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Christmas embraces, celebrates, and symbolizes the inner light within, as light triumphs over darkness. During this period of gathering and deep spiritual connection, one experiences existential examination about their role and relationship within the world and with a higher power which is God. What is paramount is the altruistic spirit which transcends material possessions, fosters lasting memories, and develops and creates a deep awareness and selfless concern for the welfare of others beyond themselves. The warmth of Christmas is love, at its purest form, and a willingness to seek higher meaning of how to encompass and achieve peace on earth. It is a time of honouring christ consciousness, as Jesus demonstrated great ascended mastery of love, hope, and joy for all, which enabled others renewed strength, unconditional forgiveness, self love, and enhanced an awakening of the celebration of life. It is a time of reciprocity, placing others needs before your own, deep reflection on one’s own actions, and a spirit of giving and remaining proactive to serve your community, for a higher good. When we strengthen our morals and core beliefs to care for another, it subdues self doubt and fear from within through optimism and unconditional love. The spirit of Christmas encompasses reuniting with family, celebrating sacred religious traditions, illuminating your surroundings with a festival of lights, altruistically engaging in charitable acts and efforts, such as volunteering, raising funds, or selflessly donating your time and support, which fosters and enhances unity. Our interconnectedness is our sacred connection and gift to a higher power and our community. Our true purpose is to contribute to the world, through acts of appreciation, gratitude, compassion, empathy, wisdom, and truth. May this Christmas season bring you light, hope, and peace, and may you feel the warmth of love within every aspect of your life, as you are divinely protected and blessed.