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In a world of interconnectivity, one must always remain loyal and true to their ethics and principles. One of the greatest measure of truth and honourability within character is our ability to form trusted allegiances with those who stand by our side in our moments of greatness and the pivotal periods within our life where our endurance is tested to its limits. When we as a collective engage and stand strong in unity, faithfulness, truth, and renounce a mercenary stance to desert, betray, or undermine another, our unwavering devotion, allegiance, and solidarity is demonstrated and outlined in our dedication to protect and serve those that we cherish, love, respect, and admire. This form of allegiance can be placed in the form of family such as a guardian or parent, friendship that has spanned ebbs and flows of challenges over time, mentorships, colleagues, a beloved pet, teachers, partnerships, or a mere moment of demonstration of making the conscious choice to do what is needed within a critical period of juncture of time. When one demonstrates a character of reliability, dependability, honourability, honesty, consistency, keeps their words, discrete on sensitive matters, and will always remain true, that is the true litmus test for a strong foundation for not only friendship but also represents a spiritual alliance that is for one’s highest and greatest good of all.
A connection, bond, union, or alliance is usually based on an association between two parties who have a shared interest, or one that is based on unconditional love or unity where two souls are supportive, mutually respectful, and the bond proves to be based on a knowledge and understanding that they are safe and secure within the connection. Enabling and engaging in these deep connections fosters our heart, mind, and spirit to open as we open ourselves to become vulnerable and place our trust and comfort in another. In my opinion, our connections are based on more than a reason, season, or lifetime, they represent an opportunity for our souls to expand, to foster growth within our groups, and to enable us to see another’s perspective through their lens of kaleidoscopic trajectories beyond our experience. When we open our soul to the possibility of becoming vulnerable, it enables the heart to feel, respond, heal, and even radiate profound love for another beyond our own construct. As we embark on new trajectories, journeys, experiences, circumstances we then collaborate with others based on a common purpose, a profound awakening, or a powerful lesson, or eternal connections. No connection is by accident, we all serve a major purpose within the lives of others. Coalitions and partnerships are the moral backbone which enhances society. When we work together as one, we are united. To have a society which fosters an amalgamation of histories, stories, experiences, and wisdom, enhances the structure from within, as we can all learn from one another. We are much stronger together than we can ever be apart. When we are closely linked, our collaborative efforts enhance the existence of life itself.
The one common misconception that many experience in their human existence is the illusion that they are alone within this world. Feeling lonely does not mean you are alone — they are two completely different dichotomies. One might argue that within a relationship due to mistreatment, misalignment, miscommunication, no mutual respect, or having the experience of love with ingrained restrictive conditions can make you feel silenced, unseen, alone, more than not engaging in a partnership itself. When we are faced with the choice to choose what is for our highest good, our greatest alignment, our purpose, our path, we must take into account the actions of another rather than the spoken word. Be aware to not partake in illusions of a fake future, always look for concrete examples if the individual is there for you in your time of need, when you feel the world is closing in, when you experience despair, misfortune, or cruelty because it is easy to be present in times of greatness as many will form alliances as it will serve their self interest but to stand with another during turbulence reveals the soul that understands solidarity. Our unity is our greatest strength, and defines our character. Our actions and our unique individual signature frequency echoes beyond our experiences and will be mirrored back within time, as karma is the greatest educator in our existence. If one does not stand loyal, true, or demonstrates a character that can be easily swayed due to a temptation of a moment, it signifies dissent, dishonesty, disloyalty, and will only amount to destruction and treachery in the worst form. You will always know another’s true intention by how they react in your time of need, our presence and time is the most sacred gift we can provide to another and when that is not present, that is the truth, and our truth is what we stand by. Never reconstruct a circumstance or romanticize disloyalty. Rejection is redirection, and is infinite universal protection from above, as it reveals what we may have been blind to see or refuse to acknowledge. Our awakening can only occur when we dissolve illusions and disengage with imagination of what we want for acceptance of what is. Do not get entangled in cycles of lies, always remain in your truth, and give yourself the permission to see beyond the veneer. When you encounter a true partnership, your actions will be synchronized and will form symbiosis, it will not matter the time or distance between you or another, you will always be closely linked and attached as your bond is a unified front and is a true unbreakable sacred bond. If you have not encountered such a friendship or partnership like this, please know, it will come when it is needed or when it is divinely timed for we are meant to nurture, love, and cherish one another as we are collectively linked throughout time and space.
