As we all stand united as a collective, we embrace our strengths through the positive periods and the challenging times.

We are all one — remember, support everyone around you. You have the capacity to give love and healing energy to those in need. Stand in your power and help those that need or require your assistance.

Always remember, you are your own source of happiness. You are also a role model to many known and unknown individuals.

Fundamental freedom is only achieved once we release all of the negative emotions that we have stored and find within ourselves to move forward through the process of forgiveness.

You are stronger than you can ever believe. Never allow anyone determine what you can achieve, think, or have the ability to do. You always have unlimited potential.

Be supportive of those that enhance our safety and security.

Understand and acknowledge that you always have a fundamental role in the change process. Change starts with you within, what you want to achieve is possible. Allow yourself the time to engage in the activities that make you feel powerful and embrace the joy that will balance your heart centre.

We are all warriors of the light. We stand with one another to offer support, assistance, love, and warmth.

Release all fears and acknowledge that you are in the here and now. Nothing matters more than the present moment. You can not control what occurs around you but you can control your reactions to situations. Always question, always learn, always grow with your experiences and release what is not needed. You are stronger than your past experiences, rise above them. Embrace the change and take the leap of faith that the new will be better than the old. Old structures crumble to create more stronger ones.

See beyond the illusions. Always engage your faculty of wonder. You are capable of more than you can ever imagine. Do not allow anyone to limit your potential. Do not allow the fear of being stung keep you from doing what is right. Do not allow uncertainty and negativity throw you off of your game. Get back in the ring. You got this! You can always achieve the best version of yourself. Shift your mindsets and acknowledge that you can achieve anything.

You can achieve anything. Move beyond your limitations. Face yourself and what is stopping you. Move beyond expectations and be the best version of yourself. You are responsible for you. You determine your life.

For anyone that you know that is feeling weak be their strength. Your compassion, time, and effort is always appreciated. Do what you feel intuitively is right and stand up for what you believe in.

If you are in a position to make a difference in someone’s life, be the impact that they require. Remember you are a role model, a hero, an inspiration in someone’s eyes. You have the ability to be the light that beams in all that surrounds you. You will always be valued, loved, and appreciated.

Take some time to be with your loved ones. Let them know you are present. You need to be the strongest element to help them in their daily lives through the good and the bad.

Reach out, connect, love everyone around you. You have the capacity to love without boundaries.

Love is the strongest gift you can give to someone in need. Encourage them. Bring the people you love strength not fear, happiness not sorrow, and demonstrate that you can prevail despite the odds.

Set a new tone and help others that need you. We are made to support and care for one another. You have the power and the knowledge to change any situation into a positive one.

Be you and love without limitation. Many Blessings!