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Please know that you are loved and always supported even in your darkest moments.
I understand the importance of recovery from destruction. My recovery fostered within me strength and resilience when I learned the importance of forgiveness, and that my self-worth and value was not diminished by the acts of another. It is fundamental for a survivor to learn that we are not our circumstances, and that we can overcome all challenges within our life.
I believe when we work together as a community we can transcend trauma. As a survivor, I understand the complexities of recovery, and I want to help others. When we face our fears and challenges we become resilient.
Violence at any level is significant and impactful as it causes fragmentation. I would like to provide support to victims who have experienced any traumatic event. Victim safety, wellbeing and recovery are essential in the rehabilitation process. To give survivors a voice in a safe environment helps rehabilitate and stabilize their equilibrium and mind.
It is paramount that a community comes together to help survivors overcome challenges. By helping survivors extract only the lessons and wisdom it will help them transcend the pain and injury and foster forgiveness to take their power back. Most importantly, any victim of trauma needs to learn to trust themselves again.
Perpetrators come in many forms and use various calculated abusive methods to control and exert their power over victims therefore, abuse is cyclical in nature but does not take a linear route to heal. Healing involves community and understanding that support is needed on all levels i.e. Family , friends, professionals, volunteers, community engagement.
Giving survivors their voice enhances their power to recover, and it enables them to reclaim their sovereignty. Victims often suffer in silence but when they awaken to their power to reclaim their life, it is a powerful moment.
Giving back to the community and assisting those in need enhances the comprehension of the multifaceted nature of trauma recovery, and the wisdom assists in learning how to help individuals in critical emergency situations.
Unity consciousness helps the victim recover faster by acknowledging that they are not alone, free to express themselves in a safe environment, and have access to support networks with resources. Having a network that is strong, discrete and that provides the victim advocacy during their transition to safety and healing is paramount because we are stronger together than we could ever be apart.
Self forgiveness and forgiveness of others liberates. It is important that survivors understand that there is more light than darkness in the world. Survivors need to comprehend that their self worth is not dependant on what happened to them in the past and that recovery is possible. You are the light.
As a survivor, I comprehend and understand the complexities of the healing process, and I hope to be a representation for others that recovery is possible.