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The vibration of love and wisdom is the purest form of transformation, which affords one the opportunity to receive Universal support and divine love. When one reaches the metaphysical stage of assimilating and balancing the two dichotomies of the spiritual realm with the physical realm, they reunite with their path of self mastery and evolution. With great compassion, be guided by faith and hope rather than your phobias and fears. Our personal transitions, metamorphosis, and transformations enable us a solid foundation of inner peace, awareness, awakening, as we become the ambassadors and chancellors of divine presence. With mindfulness, honour and respect synchronicities, your challenges which foster your unprecedented spiritual growth, as you deepen your affinity and bond with humanity and beyond.
Our spiritual awakening enables us to release negative constructs, energies, and behaviours which serve as destructive agents and undertones of fear. Tension, agitation, anger, sadness, or our inability to recognize the good, or inattentive nature to nurture the soul or self, dismantles the soul, and does not encourage spiritual growth and expansion. To recognize and reflect on our positive and negative behaviours, choices, and the impact of the power of our thoughts, enables stability and awareness of how our actions manifest positive or negative outcomes. When we gain awareness and discover our inner strength within, we become focused and motivated to encourage positive change. When one becomes more methodical, meditative, diplomatic, neutral, and fosters love within, it enables us to surpass the boundaries of what confines our transformation and brings forth a clear sense of self. When we maintain balance within our lives, we live with purpose beyond ourselves, recognize the value of our connections, discern and evoke boundaries, and disconnect from addictions, actions, attachments, and beliefs that seek to dismantle our concept of unity within our lives. When you operate from a place of light, you honour and respect divine order and symbiosis, and act from a place of truth, enlightenment, and empowerment. When we take back control and accept responsibility for our own lives and existence, we then act with confidence, authentic genuine truth, to restore order within our environment. When we confront what intimidates us, analyze or observe the source of our pessimism, or acknowledge what causes us great disturbance or distraction, we then step into our power to seek resolutions rather than being reactionary actors shifted around on a game board.
Our life choices enable us to navigate and change our direction, as we reflect on methods of cooperation and reconciliation. When we live by unity, we break down visible and invisible barriers which causes divisiveness, chaos, separation, and polarization, into a place of diversity, and oneness. When we emancipate from energetic or emotional blockages which constitute as unresolved trauma, emotional stress, or destruction, we then free this energy which binds and depletes us. To reach your true potential, one must be open to guidance, wisdom, and advice from others to reach new elevated states of enlightenment and perspectives. When we act with integrity, truth, and do not compromise our inner compass, we are then more connected and engaged to encourage positive natural transformations. When you operate with what resonates with your heart, support and encourage the potential of others, you then live your divine purpose and mission. Always remain aspirational, encouraging, and enthusiastic about the future, and direct and navigate your path to facilitate the change that is needed.
When you honour your truth, essence, passion, state of being, you then discover the light within. When one transmutes what does not resonate with your existence, you effortlessly move towards your life path. Through initiatives, develop and foster inner strength and will within yourself and others, encourage leadership, purify your emotional blockages, and act out of faith rather than what paralyzes your state of being. Be decisive, protective of those that require your assistance, and move beyond circumstances that distort unity and connection, for our collective bonds and ties are what afford our hearts, minds, and souls, to open. Move beyond the fear and negative constructs, into a place of purification, higher knowledge and grounding. When we emancipate despair, sorrow, or grief, we then become open to the possibility of a greater future which collectively unifies humanity. Restore the faith within yourself, live and stand in your truth, be anchored in your light, protect, motivate, and live your purpose with courage and dignity. Serve humanity and seek innovative solutions which inspire, improve, and strengthen. Make a commitment to live by faith and hope in all aspects of your life.
To comprehend the deeper existential meaning of life, one must permit new developments to transpire to achieve a neutral peaceful perspective of self realization, be open to paramount growth, reach a spiritual maturity of adaptability, to then enable transformational rebirth of the self, and fluidly enable new developments to transpire and unfold in their infinite timings. When we set our sights on moving beyond knowing and the doing phase, we enter into a metaphysical contemplative state of awareness.
