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The state of enlightenment enables one to ascertain and recognize, that our experiences, challenges, obstacles, achievements and accolades are more than our human experience, they are the arrows within our quiver, from where we derive our sacred wisdom. With moral integrity, responsibility, trust, fairness, hope, and respect, remain anchored in your light, as you navigate life. With resilience, perseverance, adaptiveness, and ingenuity, remain true to your roots, as you are divine, complete, whole, and one with all there is. The home and the security you seek, does not emerge from another, as it is only encountered within your conscious state of being, where you are reunited and found. Your relationship with yourself, is the most paramount and precious gift within all existence. Within the confines of your divine place of origin, you can never be detached or placed into a state of abandonment, as you are an integral part of the divine unity of being, which is fluid in nature, and sacred in essence. We are not lost, but found, and our intrinsic sovereign nature enables us to remain free, flexible, and unencumbered, as we remain true to who we are and what we do. When one remains open, unrestricted from illusionary burdens and impediments, our creative process and soul emerges, and within this state, our actions set into motion lasting impacts for generations to come. Beyond the conception of the individual state of mind, we are consciousness, awakened, aware, autonomous by natural design, self governing within the realm of the highest good, while remaining morally responsible, accountable, and transparent, as we act with moral duty rather than giving into illusionary primal fears, distortions, and desires. We are creativity in motion, paving the way for alternative modes of thought, as we spur innovation and ingenuity, which leads to greater understanding, comprehension and recognition, of our true purpose and divine mission.
When one experiences the process of detachment, individually we may experience a period of emotional withdrawal, despondence, and inability to fully engage and embrace vital connections which foster unity. To remain within the state of disunity, is to accept that one is nothing, a mistake, a burden, undeserving, unworthy, deserving of neglect, rejection, deprivation, and isolation. One then may remain within the confines of a deeply rooted metaphysical constructed fortress for protection, to not be susceptible to internal pain, experiences, uncertainty, or disturbances. To become distant and closed from the intimacy of love, friendship, or human connection, is to operate on autopilot, in an effort to seek sanctuary or refuge, to guard your sacred inner peace. For a minute, please reflect on these questions. What broke you? What caused you deep fragmentation to rescind the desire to be loved again? What broke your heart? What was the moment the world became unsafe to endure any further interaction? What did you have to sacrifice? What caused you internal deprivation that has harnessed the adopted perception that you deserve this? Beyond the need to seek a pleasant contrast to life’s difficulties, or to eclipse the deep pain within, curtail the natural reaction to become alone, detached, despondent, unresponsive, silent, and willfully set the intention to stop the process of retreating to protect your sacred peace within without support. What many might not comprehend is that within us, we are our own source of strength, abundance, shelter, and refuge. Within time we will learn to objectively reflect on our trajectories, love and trust again, and experience internal relief from our cosmic longing or pain as we embrace forgiveness from the actions of the past. Remain in the present, you cannot change the past, you can only control how you respond to life’s turbulences. Remain mindful that we are never lost, we just temporarily lost focus, became misguided as we enabled fear to reign. The core of our true foundation and structure, which provides all with a solid source of inner knowing, is the love and respect of self. To seek true alignment, you must begin to accept, trust, and love yourself in every aspect of your existence.
Our sacred connection with the self is paramount, as it is the source of our internal trust. Our compass is our inner innate wisdom within, that is derived from a peaceful state of mind, and deep inner reflection. When we lose ourself, we become a paradox of what we once were, temporarily fragmented at our core by karmic experiences. When despondence within the self reigns, our source of empathy for another erodes, as we become hollow vessels, devoid of compassion, allergic to attachment, and significantly altered from what we once were. Recognition of this state is vital to recovery, as we have to acknowledge the core root of our state of being. Every action has a reaction. When one separates the dichotomy of what is felt and experienced juxtaposed with the reality of the situation, true awakening and healing occurs. You have to remain present, true, and acknowledge the pain, to process and overcome, in incremental stages. Those who have experienced true loss, strife, suffering, despair, abandonment, and have lived through the heaviness of succumbing to the never ending tidal waves of experiences, have mastered the distinction of what it means to live or exist. Decipher the states of being alone from loneliness. Feeling alone is a reaction or symptom whereas, the reality of loneliness is an illusion, as support is always present during our state of despair. With a sensitive heart, recognize that those that have experienced fragmentation, can ultimately discern words from actions, see beyond the veil of deception, and have a keen sense of of awareness of what constitutes solidarity from betrayal. When the line has been crossed, how does one return to the state of enabling love, to receive the intimate gift of true connection, that they deserve? The answer is to remain open and to not be changed by your circumstances.
