internal love for yourself?

Are you being patient with yourself?

Are you distracting yourself from your own awakening and recovery?

What forms of love are there?

What are the limits to love?

What limits have you imposed on love?

Is your heart open?

Are you blocking love or what you deserve from truly coming in?

Are you comfortable to discover detachment meaning who you are without the attachment of being with someone for a period of time?

Is your identity enveloped or dependent on being with another? 

Are you being pressured to be in a relationship before you are ready? If so, is this healthy?

Are you comfortable to be alone?

Whose life are you living?

Who are you? What is your purpose? What is your mission? What do you want your legacy to be?

What inspires you?

What do you need to live a happy life?

What patterns have you encountered in relationships?

What lessons have you learned from previous relationships? 

How to overcome these patterns?

Do you believe that you deserve love?

Do you feel love exists?

What does freedom mean to you? Do you encompass this for others?

Are you in a good state of mind to build a healthy and stable relationship?

What does love mean to you?

Do you seek those that are unavailable or available?

Have you healed your core family generational roots to sustain love?

Have you received love from another that made you feel safe, secure, and enabled you to develop and flourish?

Do you feel love means lack of freedom?

Do you feel that love requires sacrifices and compromise?

Is this the right time to share your life with another?

Have you done the internal and external work to become the best version of yourself?

Do you seek love because you do not feel it within?

Do you blame yourself for any failure within past relationships? If so — give yourself the permission and the room to recognize that you will make mistakes within life, it is part of the experience of learning how to rectify them. No one is perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect. Evoke self compassion. 

  • Acknowledge the lessons that you learned from the individual.

  • Release all that no longer serves your highest good.

  • Acknowledge that you have reached an elevated state to progress forward.

  • Know within your heart that you have received an experience that has made you stronger to move forward, and that you are capable to create a new life.

  • Think only positive thoughts about the individual. They deserve your forgiveness more than ever at this period of time as you both need to heal your hearts and rebuild your life with new experiences.

  • Release.

This process will happen in stages. Be kind to your heart as only you know what is best. The heart can withstand any turbulence.

Let the individual go with love. Always want the best for their life without judgment. Transcend the experience and trust that life has more for you to experience.

You deserve the best! Love yourself again! Trust yourself again! You are important!

Learning to embrace life and to let go of “what ifs” enables you to free your mind and heart for what will make you happy. Embark on the discovery of who you are and enjoy every minute of your life. Know that you are always surrounded by love, as love is always presented in many forms, be open to it.