Our expansion fosters us new beginnings that enable balance, selflessness, trust, hope, faith, and the potential of choice, and most importantly wholeness within. To be deeply rooted within your faith, empowers and amplifies your efforts to assist humanity on a powerful scale, through your benevolence. You have the infinite capacity to foster change, development, when you lead by example. When one partakes in offering counsel and guidance throughout their life, it restores faith, instills hope, and enables inner wisdom to reign. With discernment, act with impartiality, seek a higher source of guidance, and discern with clarity what needs to be comprehended to overcome disturbances. Nurture and accept all aspects of yourself, and with openness, always act out of a place of love. To restore equilibrium, incorporate emotional healing, remove restraints on your internal need to suppress or compartmentalize the parts that destroy your soul to then usher in the release process, which then leads to a more harmonious state of being.
To be adaptable is to release the need to control the change which surrounds one’s very essence. To transition to an enlightened state of being, which is to be open to the metaphysical space of acceptance of our higher self, one must have courage to let go of all that has ever been known. Emotional security is only obtained through self love, as once we nurture ourselves through time and patience, we are then able to become resilient from emotional blockages and challenges to transcend and transform the self into the embodiment of strength.
Challenges force us to overcome, confront what causes us to feel insecure or destabilized, to enable us to honour and respect our bond with self, strengthen our bonds with others, to move out of anxiety into a balanced state of inner peace within. Moving beyond obstacles, challenges, and barriers, permits the soul to release what challenges you from creating, manifesting, or receiving what is needed within your life to foster change. If we remain within the realm of selfishness, egoism, insecurity, or fear, it may signify that we are unable to process, move beyond, or reach a state of stability of peace through forgiveness, to then receive new variations of stages which will lead to not only expansion of the mind but enable us to see the importance of positive change. Life is a sequence of constant change and unfolding experiences, that causes emotional upheaval, separation, despair or endings however, it enables us to recognize that we must overcome, persevere, adapt, build healthy foundations, and meaningful relationships, and a renewed sense of love for the self and others. Seek comfort through divine intervention, as it affords lasting peace, rather than temporary peace, as it removes what disturbs your peaceful state of mind.
Forgiveness is an intentional conscious act of acceptance, where we do not merely state that we will remain within the past confines of an outdated lesson, or enable the past to have power over our lives within the present. Acknowledge that change is necessary and inevitable, which enables one to move into a place of love, reconciliation, understanding, and compassion for another. We may not comprehend the reasoning for certain acts, but the more you remain in your presence, wish those that harmed you the opportunity and gift of change and reflection, we then overcome our obstacles and challenges and move into a place of where we do not want the misfortune for another, we want them to experience the emotional and mental maturity to grow from the experience to emancipate them from their karmic cyclical loops which they project. What stood as a testament of a period which questioned one’s strength of will, will inevitably be the key to one’s emancipation, as we enter into a phase, which sheds the old self and compounded layers of entrapment, to reveal a self that has become more open and acceptant to advance to a higher state of conscious expansion. Within your heart, with deep inner knowledge, accept what you cannot change, and stop trying to reason or bargain the experiences you have encountered, as some experiences will never translate the meaning, they just have to be experienced in totality. You must allow yourself the opportunity of self forgiveness for what you did not know in the past, and transform the anger, resentment, and regret into the knowledge that the cycle has closed. Remove the thorn, and embrace the assurance that your soul is free. Move towards your divine life purpose, as Universal direction will lead you to what is indicated and planned for you. Unresolved anger chains you to the situation, and destabilizes your heart from experiencing unconditional love and cosmic connections, therefore, make the conscious choice to release, to enable the other the opportunity to be set free, to learn how to operate and function rationally, logically, and peacefully. You must enable them to walk their own path, for their inner salvation to occur.
Spiritual, mental, and emotional maturity occurs when you purify your negative patterns, thoughts, and beliefs to then channel your focus towards joy and grace. Encourage your recovery with the inner knowledge that with positive expectations, faith, and hope you can overcome any impurities, disabilities, disadvantages, and mindsets that may have saturated your perspective on life. Focus on creative pursuits rather than reliving a cyclical cycle that has negatively impacted your sense of being. You have the strength to overcome. If a situation causes you to feel limitations, or creates an environment where you have to compromise your integrity, morality, or self worth, release it. Rise above falsehoods and fabrications that detaches. If an experience does not resonate or coincide with your moral judgment, you must cut your losses and move forward. If you do not have a role within another’s life, your presence is not valued or appreciated, or your consistent efforts to repair or salvage the situation have no remedy, acknowledge what is, and not what you want it to be. If another has consciously decided that their existence has more meaning without your involvement, accept the truth, acknowledge the facts, and extract the lessons. You do not have to be placed in a situation where you remain an option, or projected as a burden, your existence has meaning and worth, regain your self respect and dignity. You cannot change another, you can only control your reactions to a situation.
