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Resurrection of the true self occurs when you break free from convention, tradition, cognitive repetition of clogging the mind with distractions. When we refuse to pause, stay within the comfort of the rabbit fur, and remain frozen in our steps we fail to acknowledge the self imprisonment that we have imposed upon ourselves. When we embrace movement within stillness, meaning we seek deep reflection before we act, we then are more calculated within our approach, while encompassing and balancing observation with mindfulness. A true love will present you with the gift of awakening of self for they mirror your soul and unveil the depths of what you must examine, confront, change, and recover from.
To be a wild free spirit, our allegiance is hard won, and we have to be difficult to tame. It requires great restraint to not fold under turbulence. Our closest allies are those that must reflect our true authentic nature with firm loyalty, brutal honesty, and the ability to challenge us consistently to maintain peak performance. When you are challenged it is an act of love, for the other wants you to evolve to new heights. Testing your endurance is a spiritual gift and emancipates you from the fear of the unknown or uncertain. Only by forging ahead do you understand your limits of what you can overcome. If you do not permit challenges, turbulence, and oscillation, how then will you improve? It is through our difficult periods that we truly rise and overcome. In periods of uncertainty we then shape and create bold solutions and place emphasis on unprecedented acts of bravery. To be courageous, we must persevere despite the odds. To be unparalleled does not mean we are unrivalled, our contenders are those who mirror our polar opposite attributes that we have to face to advance to higher altitudes within our spiritual expansion.
When we set our expectations, ambitions, and standards upon life, we then regain the reigns of control of our destiny. Through effort, focus, and dedication do we take pride in our accomplishments. There is no substitute for placing your attention on maintaining and working towards your goals. What matters to us sets precedence and what is not a priority is often not paid attention to.
Within human existence there is a desire and need to possess and attain. The truth of the matter lies within the knowledge and awareness that to control or place a hold onto another is depriving them of their freedom. To love is to evoke respect, appreciate, and to allow the other to develop in their own divine time. Love does not constrain, it enables the other to experience metamorphosis while being patient and understanding. Two souls merging is a process of enabling the other to grow without curtailing their experience, it is a reciprocal process of balancing strengths with weakness while permitting new adventures and experiences for their continued education and learning process. To be mindful, considerate, protective, respectful without condition enables both souls to fuse with balance. Enhancing a partners strengths, introducing another to new modes of thinking, while illuminating their light within fosters true connection and mutual advocacy. The meeting of the minds not only stands the test of time but is more powerful than physical connection. A soulmate is one that is in tandem and rhythm with your hearts desires, one that celebrates your life and milestones while gently and silently offering assistance while respecting boundaries. Love is freedom, not control. This sacred connection is unlike others for it is not accustomed to stifle growth, its aim is to enhance pure alignment that leads to spiritual expansion.
To become perseverance in motion, and to be a hero or mentor to others, one must save themselves first to navigate the chaos within any environment. To reclaim your power, sacred inner peace, and strength one must first master unconditional love of self for we must not negate our own internal needs. To repair oneself is to recognize that we are complete, healed, and whole, and that we are not our experiences or the body, we must recognize what wounds have etched deep within our soul and to prioritize our recovery. Only through learning about the delicate intricacies of our moral fabric through healing are we then ready to help another. Once one recognizes and realizes that they are already all they need to be they become self aware of how you are complete, whole, and one with all there is. As you heal, your environment resets and restores to match your frequency, vibration, and energy within. Engage in progressive reinforcement of recognition of all that you are grateful and appreciative for, for these gifts are a reminder that you are universally supported in every endeavour. Be willing to be open to change, to put yourself out into the world, to maintain your independence while taking risks to become the best version of yourself. Maintaining consistency, determination, and becoming your own intrinsic force is essential to your development, recovery, and ascension. Enable your personal expression to shine, create, and set the intent for positive impact on everyone that encompasses you.
Within the recovery process it is essential to experience pure catharsis where we purify the soul of negative thoughts, beliefs, patterns, cycles, and old modes of stagnated methods that have impeded our progress. When we take accountability and begin to analyze our past actions we then place into perspective who we are and who we desire to become. Only by seeking council, learning through our mirrored experiences through karmic interactions do we fully become aware of our core wounds and fragments. It is essential to be honest, realistic, and create sustainable goals that are not only manageable but represent and promote healthy habits. Our negative behaviours create emotional turmoil and our outbursts represents our traumatic experiences that we might have repressed or suppressed. To explore what harms your soul is to open yourself to a stage of vulnerability to analyze what may cause you potential risks within the future. Our wounds, scars, bruises of the ego, or ego itself is what needs to come to peace. We can not undo the past however, we have been given the divine choice to not partake in what causes further destruction. The way we handle our care, what we accept about ourselves is what others will adopt. When we assess our emotions, our past actions instruct us about how we handle matters and if we allow emotions to get the best of our nature. To control the mind is to master the self, and to regulate our emotions is to be mindful of how our actions will cause harm to others. Be gentle with the mistakes you have made, and seek peaceful resolutions for the future. To be real is to acknowledge our part in the situation, and to recognize and extract the lesson to help others along their paths. Life is ever changing, and is finite, we can not waste our previous years on negative emotions such as resent, anger, regret, or shame. Learn from your actions, and make the active choice to make better decisions. Seek justice rather than revenge.