A true mentor, friend, partner, or guardian will give you the freedom to decide your own path without infringement. The power to allow another to pursue their greatest goals, desires, or accomplishments is undeniably unconditional love. When you release the reigns of control, allow the other to feel true sovereignty, emancipation, the purest freedom for the first time, to truly express or to be who they are at their core without restraint, you reach an elevated status where you have unwavering faith in their abilities to succeed, no matter what challenges or obstacles they encounter. A union that stands the test of time will never compare, keep tally, or keep tabs, the union has a silent understanding based on compassion, respect, and loyalty that no matter what the other will encounter they will be there for them in their time of need and be present in all that they encounter and experience. When we sequester ourselves, become divided, are not open to new forms of companionships, and resist change, we deny ourselves the privilege of understanding what it means to be united, a collective, as one. Beyond age, beyond our sexual orientation, our physical form, we can connect on different levels based on our experiences. For example, one that honours and respects their elders wisdom will learn from past generational mistakes, one that might have experienced abandonment may have the opportunity to experience profound love with another that represents the true version of the divine masculine or divine feminine, and one that has always encountered destruction and war, might be given the privilege of meeting another who has immense innocence when it comes to the world, who encompasses inner peace, a genuine forgiving nature, purity of heart, and honours the value of peace within all realms of life. The disturbances we encounter within can be healed by another demonstrating to us another way of being and life. If we deny the opportunity to change, we will remain stagnated within this lifetime deprived of experiences which are essential for our evolutionary growth. Only through experience do we obtain profound wisdom. Human connection should not be based on the here and now, or disposable mindset, because when we nurture and value another, it enhances the lifespan and existence for all. When we consciously plant the seeds that develop new paths to flourish, we envision, create, and construct, a greater future for all. When we feel love at a deep level, it enables us to feel secure, safe, and free to express ourselves at a delicate vulnerable level. To share a life with another is a precious gift that we must cherish.
To encompass peace in the presence of conflict, enables us to all remain anchored in our light, and through our interactions we learn how to be honourable, respectful, united, the power of time and our presence in another’s life, and most importantly equality. When we forgive one another, open our hearts, we then enable our soul to redefine love not from a misguided perspective but from a place of acceptance, tolerance, inclusiveness, and balance within. Our presence, our time, our words, our actions, can heal generational traumas, internal pain, to reach an elevated state of forgiveness for ourselves and others. Our actions create impact and impart vast wisdom on those whose lives we touch at an intricate level. When we offer our support, compassion, empathy, understanding without judgment we build fortified societies that can withstand the test of time.
When you experience a moment of indifference, displacement, loss, injury, or internal pain, or where you feel you need to create walls to enable stronger boundaries, ask yourself, when you were an infant, did you have current knowledge of your existence being bad or good? Was the illusion that the world was not safe to co-exist in ingrained into your conscious state of mind or a learned patterned behaviour? Did you believe in endless opportunities? Did you believe in your ability to set your mind to any task at hand without fear that something could go in the opposite direction? If you were within the arms of a dear loved one, what words of encouragement would they have for you in this present time? Be mindful of what you accept, tolerate, or blindly accept as universal truth. You set your own moral and ethical precedence, standards, and practices. You have an internal obligation and duty to fulfill your divine purpose. Only through experience, do you recognize what is in alignment within your life. Our past generational ancestors built their lives on the foundation of hope, with a strong persevering will to excel despite what was thrown at them. You owe it to yourself and those within your soul tribe or previous generational lines to become courageous. To encompass faith and hope, to be open to challenges for your evolutionary growth, to change and alter your perception and perspective to enable enhanced wisdom, and to choose to represent strength and resilience as you proceed forward despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement, is true solidarity to yourself, for you have faith in your own wings. Believe in yourself, give yourself the time, presence, and trust to form connections, your heart is built to experience unprecedented and unconditional love. Beyond yourself, always keep in mind, you ignite the change in another to see their worth, value, and their purpose. Maintain determination, and consciously choose to encompass a continued effort to enhance the lives of others around you. Stay anchored in your light, be true to yourself, foster genuine authentic connections, and radiate your inner light from within.