The ethos of strength is the ability to persevere, and to remain agile and adaptable, despite the odds. Resilience emerges when one is able to survive within an atmosphere that can change at will. You have to embrace the depths of primal fear, disturbances, displacement, disharmony, lack of cohesiveness, and uncertainty, to then seek a point of restoration, which enables unity, rooted in peace. Every individual has the innate ability to reformat, change, shape, inspire, and become a unique conceptualized design of their own making, instead of enabling your surroundings or environment to control, force conformity, to break one’s spirit, or to become malleable to its will. Always remain mindful, what you allow persists. It is within ourselves that we must seek comfort, and it is our inherent right to become decisive, distinctive, to experience Gaia’s unexpected glorious sequences, to receive education, abundance, and gifts of internal knowledge, which contribute to our lasting qualities which makes us unique, that enrich our lives and knowledge.
Never construct or build your life on the sorrows of others, as it is the greatest sin. Inhabitants of a society must experience prosperity rather than dystopianism, as harmony is the cornerstone of innovation and ingenuity. We create our reality based on love not destruction. A society that merges synergetic energy of imagination and innovative strategies, fosters and creates cohabitation, unity, and collaboration. When we operate from a new pallet or a new perspective, we cease to replicate structures of the past which operate from existing parameters or foundations, and begin to reimagine a new paradigmatic shift, which pays honour and homage, to antiquated traditions, while integrating modern contemporary approaches.
Immerse yourself in what surrounds you. Be comfortable within silence and deep reflection, and enable your source of energy to emerge from the serene. Contemplate, imagine, brainstorm, and foster creativity within. When we eradicate our long binding cascading cycles, we then become open to explore new dimensions and methods of being. Ask yourself, “Can you allow yourself to just be?.” Presence is our true power, and it enables us to detangle from compressed heavy mindsets and programming, that we have been operating from in cyclical outdated loops. Our essence of being is determined by how seamlessly we approach life, which means, we must remain fluid and adaptable, and approach all endeavours with openness, sincerity, and curiosity. Give yourself the permission to integrate into a diverse environment, rather than remaining encircled in what is convenient or safe. A life that is intolerable, miserable, and fearful, cannot be sustained, as we as humans require true connections, not just mere periphery, superficial, or surface level relationships. We require true love of self, faith in others, and the ability to live with purpose and determination. Which gives way to another deeper question, “Are you seeking shelter or a focal point to begin your internal adventure into the unknown?.”
When one embraces the divine process and journey of adventure, it enables the essence of self discovery and the awareness of the world around us. Implement, manifest, and envision your purpose within the mind, and allow life to be a source of guidance, beyond meticulous calculated plans. Operate from a place of tranquility, seek integration within your surroundings, and converge in perfect harmony within your environment. When one becomes proactive, decisive, focused, sets their sights and priorities with true intention coupled with the action of will, it sets into motion, the space to eliminate distractions and distortions of the mind, while cultivating a comprehensive awareness with peaceful contemplation and intention. Operating from the heart, erodes our internal fears, and ushers in faith, hope, and insight. Life enables us to become immersed in the splendour that surrounds us, granting us unlimited opportunities, with a silent permission, to adjust, choose, and change our path, to awaken, ascend, and to become aligned with our internal compass within. You are the fortified force that is engineered to endure any obstacle that you may encounter. Our precious memories and moments that we experience, enables us to value, cherish, and honour time, while learning that one’s life’s path has undeniably changed or transformed, while cultivating and stewarding, innate inner strength and adaptiveness. Only by rising above our ruins of dilapidated conditions, do we emerge empowered and resilient, which enables us to act with purpose and determination, to foster and enable change to reign. Within your sanctuary, maintain noble values, which balance the purity of peace with power. Remain true to your core moral principles, remain whole and anchored in your light, and adhere to a strong authentic genuine moral code of responsibility and respect for all.
Elisabeth Babarci is a Canadian Empowerment Coach. Elisabeth’s humanitarian efforts throughout her entire life, ongoing training and education by certified professionals, and life experiences has enhanced her comprehension and understanding of how to help others become strong, resilient, and empowered. Elisabeth’s main focus is helping clients with empowerment and recovery from trauma. In advising and guiding her clients on how to cope with constant change in unstable environments to safe environments, allows the establishment of balance, inner peace, forgiveness, and equilibrium. Elisabeth’s goal is to help individuals acknowledge their inner strength, rehabilitate, restructure, rebuild, and reclaim their power to move forward in life. Elisabeth has direct experience with overcoming challenges and is dedicated and determined to seeing individuals become adaptive and resilient. WWW.BABARCI.COM
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