Reflect on this quote whenever you question your sanity. “The Universe will never give you peace in something you were never meant to settle in.” — Unknown.
Maintain your individualism in all facets of your life, for your creative spirited expression leads to new transformations. Just like a snowflake, although it is intricate and complicated within its design, it can not be replicated in the same manner even though they are comprised of the same elements, their sacred geometric shapes are all constructed differently. Nature embraces abundance of forms therefore, humans should incorporate this ideology within their daily lives meaning, no matter our shape, form, or diverse nature, we all can coexist in harmony within Gaia. Nature does not focus on competition, or perfection, it embraces all within.
Mindfulness of inclusivity creates harmony within our external environments. When one becomes a catalyst of change to promote multilateral relations at every level, communities become strengthened with a strong moral and balanced character. When we foster an inclusive society we build sustainable relationships that stand the test of time. Mutual respect, coexistence, and interconnected efforts foster respect, understanding, patience, where individuals are valued, accepted, and included. When we reinforce and promote teamwork we then become a global culture of unity.
Henry David Thoreau once stated “The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” This quote is paramount for our human existence as it states to never lose you faculty of wonder and to place high importance on seeing what is the hidden truth. By not remaining ignorant, to be open to new interpretations, we then fully see and recognize the meaning and purpose. Only by remaining on the periphery do we examine internally. So often we respond without thought, or we choose to reply without listening however, is this a thoughtful respectful approach? What do you feel would be the accuracy if we chose to not observe, investigate, or ignored our instinct or intuition? How reliable is information if we allow our emotions to colour our judgement. Our past can dictate or control the actions of our present or future and can influence how we perceive with a literal, figurative, or metaphoric approach whereas, true growth stems from remaining in a state of innocence or purity where we do not allow the past to govern or manifest the results of the future. We define and can control our actions, visions, goals, manifestations and intentions by simply remaining mindful of the art of stillness — once we slow down the brain process to see each sequence as profound moments that are like a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative, however, once we question, what is the true meaning or analyze without placing judgement do we finally arrive at an answer that if well contemplated represents true focus and care. We can not act with judgement for if we act on past results, we will never arrive at the truth. Release all mental, emotional, and spiritual constructs, and view each experience as a fresh perspective, which will then enable us to arrive at a more informed and balanced decision. Education can only take you to a certain point, but to live an experience opens our senses and mind to new perceptions, new methodologies, and ushers us to exit our comfort zones. To be truly be impartial one has to learn the art of applying new skills and knowledge, adapting to new situations or events to foster growth. You can never change within your comfort zone, dare to see beyond.
Place value on moments not objects. Our experiences shape and enhance our perspective and observation about life. Moments prove to be critical as it stands to create our relationships and connections. A moment can change everything in a blink of an eye, or can lead to great awakenings. Take time to value the time you have been given, experience the simple pleasures such as engaging in imagination, or to regain your curious nature. It is never too late to learn a new habit, hobby, or perspective. We have unlimited time to evolve. Only through experience do we shift our realities. Marvel at new discoveries and remain inquisitive, innovative and enable your sense of wonder and awe. You are born with many senses, utilize them. The art of wander fosters nostalgia. The key to adventure is you never have to explain your behaviour, you live, not simply exist. Count your blessings, embrace your independence, travel, and become self reliant, and self sufficient. Only you can become a courageous warrior within, dare to change by veering from your regular chosen path.
Remain curious, and engage in the innocent art of faculty of wonder to unleash your creativity to rise to new altitudes of the mind. By being persistent and determined on your self recovery and self development, while remaining true to your moral judgement and moral integrity, you will become effective in navigating life. The more open and fluid you remain in your approaches, the more you will act with a desire and passion to learn and experience Gaia’s magnificence. We are born to explore, to venture into unknown paths, to uncover our inner truths to unveil our connection to all there is. Consistently yearn to discover, go beyond the parameters of the norm, and form a deep connection with self, for you are the most constant element in your existence. As F. Scott Fitzgerald stated “We all have souls of different ages.”