We as a collective are embracing a new era of higher awakening of the internal self which will enable us to have empowerment.

If you are seeking answers, go within and listen to your intuition. Only you understand what is best for you. Drown out the noise, the chaos, or anything that is wreaking havoc on your life.

Allow yourself to take the sacred time to devote to yourself to heal, rejuvenate, unplug, and regain your inner peace, sovereignty, and balance. State “I declare I will not allow anyone to disrupt my inner peace and my inner balance.” Engage in meditations to help assist your inner core, soul, body, and mind to release what does not serve your highest good.

No matter what is occurring around you, embrace hummingbird spirit of being in the now, the present, to enhance your concentration and focus. Never allow anyone with negative intentions to influence your peaceful state of mind. Give up the need to fight or to seek an enemy.

Meditative journeys are always encouraged to go deep within for the souls internal answers to metaphysical questions about life and the self. Set the intention before the meditation for what answers you wish to seek.

When you are aligned, centered, balanced, no one can take away your sovereignty, liberty, inner peace, power without your consent. — Elisabeth Babarci

Restore yourself back to a perfect state of health. Rebuild yourself to become the best, powerful and strongest version of yourself for you and others.

The greatest legacy is how you treat others, your words, your actions are powerful! What you decide to do as you act and not react becomes your future. Always be the change that you want to see.

We might not hear this very often but I will speak on behalf of the collective, no matter what we encounter we always have support during our journey. Understand that you might experience feeling lonely but you are not alone. You are never alone. If you feel helpless, get another perspective. Help and assistance are always available in any capacity. Others that are healthy for our development will support us as we evolve and grow. Many individuals will teach us fundamental and important lessons that benefit our self growth and awakening.

What do you do when you experience the feeling of powerlessness? Often we get into a space where we are pushed beyond our limit and we feel that there is a need to respond in a negative reaction. Never give your energy or time or attention on any experience, situation, or individual that has proven to not have your best interest in mind.

Practice grounding while you are experiencing the state of uncertainty. You can not control circumstances however, you can master the self. Why? Everyone will always be in a place of self judgement, reacting not acting and living in fear. Our awakening occurs when we focus on what we can control, which is ourselves. Circumstances may make you feel defeated and powerless however, never allow anyone or any circumstance to override your inner peace.

Always be mindful how your actions influence and have an impact on others, especially your words, when we do anything in anger it has the worst impact. Realign, re-assess and regain your strength and move forward in the direction that is best for you. Stop concentrating on the problem and work towards positive solutions. If a situation, experience, or individual causes you to feel a negative emotion, release them, they are not in alignment with your life. Move forward. — Elisabeth Babarci

The question that all masters ask is this , “when we give our liberty power what occurs? Do we create more? Do we experience life more? Do we feel we have the freedom to express and be who we are? No one can force you to do anything that is not good for you. How do you know? You will feel it in your core when things are right or wrong, utilize your intuition.

What occurs when you give your power, your emancipation, your rights away? What in your daily life makes you feel your liberties are being eroded? Remember, once you give away your power, you set the tone for others to do the same. No one deserves your power, time, or energy that does not have your best interest in mind — that is abuse. It is a vicious cycle. Ask yourself, what part of you feels that you deserve to be controlled? Restricted? Powerless? Identify these challenges in your life and move forward in a peaceful manner to take the time to work on yourself. True transformation only occurs within. No one under any circumstance can walk your journey for you. You are meant to achieve greatness. Everyone has the ability to be who they want to be. You were born with a mind to think. Why give away your precious talents to those who do not believe in you?

Respect authority — those that have lived, experienced, and are willing to teach and impart their wisdom to you to overcome challenges.

Give yourself the permission to let go of things that you can not control. If you experience injustice, have the knowledge that there are periods of time when you will never receive an apology, find within yourself to forgive so that you are not attached to the situation any further. Do not worry what others are doing, focus on your own inner alignment, balance and journey.

When you release the need to control you free your mind, body, and soul. Release the experience that has hurt you or that has left a mark on you on a deep profound level. When we hold onto negative emotions we are giving the circumstance or the individual the power over us because you are reacting.

Learn from the perspective to release what is not needed any longer. Uncertainty is always certain, we will face challenges that we need to overcome for our greater awareness and self growth. That is evolution.

How do you block the good from coming into our life? When you force a situation that is not in alignment with you. Circumstances might be flowing in a certain direction but if you alter the course because you want to control, are impatient or greed it will delay what is supposed to come to you. Allow the sequence of events to flow , while focusing on your self development. You can not be someone else, so why compare? No one made you do anything, it is what we allow and decide. I.e. You can not force someone to love you, if it is meant to be it will work out. Allow situations to flow with ease and grace.

A true leader allows everyone the emancipation to have freedom and choice, to allow their creative potential to flourish and blossom. Remember, if something is not right for you at the period of time there will always be opposition. When the timing is right, everything will be balanced and aligned for your highest good.

Love has no limits or boundaries. Love is not control. Love is the most powerful force in the world.

Ask yourself these fundamental questions, “What aspect of me wants to remain dependent? controlled? powerless?”

What is occurring within us will be mirrored externally. If we feel powerless then you will keep attracting those that want to erode and diminish your freedom.

Always be in the position of higher awareness and empowerment for yourself and others. Stop. Think. Listen. Observe. Stop reacting to situations and act to rebuild yourself and create. There will always be obstacles, it is how we navigate them. Never give into negative emotions, rise above it. Encourage higher empowerment and growth for yourself and others.

Forgive — release — rebuild. Do not limit yourself. You matter. You are loved. You are accepted. You are important. You contribute many gifts and talents to this earth. Be brave and be the best version of yourself from this day forward. Discover and embrace who you are.