To live within the confines of being reactionary or survival based mindset hinders your growth, expansion, abundance, advancement, and development, from the recognition of the good, and destabilizes fluid transitions which enable catharsis. To reach equilibrium one must reflect, recognize the worth of their inner peace and balance, and the importance of having a strong spiritual foundation to foster harmonious cohesive existence. Once you recognize that safety and security are found within the self, and that you are Universally protected with divine love, it enables you the opportunity of purification from illusions, patterns, thoughts, habits, beliefs, that robbed you of your individual strength, inner guidance, or happiness and fulfillment. When you move beyond barriers, discouragement, phobias, or paralysis due to fear of the unknown, or uncertainty, you will regain order within your life.
Wisdom and guidance is obtained when we consciously live within the moment, patiently accept and move within the divine rhythm of what is to come. When one is situated within a place of joy, inner peace, and happiness, it neutralizes, and removes one remaining in the past, and allows inquisitive contemplative maturation to reign. When one is within the realm of hope, you become a champion of change, and are able to receive divine messages. Remain positive amidst the destruction process.
When we act from a place of sincerity, compassion, generosity, tenderness of heart, and strength of will, we become creative catalysts of change for the world around us. Operating from a place of empathy aligns, resolves, and expands the love within your heart. When we embrace new peaceful resolutions, it leads to new modes of thoughts and revelations on how to be a guardian rather than remaining in victimhood. When we raise our conscious state it enables us to operate from a place of unconditional love which dissolves fear, tension, and internal pain. When we act out of a place of mercy rather than judgment, we are then evoking our purest essence of purity, where we are led by our passions, positive pursuits for achievement, where we are then able to help another through their struggles, addictions, dysfunctional perspectives, with wisdom and gentle guidance. To be fully connected is to embrace social acceptance of all. To operate from a place of purpose, mission, inspiration, enhances our optimism, motivation, and outlook on life.
To operate out of a place of faith enables one to open their soul to personal truths and to honour their divine sacred gifts that they have been bestowed. When we face every situation from a place of truth and authentic genuine nature, we then honour and respect our inner sacred intuitive nature of being. When we act and operate from our truth, we then give ourselves the permission to be in a place of bravery and courage, to strengthen our spiritual development and uplift from actions of the highest good. Determination, focus, and discipline help one decipher their direction and assists with clarity within life, as we cannot operate from a distorted lens or outlook. Rationality enables us impartiality, which presents great awareness, insight, and ascertains truths of morality of what is right from wrong. Move beyond inner conflicts within your inner self, to reach enlightenment, and encourage an atmosphere for growth and expansion, which then leads to a place of alignment and balance. Engage in the intentional acts of reconciliation for yourself and others. To achieve divine peace and balance, you must operate from a vantage point that is higher than the problems that sequester your existence. Move beyond your fears, and doubts, into a place of truth, acceptance, forgiveness, and peace to encompass the gift of the power of change.
Through our involvement within the societal realm, we are able to encourage, motivate, and inspire others to move beyond their fears or paralyzed state of procrastination, to help them acknowledge their inner gifts and talents that are valuable to humanity and beyond. When we lead from a place of strength and determination of will and action, to achieve positive results and outcomes, it fosters collaboration and connection, to bring about unity and prosperous change for all. Lift the spirits of others, enable others to nourish their souls, and heal their spirits from any emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual turmoil or anguish with your support and presence. Oversee disadvantages and operate from a place of hope, direction, and faith. When we live our divine truths, operate from a place of authentic will, listen and observe synchronicities from the Universe, it enables us to reach our divine potential, harmony, and leads to the restoration of the soul. Embrace uncertainty, take a leap of faith into the unknown, and be a catalyst of change for all, as you choose peace over destruction. Within all of our hearts, embrace unconditional love for humanity through unity, as it transmutes, and has transformative powers. Within the mind state, “I choose peace.”