How to encompass the warrior spirit? Return to your core inner strength.

Some people state that through turbulence you lose faith. What if the insurmountable obstacles were meant to break you free from all you have ever known before? Without the challenges you have endured how will you emancipate and elevate to your true altitude? Sometimes we require the night to become the stars that shine bright. What if for one moment, you consider, when you are going through the depths of deep destruction, it forces you to become who you truly are — to define you — to fuel you — to rise to new unprecedented heights? When we confront what we fear, what we negate, what we need to change internally, what threatens our spirit, we become insurmountable strength.

Warrior spirit arises from true destruction, being pushed to the limit. To conquer or overcome what causes us disturbance, turbulence, or uncertainty within we must reflect on what is mirrored back. Challenges or obstacles force us to recognize what we need to heal generationally. If we do face who we have become, if we do not face what our actions have culminated, when we cease to confront aspects of our fragmented soul to redefine what we are comprised of, we will never change. We need uncertainty, shifts, and destruction of our old self to become catalysts of change to foster heightened awareness internally and leadership externally. To see beyond the present experience, and to recognize that we must abandon what we have ever known or our illusionary comfortable matrix to proceed to a new level of enlightenment is to stand and walk forward without fear. Our souls are meant for expansion, discovery, existence in their purest form, to gain wisdom and knowledge from the world we live within. We represent unprecedented strength where we can shape and mold our environment to become extraordinary. Turbulence within your existence might result in fighting multiple battles on many fronts, however, the one that can do this with ease and authentic focus is indestructible. One must always remember, if you were not meant for change why would these opportunities to foster internal growth be presented? Do not be chained to your experiences, they are meant for your education or the opportunity to make better decisions or to adopt new modes of resolutions. Although our lessons are mere moments or chronicles of our time, they define us by how we rise and the decisions we make. We can not change without releasing what confines or restricts our growth — which means, always reflect on your patterns, cycles, behaviour, thoughts and actions. The undisciplined warrior remains a young spirit, foolish, reactionary, and seeks an enemy whereas, the old soul, the sage warrior, sees everyone as equal for the internal conflict resides within and once healed, the lesson heals the fragments within. The sage experienced warrior recognizes the danger of judgement, for judgement on another is ignoring the change that is required internally for the actions of another mirrors what attributes or constructs we have adopted as our norm of behaviour that needs to be remedied as it causes discomfort or internal chaos within. When one focuses on their own structure, they become an undefeatable powerful force. If we do not reflect on our actions, how then would we confront how our imprint casts impact on another. Never lose focus on internal healing for your internal environment within the mind, body, and spirit, will always be reflected externally within your environment. What we accept about ourselves becomes our reality.

Warriors stand strong despite what is going on within their environment — they do not break , they rest, for they understand that timing is everything, and within time, all heals. To understand the darkness you must become it temporarily to understand that destruction is ruin. Hurting another will not offer internal peace or solutions, it creates more disharmony and a spiraling frequency that becomes a gyre of violence. When the love of war eclipses the mind, the ego takes hold to seek revenge and destruction, which then unleashes the ego to seek total warfare without consideration of his fellow man or victims but for their legacy built on the ruins of what once was. How is a warrior differentiated from the maverick? The maverick is the one that chases danger without knowing what will be achieved once it reaches the end — the end goal is chaos without any compromise for a resolution. The warrior however, although through the appearance maintains martial spirit, but within time has deep embedded stillness, for he understands to not react speaks volumes and only acts when needed with the intention not of conquest but resolution. The one that seeks to achieve elevation for his fellow man while standing his ground no matter what they encounter represents a cultivated mature mind that understands the repercussions of their actions. The warrior cannot be defeated for they are not tied to formal promises, agreements, or indebted to destruction, for they believe and have the unwavering vision to build a better future by retaining what once was while maintaining hope for the future. The earth is shared both by those that quarrel and consequently echoes onto the innocent that have no involvement. One must always act with honourability and integrity instead of reactionary means. The warrior does not stand down, he delegates, and respects his men, for he understands the importance of unity and community as all contribute to compromise the whole. The warrior assumes responsibility for their actions, thoughts, and words for his movements and decisions reflect tradition of how they have been raised. If one has been raised to be cold, calculating, and manipulative they will be ruthless and lack compassion. The one who has been raised with loyalty, respect, integrity, and empathy leads with the heart and seldomly allows the mind to spiral. At times, it may seem like the ruthless will not concede however, for one moment consider, what if through the interaction with the warrior that is the pure example of stillness and forgiveness sets a precedence of a new form of mode of thinking and way of conducting their actions, which only then, are able to see that there is another path to avoid destruction? To change, we require resistance, to demonstrate the magnitude of our energetic output. Once we are forced to see the situation in a new light, or when our souls are reflected back do we embrace who we truly are. We can not hope to change the environment around us without giving constant attention and reflection to ourselves to heal our deep embedded wounds. Our wounds provide intricate road maps to what causes us disharmony — we must face what we hide with an open genuine heart. One must never underestimate the warrior for they fight for purpose and not greed — they seek higher truth and reason, for without morals, tradition, or integrity, what is society built on? The warrior is untamed, wild, and free, with deep concentration placed on self, for when you master the mind, your perspective shifts in all aspects of life.

Many underestimate that the actions or decisions of others which may appear underhanded or cruel will not be without consequence however, it is etched into a karmic imprint, and cannot be undone. Once an individual liberates from their old confined patterned ways, and engages in deep self reflection, is where the change resides. The past can not be undone. Before we act we must deeply reflect on impact. To engage in phoenix mindset is to be reborn through the ashes, meaning that when we fragment during the breakdown phase, our fragments are then built from experience, from circumstance, and we then ignite a powerful ray of light as the scars allow light in where we once felt dark within. To break out of our conformity, to push beyond our expectations, to lead with moral character, to set the definition and tone of our life, to give meaning to what we cherish, creates foundation. To resurrect when we have fallen is true power.

Deep focus, initiative to take action with a determined mind, to remain less reactionary and more stable is to become undefeated. Our experiences fuel our strength as each instance becomes our keystone for the arch of our fortress. It is not the strongest, the largest, or the loudest, it is the one that has an agile innovative mind that can transcend the warfare mindset. To be deep in focus is to become one with all. Glow with resplendent inner light. Rise.