“When you love someone, you love the person as they are and not as you’d like them to be”​ — Tolstoy

Many individuals including myself at one period of time have interacted with emotionally unavailable individuals or those I call “confused”. The key is to identify the root cause as to why this occurs in the first place and establishing healthy boundaries.

If someone is “confused” or exhibiting red flags that they are not ready for commitment, please listen and respect their decision.

Brutal truths:

A. They see no future with you as a partner

B. They are seeing someone

C. They want their cake and eat it too

D. They are emotionally unavailable

E. It is not a priority for them at the current moment

F. They are healing or recovering from a past relationship

G. Wrong timing for both parties

If someone is important to you or you are important to someone there will be no guessing, no games, they will make you a priority in their life. When someone wants to establish a solid foundation, roots, and wants to find their perfect person they will make space for them.

Everyone deserves their time, space and pace to create the life that is right for them. Do not take anything you heart, move forward.

As I advise all my clients, learn what makes you uniquely you, be yourself, allow the process to unfold as it should.

If you feel intuitively that you are being dismissed, ignored, wasting your time, please STOP … 👏 move 👏 forward 👏 with 👏 your 👏 life. Life is too previous to waste.

State your intentions clearly at the beginning and ask your love interest what they want to achieve. Everyone values honesty and the truth. Once trust is lost, it can not be recovered.

Get to know who you are. If someone demonstrates who they are please everyone accept and respect that. Everyone has their limits and what they are willing to accept. Place no judgment and do not waste time on someone who is making you an ➡️ option ⬅️.

Please respect yourself and love yourself to understand that you ➡️ deserve ⬅️ to find who is ➡️right for you⬅️. When you love yourself internally, it will be mirrored externally. Be open to love and happiness.

If it did not work out, respect that, be friends, move on and be happy your life again. You deserve the best.

Remember, drop the anger, and resent, if they are demonstrating to you that there is no room for you in their life, please believe it. Accept 👏 and 👏 move 👏 forward.